Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Stress, Self Esteem, Trust

In order to stabilize myself and run my life I have to realize that things are as stressful as I permit them to be. I can dwell on them, repeating them in my mind and I get more and more depressed. Toxic thoughts cause stress and are hard to control unless one deliberately replaces the negative thoughts with the positive. A favorite bible passage usually works. The Lord will perfect all that concerns me (Psalm 138:8). Fill your mind with it. Every negative thought must be fought. Refuse to dwell on the situation and the situation diminishes.
Another way to handle stress is to have a quiet time with God. In times past work and it's rewards were more important than God. Family time was left unattended to. Yes,  run run run, and all for the promise of what, a paycheck ? Yes we all do it. We are to have balance as well.  I did it for all the regular reasons, house,car, food (lol). Dread of being  unemployed, etc.
God says develop a relationship with Him and He will provide--for everything.  That is what the quite time with Him is for.
Being creative is another way to stop stress. One must take that time to create. Cook, paint,  write, sculpt.  Any creative thing. It is as important as eating correctly.
Exercise, each day. It eliminates toxins, oxygenates the brain. I couldn't get any benefit from it for the longest time because I had no energy from eating the wrong foods all the time.  Allergic reaction to foods and the increased inflammation  from that caused and still causes fatigue.
God has given me the message that I am to take care of my physical health first and right next to that, not below it, my closeness to Him. If I do this and not worry about anything else He will provide and I will proser.
Self esteem is related to stress in that the amount of things that I get done, the higher my self esteem sores. But the more I get done the more tasks I  take on.   Pushing myself to do more causes more stress.    Catch 22. That is what I am working on constantly. Why do I have to obtain self love from working myself to death. Knowing that I am alright with out the always run run attitude is the answer. God says that I am more than all of this. He loves me and has a plan just for me, and He will put the plan in place at the time of His choosing.
Trust is another component in the mixture. Trust God to do what He says He will do.  He will protect you, loves you, wants only good for you. After prayer, discussion with friends, you must trust yourself, your vision, and when God answers you, trust that answer.


Lavender in the grape seed morning oil makes me too relaxed. Shows me how sensitive I am to stuff coming in through the skin.

Heavy metals increases mold!

I have seen a video in Dr. Isaac's that states that heavy metals hold mold to the body. I have been investigating that yeast turns into mold in the body.

VNS pain

The VNS implant causes about a seven on scale of ten of pain. This has been going on now for almost eight months. As I heal the pain increases.
There were times when I first got the device that even with the medications and the device I had severe depression. But at that time the device was at a low level. The device was gradual ly turned up, but the depression would stop only temporally. I happened to notice that the device would hurt less at times. These times would turn out to be the times that I was enduring allergic reactions to foods or others stressors such as chemicals, environmental stuff.

Sent from my iPad

No Pillow!!

May 12th or around that time I began a sleeping technique that involves no pillow, but just a support for my neck, and trying to just sleep on my back. The support is a wooden dowl rapped in hand towels for padding. This aligns the spine as much as possible during sleep. This was suggested to me over a year ago, and now I am rededicating my efforts. As I am teaching Dave these things, I am reiterating many things that I was told at that time.

Rolling back pack

I started using a rolling back pack  on may 14. Dr dan had told me a year an a half ago. Space to store it at work stopped me. It was cumbersome on the shuttle at work. So I stopped it then. But with Dave's commitment to do it and my support of his efforts, I have rededicated myself to the effort.

Relatives sensitive to drugs as well

My mom is as sensitive to foods and drugs and outside things like cleansers  as I am. Two doses of a drug to stop diarrhea and she fell into a deep depression. So keep in mind that sensitive systems tend to run in families, and drugs, foods, chemicals intended for other purposes may cause depression or other things that they weren't intended to.

Magnesium to sooth and relax!

Magnesium to sooth and relax!

April 22

I have been for sometime using a mixture of Tea Tree oil and grape seed oil. It felt great on my skin and I felt great inside as well. The  Tea tree oil was helping mental clarity and helping with the fungus that is growing on my skin across my chest.  The  magnesium powder was to relax the muscles. I believe that it is working. I get a sense of well being and clarity when I use it.  The brand of magnesium powder is Peter Gillham's Natural Calm. Grape seed oil is just the 365 brand from Whole Food. Any Tea Tree oil should work.

May 18

I added lavender to the mixture above and I could not take it. The effects of relaxation was just to much between the magnesium and the lavender. Maybe just at night.

Sent from my iPad

Thought Bubbles:Connection with God

 I think that to be successful in fighting depression I must have connection with God. Not just a mouthing of it, but a true heartfelt trust that I am truly loved by Him. Forgiven, cared for, strengthen by Him. That I am more than the problems that I face.
I have to have a support system around me.
Spiritual relationship with God
Physicians that want to heal me, not just sustain me on drugs.
Family that understands that it isn't just the blues that I am fighting.
I fight everyday.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Heart to Heart with Holley, Inspirational Blog

I believe...

Posted: 30 May 2011 08:27 AM PDT
Sunflower photo by skyseeker {flickr creative commons}I believe today will be a good day because God made it.
{Psalm 118:24}
I believe I have all I need to accomplish His purpose in my life.
{2 Peter 1:3}
I believe nothing is too difficult for me because nothing is impossible for the God who lives in me.
{Philippians 4:13}
I believe even the biggest challenges in my life can be redeemed for my good and His glory.
{Romans 8:28}
I believe I am loved just as I am and called to become even more like Jesus every day.
{Hebrews 10:14}
I believe that He isn't finished with me yet and is able to complete the good work begun in me.
{Philippians 1:6}
I believe I am an overcomer, more than a conqueror, and nothing will keep God from carrying out His plans!
{Romans 8:32-39}
 Can I get an "amen" or a "woo-hoo"?

Heart to Hear with Holley, Inspirational Blog

Heart to Heart with Holley: If I could whisper to your heart today...

This is what I'd say--
You're loved more than you know, more than you see, more than you've even dared to dream.
{Psalm 103:11}
No matter how it may feel, you've got a purpose and God's got a plan.
{Jeremiah 29:11}
We only get one YOU and what you have to offer the world is good. 
{Genesis 1:31}
Whatever has happened this week, it's going to be okay and you are too. Promise.
{Romans 8:28}
Then I'd buy you a cup of coffee or tea or a hot fudge sundae with extra cherries on top and listen hard to what your heart has to share back.
And what would you say?

Pesticide in the House Update

I have been looking for a type of pesticide that I could use in the house. I found this site locally. Dr. Dan has looked it over and says that he would recommend it.

"This website is exactly what I've been looking for! It looks like they are
hitting the bullseye. Thank you so much for researching and sending...i will
be certain to share with patients..."Dan Yachter, Chiropractor, Lake Mary


Chris Fabry Interviews Chonda Pierce

I called the radio show Chris Fabry Live yesterday. I got through on the third try. I thought it was a miracle that I got to speak to the producer. Chris was interviewing the comedian Chonda Pierce who suffers from depression and I wanted to let her know that there is a way to help with depression through the diet, detox, and other things covered in this blog. So this is the email that I wrote today to follow up the call yesterday.

Hi Chris,
I just wanted to follow up on a call I made to your producer yesterday on April the seventh. I have suffered from depression all my life. But the last few years I have taken a more positive turn. And I wanted the person Shandra that you were interviewing to know of my path in order to help her, and anyone that might want to listen and read about it. I was so passionate about it, that I may have sounded somewhat "looney" to your producer. 
Like your fight with mold (which I think I need to investigate for myself), I have been fighting depression all of my adult life. I have narrowed it down to food allergies, chemical sensitivities, hormonal problems. Yeast and mold as well. In 2008 I was implanted with a VNS device. It was originally made for epileptics, but depressives respond to it as well. For the short time period that insurance covered the surgery, I was implanted. Insurance may not cover the cost now. It was the first really joy that I had experienced in a long time, perhaps for a life time. But all was not over. For I continued on with the medications and the device until January 25, 2010. I had been dieting for one year at that time. Not just for losing weight, but to correct  the chemical make up of my body. I have been off of medications for 14 and a half months. Still on the VNS device.  I still suffer when I eat or drink something that I can't tolerate. But I was reborn into Christ on Oct. 23, 2010. This has help me immensely. The bible passage that has helped me the most is Psalm 138:8. "The Lord will perfect that which concerns me." So I found Moody Radio around that time and have been listening to you and the station daily. For it is a daily fight.

Car Accident

I was in a car accident May 5. I may have some whiplash. I called Dr.

Hernandez at Thrive from the accident scene. Funny that I would consider

him first among everyone. But Chiro has become that much of my life


When I was doing my taxes for 2010, I noticed that I had been in the

hospital in the Spring in 2009 and 2010. I was adamant that I was not

going to end up there again this year. I was almost to the point of

glee when I found myself in an ambulance yesterday afternoon. I am

here again?!  God you have a sense of humor, or maybe trying to tell

me that You are in control:)


As an update to the above:

Over the weekend I started to notice medium brown floaters in the

lower quarter of my vision. That would put it across my breast area.

Now with eating a lot of oils lately, I thought that it was just a

blouse that needed pretreatment  (lol), but no, it has to be the

occipital bone out of alinement again.  There has been an increase in

depression over this last weekend.

Shock to the body, misalignment of the spine is what brought it on.

As an update to the above, dated May,28, three weeks,two days after.
Back is in severe pain at times so I am on arnica and ice. This combination helps greatly.
This is the photo of me in March 2008 when I got the  VNS implant
I found it the other day when I was looking to make a poster of my
progress that I could display as I did a silhouette promotion for Dr. 
Isaac and Thrive Chiropractic.
This is a photo taken sometime in late 2010.
The help of
God,  a change of diet and off the medications, detox,
exercise, and a good health coach in the chiropractic 
offices that I have been going to.  I still
go into depression now, just I am able to manage the
disease without the medications. Just the VNS, and
the other things listed above.

Body Oil for after bath

Magnesium to sooth and relax!

April 22

I have been for sometime using a mixture of Tea Tree oil and grape

seed oil. It felt great on my skin and I felt great inside as well.

The  Tea tree oil was helping mental clarity and helping with the

fungus that is growing on my skin across my chest.  The  magnesium

powder was to relax the muscles. I believe that it is working. I get a

sense of well being and clarity when I use it.  The brand of magnesium

powder is Peter Gillham's Natural Calm. Grape seed oil is just the 365

brand from Whole Food. Any Tea Tree oil should work.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dr. Wilson Bolg about Food Addiction

Dictionary.com defines an addiction as:
  • the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.
However, it's a little hard to say what is meant in that definition by the word "enslaved", or the words "severe trauma".
I'd like to share with you a different definition of an addiction:
  • "When we spend time and/or resources in one way that could be spent better in another, and when we do it solely to provide ourselves pleasure."
In this definition, we have to consider what is meant by the word "better." Certainly, that will depend on our values and goals. What if our own pleasure is our highest goal? The one appeal that all addictions typically have in common is that at some point they offer the allure of providing us some kind of pleasure.
That's the trap. It looks like it's going to be good for us but it can end up being bad for us. Let's consider a cupcake, for example. To a lot of people, cupcakes look like fantastic little packages. They might have a neat wrapper, delicious-looking icing, and maybe even some sprinkles on top. The problem is that the refined flour alone in cupcakes can drive up blood sugar and insulin levels, not to mention the icing and sprinkles. And they have have a lot of fat in them as well!
To help you dispel the illusion, I recommend that you try this some time. The next time you might be looking down the barrel of a few extra cupcakes or doughnuts sitting on your counter-top, take one of them over to the sink and wad it up in your bare hands. Keep smooshing it together until it's a blob of one consistent color. As you do, you will be amazed at how greasy your hands become. There's a lot of fat in icing. That's what icing is, fat and sugar. Consider the blob in your hands and then consider if you want to put it in your mouth or have it in your body. Probably not. It's the same material but in a much less deceptive form. Then, you can more easily throw the rest of the doughnuts or cupcakes in the trash (smoosh them up first if you must).
It's not good to waste food, it's true. That's why we shouldn't buy food that's bad for us. And if someone gives us food that's not good for us, it doesn't mean we have to eat it. There's one thing that's worse than throwing away food that's not good for us, and that's eating it.
Now, I'm not saying that it's always wrong to have a bite of doughnut or cupcake. But, if it's not the best thing we could do, then we shouldn't. Why would we? Because of pleasure? There are two kinds of pleasure. One is the pleasure of how fat and sugar can look, smell, and taste, and the other is the pleasure of moving toward or maintaining our ideal weight, being able to move around more easily, and feeling a lot healthier.
Thus, it's helpful for us to see things as they really are. Not everything that looks good and tastes good is good for us. It's OK to realize that and say no. It's OK to throw it away the way you would throw away spoiled food (which isn't good for you either). Same goes for soda and soft drinks. You can pour them down the drain. The road to good health is paved with a lot of "No, thank you's". It's a lot easier to live that when we realize that. If you feel "enslaved" or experience "severe trauma" at the idea of throwing away a perfectly good cupcake, you might be addicted.
Good luck with that :)
Denis Wilson, MD

WTS Physicians

To find a physician, click the picture below of the
2010 Restorative Medicine Conference in Moab, UT
Click Picture to find a physician
Click Picture for more information

Questions and Answers

May I order your products, such as ThyroCare, directly from you, or should I obtain a doctors prescription for it first?
Do I have to have a Doctor's diagnosis before I could order your products?
John B., Atlanta, GA
  • Answer: You can click here: Catalog of WTSmed Supplements. All of the products on this page that have an "Add to Cart" button next to them you can buy over the web without a prescription. The products that say "For use only with the guidance of a qualified health care professional" next to them are available only through physicians. We often refer to these products as "Px products" as they all have "Px" in their names. You can click here to look for a physician near you: List of WTS Physicians Best wishes :-) Denis Wilson, MD
Does ThyroCare cause weight loss for hypothyroid patients who are not over weight at all?
E. Burks
  • Answer: No, it shouldn't. It's an herbal formula meant to support the thyroid system. Denis Wilson, MD

What people are saying

"I need more energy," this is a common request I hear in my practice. The WT3 protocol and herbals have been the answer for many of my patients. I took the WTS training in 2004 and I've been using it ever since on dozens and dozens of patients because it works and because it is so wonderful to watch someone who is so exhausted come back to life. I also love using the WTS supplements. Thyroid Px,ThyroCareAdrenal Px LOBP and FibroCare, they all work amazingly well for the stressed out and burnt out people in this go-go-go world. *
Rebecca Sagan ND
I am doing much better. I am back to the way I was when I was about 19 yrs old. I have taken FibroCare for about 4 years, I think. I knew it would take awhile before I was back to normal, but I saw a difference right away and continued taking the FibroCare. I am now down to about 2-3 tablets a day and I don't need to have a second dose until about 12-13 hrs after my morning pills. I started out with taking 8-10 tablets a day in 4-5 doses and kept decreasing them as I go along. *

Advertisement: WTSmed (Call Toll Free 800-621-7006)

  • Cholesterol Care contains a unique combination of herbs that help maintain cholesterol (and triglyceride) levels already within the normal range. If you are worried about cholesterol and lipid levels, you'll want to look into the support provided by Cholesterol Care. As word has spread amongst doctors and the general public, this formula has become one of our top sellers. The herbs in this formula support lipid metabolism. The liver plays a primary role in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. That is why we have included liver supporting herbs such as Milk Thistle seed and Artichoke leaf to Cholesterol Care.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hyssop is the Ancient term for Oregano Oil

In use for stopping the fungus that I deal with. This site has not been investigated yet. Prices seem hight.
But they are right in their claims about the health it imbibes.

Hyssop Health

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Aging out of Allergies

Julie Deardorff writes another article on allergies: and I think that a spin off would be to check if there is a homepathic way to fight allergies. I mean in one part of the article Immunotherapy is given as pills or drops under the tongue abchomeopathy could help.

Allergies:Possible cause to everything !!

There is a new app to get! Chemical Cuisine for those of us that are chemical, food sensitive. Put out by The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). Lists many of the ingredients and the ties that these ingredients may have to other common allergies.
Julie Deardorff has a great review. I bought the app and will be using it in the future.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


When we are struggling from any health issue, especially depression and are fighting it daily, we might sometimes feel like giving into the dis-ease. But don't! This dis-ease is not only in the mind. It is a systemic dis-ease. Something is wrong with your body, not just your brain. One can affect the body through lifestyle changes. This whole blog is about lifestyle changes. As the changes are put into place and life goes on one is enjoying more and more happiness. Even a little more happiness is a sign that your destination of living a happier life is within reach. Then turn around and see just what you have learned through reaching out for that destination.

Monday, May 16, 2011


I don't really wear cosmetics, but upon coming up out of the depression, I wanted  to spruce the lips up. When I got into the list of poisions that I would put on my face or body, I discontinued that thought. But I picked up  a few websites to keep tabs.




Saturday, May 14, 2011



25 year old technology to interrogate the body's communication systems and introduce signals that stimulate the natural healing process.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New Stuff for the Smoothies-Sprouted

Information from

Mega Omega Super Seed

From:   $6.99

Best known for its wonderfully high concentration of fiber and naturally occurring essential fatty acids (especially Omega 3’s), flaxseed make a nutritious addition to any meal. Navitas Naturals Flax Power takes this nutrition one step further by first sprouting the flax seeds, then milling them into an easily digestible powder. This process of germination increases the omega content, raises the vitamin and mineral levels, and makes the nutrients of this superfood more bioavailable. With a mild nutty flavor, a spoonful or sprinkle of Flax Power goes a long way to give any recipe – be it a smoothie, muffin, salad or burrito – a powerful health boost.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Self Esteem and our search for It.

True Self Esteem does not come from projects and goals outside of ourselves. God loves us for who we are just as we are. We no longer have to show others constantly our "new" projects, to feel our true worth. We have love and worth form God our true Father, and we are made whole from that.

My father was not an emotionally close man. He could do anything with his hands, and that is where I got my ability to work with my hands. But God my Father knows me and every cell in me. Every skin cell, brain cell, and I want Him to know me. I don't want to hide. He knows I am a crumble of emotions at times. He knows my artistic ego, which I must work through. And yet he still loves me, cares for me and draws me near Him. He kept doing this all through the deepest part of the depression. And when I slip into the depression again, I seek Him to hold even closer.

Self Esteem is gained not through others and their acceptance of us. But from us knowing that once we accept what Jesus (God) has done for us and that He is always standing by us, as The Great Stabilizer, the Great Love of my life. Why do I need others to accept what I do? I just need to love them, to reflect God on to them, and to do what God says to do. God says to love and accept others just as they are. Period. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Closing in on God

I think that to be successful in fighting depression I must have a connection with God. Not just a mouthing of it, but a true heartfelt trust that I am truly loved by Him. Forgiven, cared for, strengthened by Him. That I am more than the problems that I face. 

Stress can be fought by keeping in mind that God will perfect anything, anything that concerns me. This does not mean that He will make it always to my liking. No, but that how ever it turns out it will be God's will. And I know that He loves me and will care for me always. This reduces stress greatly. To feel love instead of stress brings peace to me. 

The Lord will perfect that which concerns me. Psalm 138: 8

Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. Hebrews 13:5

There is the truth that whatever you think of most becomes your reality. So if I dwell on negativity then I feel weak, depressed, sluggish and sick. However if I feel my mind with the above and things like it, well the stress and depression lifts.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dr. Denis Wilson's Blog

Something about losing wait is addressed in the following blog. Giving up something so that you can get what you really want. This applies to the depression that I have been having. And so, I am willing to give up anything, change my spiritual life, relationships, and job if I have to, to get what I want. To get out of the mire that is and was the monster of depression> Here is his blog on weight loss. But the principles that he states can apply to any goal.

Here are two age-old points of view:
  1. "You need to get what you want in order to be happy."
  2. "You need to get over what you want in order to be happy."
The tricky part comes in how we define the word "happy."
For example, a man who smokes might feel "happy" when he is able to smoke to satisfy a craving.
On the other hand, that same man might feel "happy" that he's been able to quit and that he hasn't had a cigarette in over a year.
We used the word "happy" to describe two different feelings that really aren't the same thing. In the first instance, the man was doing what he "wanted," and in the second, he was doing what he "should."
We are constantly surrounded today by messages that tell us we should focus on getting and doing what we want, but it is perfectly fine for us to focus instead on doing what we should.
Let me give you a tiny example. Every night, instead of asking "What do you want for dinner?", we could ask ourselves "What should we have for dinner?" If we ask what we want we might end up with pizza and donuts and if we ask what we should then we might end up with a salad, some protein, no sweets, and no refined carbohydrates.
I believe a major obstacle for many people trying to lose weight is that they are trapped by the notion that they need to get what they want in order to be happy. Losing weight would make them happy, and having a delicious dinner and dessert would make them happy, so they're stuck. As long as they're focused on being happy it's going to be a constant struggle. But if they can get over the notion of being happy and focus on doing what they should, there is much less conflict or dilemma. Then, they can say, "I should lose weight. I'm going to lose 24 pounds in 6 weeks so I will need to lose 4 pounds a week and I will keep a chart to make sure I keep on track and I will do what it takes to make it so."
You may not think that the music you listen to, or the books you read, or the movies you watch can have much to do with your ability to do what you should and reach your goals; but they can. Avoid music, books, news, internet, and movies that are all about people needing to get what they want in order to be happy. Getting constantly bombarded with that message will not help you do what you should.
Parents often try to teach their children to do what they should. Naturally, as they grow older, some children rebel saying, "I'm tired of doing what I should, from now on I'm going to do what I want." That's the kind of rebellious thinking to resist and dismiss (instantly).
If you have a low body temperature or other problems that make it difficult for you to lose weight, focusing on getting over what you want can't hurt anything and may even help you.
if you want to lose weight I recommend that you focus on doing what you should. There's no disgrace in it and there's no downside. It's totally fine to suffer a few things for a time. It's totally fine to let cravings go unfulfilled. We don't need to do what we want in order to be happy. We can find freedom, peace, health, and success in cheerfully doing what we should.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Maximized Living Essentials

My friend Lincoln who works at Thirve Chiropractic sat with me to talk of the Maximized Living life style. This involves my chiropractor and the program in which he has me involved. The five maximized living steps are as follows

  • Max the mind.

Dump negativity. Get closer to God. In my case it is Christ. Lincoln searches to the East to find a spiritual basis to life. Dump stress. It causes neurotransmitter burnout which in my case causes depression.

  • Max exercise.

He wants me to burst train. That will happen on the 14th of May. It is something that Dr. Dan has been trying to get me to train into for 18 months. It involves exercising all out for 30 second bursts. But how many bursts is what I want to know.
Lincoln says that this will regulate my hormones, which I am still on the F+, Stabilizer, &Synergy caps for. These are mentioned in a previous blog entry.

  • Max Nutrition
Alkalizing the body. Organic stuff. Right fats. Probiotics.  Right amount of protein. Water, filtered. Chlorophyll in the water to help to detox.
  • Max detox
Stop all processed foods. Stop foods that you are allergic to.   Get tested for food allergies.   Stop all food preservatives from entry into the body. Stop chemicals, cleaning stuff as well, from entering the body. All this causes inflammation, which triggers depression.
  • Max Nerve Supply

This is an essential part of any health program. Dr Hyman does not stress this part enough. Dr Andrew does a little bit more. These are the two that got me thinking that the depression that I suffered was more than just some thing in my weak brain. They got me to thinking that I could do something. Then I found a health coach in Dr Dan and in Dr Isaac. Both chiropractors. They are here with me. They stress that even with all the other things that are listed above, if one does not correct the subluxation of the spine and have the nerves healthy one will still be sick. This occurred to  the jogger Jim Fixx. Healthy as an ox, he promoted jogging in the early eighties. But he dropped dead of a heart attack. Good possibility that the nerve going to his heart was blocked by a bone in his spine.

New Stuff for the Smoothies

Stefanie West, the Ambassador in Chief at Yachter Chiro--Y360, writes wonderful newsletters about once a month. She is the public relations, patient relations, cheerleader in chief  at Dr. Dan's in Lake Mary. She does a great job in organizing public events, social programs, group meetings and just keeping things going on a social level at Y360.  This month she writes on the new smoothie bar at Y360 and here is her information on some of the ingredients for their smoothies:

Maca is a nutritionally dense super-food that contains high amounts of minerals, vitamins, enzymes and all of the essential amino acids. Maca root is rich in B-vitamins, which are the energy vitamins, and maca is a vegetarian source of B-12. To boot, maca has high levels of bioavailable calcium and magnesium and is great for remineralization.

Maca root helps balance our hormones and due to an over abundance of environmental estrogens, most people's hormones are a bit out of whack. Maca stimulates and nourishes the hypothalamus and pituitary glands which are the "master glands" of the body. These glands actually regulate the other glands, so when in balance they can bring balance to the adrenal, thyroid, pancreas, ovarian and testicular glands.

Instead of providing hormones to the body, maca works as an adaptogen which means that it responds to different bodies' needs individually. If you're producing too much of a particular hormone, maca will regulate the production downward. However, if you're producing too little, it'll regulate the production upward. 

Basically, Maca Root powder is great to balance the hormones and that is why it has creeped its way into Y360. Dr. Dan also talks a lot about the harmful effects of stress on our bodies which affects our hormones as well... Work, Family, Relationships, Finances, and Loss of Loved Ones are the biggest causes of stress.
Another place to obtain maca root is here and here

Quotes on Stress that are poignant to me, (Janet speaking)

"How we perceive a situation and how we react to it is the basis of our stress. If you focus on the negative in any situation, you can expect high stress levels. However, if you try and see the good in the situation, your stress levels will greatly diminish." Catherine Pulsifer, from My Story

"Stress is not what happens to us. It's our response TO what happens. And RESPONSE is something we can choose." Maureen Killoran

"When you find yourself stressed, ask yourself one question: Will this matter in 5 years from now? If yes, then do something about the situation. If no, then let it go." Catherine Pulsifer