In a email to my sister Edna, and a friend, Mary:
Sorry I have not called. Combination of several things that are long and involved. Waiting for the drugs to build up, anxiety to face things and people again, etc. Mom is coming over today, and we will do in town running and visiting. We have to go get her hair cut, maybe just visit with other friends. Time to enjoy her. With her kidneys going, she is passing.
Wind and more wind outside right now, glad to be inside this morning. Dave will have to work out in it this afternoon, in about six hours. At least the sun will be up.
Met some people in the hospital and witnessed to one while there. She is in a mess of things and needs a person to talk to. Actually she is a soap opera of problems. But we all are at times. Something tells me to be her shoulder, but to be careful as well. Her life and problems do not need to cartwheel into mine.
They have therapy in the hospital. The first stay I was so depressed that not much of the therapy went into this brain of mine. Could have been the chaotic atomsphere of the unit they had me in. Lots of screaming, crying and near violence. This time, I went into that unit first and was then transferred into another, more subdued unit that helped me cope with what I had to cope with.
I think that I need talk therapy to deal with some of the problems that I have. I have always thought that medications would fix me up fine, but now I see that it can make a difference if I get into a talking situation. Clear out the brain and work through some preconceived thoughts.
I am a multifaceted person, and why should I think only one thing will help me? Not to overwhelm myself, I will prioritize the problems and work on them a little at a time.
Life is not your problem, but your thoughts can be.