Saturday, April 30, 2011

Chinese Traditional Medicine
A link to a CTM remedy for yeast. Acupuncturists sell the herbs.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Food Allergy Test

Body Oil for fungus and muscles

Tea tree oil
Grape seed oil as carrier oil
Powdered magnesium

Mix and apply to whole body once daily in morning.

Pesticide in the House

Recovery from What?
I sprayed pesticide in my home last week (actually week of April 9th) I knew that I might get sick from it. But I had caffeine as well and a lot of meat. All of these things together ended in depression.
Here is how I have determined this fact.
I was very careful in handling the pesticide. But even wearing gloves and a face mask I could not stop the intense immersion of fumes that the interior of the home experienced.
Next, I had been eating relatively small amounts of meat. Until the night after I used the pesticide, that night I just stuffed myself.  Meat is harder to pass through the system, blocking the elimination of toxins.
Then, I had caffeine. Something that seems to trigger depression before, but not noted, not written about alone. Only as it is included in chocolate. There is another problem with chocolate covered in another post. 

Total Smoothie Recipe

Total smoothies Recipe
One half medium sized cucumber,
Peeled and seeded
Hand full of spinach leaves,raw
One Haas avocado , or that much in avocado meat.
small handful of blue and strawberries
One scoop of vega whole food powder
One tlbsp of hemp, udo's oils
About three Tlbsp of sauerkraut
About 3/4cup of almond milk , unsweetened
About 1cup of filtered water
Some small ice cubes
Some liquid chlorophyll
One tea bag cut open of Rooibos tea
Now blend in the magic bullet.

I at first just started with Vega powder , but as time went on I added more to alkalize the body , heal the brain, and the sauerkraut to help good bacteria to grow in the gut. I take Sun Flora Probiotics to start the stomach digesting correctly. Along with good enzymes. For the longest time I thought enzymes were the same as probiotics , but no,  they aren't and the supplement that I was taking in the am was not enough to last through out the day.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil directly on gums seems to add great clarity in thought. Am doing so to clear gum issues noted by Dr Ong my dentist.

Xifanan nonabsorbable antibiotic

Xifaxan antibiotic to clear out bugs in liver
She is a digestive expert and works with probiotics. The road to perfect health is her show on PBS,which I think one can access off her website.

Peggy the Nutritional Super Hero!

Meet Peggy - Nutritional Super Hero...

Peggy KotsopoulosAt times when a stomach ache or allergic reaction signal a problem with our bodies, it's pretty easy to sleuth out the culprit and zero in on the new foods or products we've invited into our daily routine. But when we feel depressed, anxious or are suffering from insomnia, the finger is almost always pointed at stress from work, our families or the struggles associated with the ever challenging life/work balance.

But what if what we are eating is a significant contributing factor in these emotional afflictions? Maybe it's the comfort foods we've indulged in while emotional eating or that wrong food choice we made for breakfast this morning during our mad dash out the door. What we put into our bodies may be responsible for negative mood reactions that can lead to an unbalanced life.

If you were already aware of how negative food choices impact your daily routine but haven't had the time to address it — never fear —Peggy Kotsopoulos is here to help! Peggy is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and author of Must Have Been Something I Ate — a universal how-to manual on how to get the nutrition we need for the emotion we want. A long time Vega advocate and Vega's newest spokesperson — Peggy's book includes an array of unique recipes that shows how to indulge without the guilt, captivating anecdotes and little-known exotic ingredients that can make a big impact in how you feel. Peggy truly reveals the food/mood connection, bridging the divide between emotional eating and eating for the sake of our emotions.

In the coming months you'll be hearing a lot more from Peggy in Vega News, with health tips, articles, videos and mouth watering nutritious recipes. Please join us in welcoming Peggy as the newest member of the Vega family!

Interested in learning more about the mood food connection? You can purchase Peggy's new book, Must Have Been Something I Ate on theSequel eStore now or click here for a free chapter download.
Peggy Kotsopoulos Must Have Been Something I AteThis sounds like me
Food does effect my emotional state.

These are Janet’s other sites:

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Food allergy Test

Stress of the Spring

Spring time with it's whirlwind of things to do, people visiting, bad weather, long hours at work, well sometimes it gets me down. But I am determined that I am going to stay out of the hospital this year. When I did my taxes for this past year, I realized that for 09 and 10 I was in the hospital for overnight stays. Stressful times can be managed in other ways and I am looking to probiotics and the Lord to help me get through.
Funny combination? No not really. I have an immunity problem. The flora in my gut are not what they should be. I am taking probiotics in huge amounts. Each time I take them the stress and depression ease away. Also the Spiritual side of things helps. The Lord will perfect that which concerns me.

It is the same thing each and every time this happens. Popping ears, blurry eyes, private parts burning, hemorrhoids flaring up, bad balance. and the depression comes. So I double dose on supplements, reduce the stress as much as possible, and try to disconnect. Period. For at least three days. More if possible. And increase to three times a week on the chiropractic. It is mandatory that this approach be done. 

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Several notes found on my IPhone

Sulfites could case anxiety attacks.

Dextrose in anything could be causing problem after abuout 3 days
When the depression is here,no matter whAt caused it I feel less spiritual.that God is less close .
I know that this will effect what I eat.
I want a total healing, spiritual, and mental, physical.
Jan 18th 2011
The Lord makes perfect all that concerns me.
The Lord makes perfect Ed's heart.

Jelly Fish extract for good brain function
Thyroid helps form seritoin
It also Cuts cholestoral
Melidextrin is dextrose?
Was in Stevia in the Raw.
Mung beans cause estrogen? Problems
Chocolate causes estrogen Problems
Strawberries maybe causing problems
Looking into ALCAT blood testing

Christian help for paying for health bills:

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dr Marshall Dickholtz

I met Dr. Marshall Dickholtz at my job as he came through for a silhouette artwork. He is a chiropractor and specializes in adjustments of the upper cervical area of the spine. His site looks promising, for on it it states that he can through adjustment of this area he can help correct immunity problems. I believe that my fight with allergies, fungus and mold and food sensitivities that  I have struggled with can be helped with the adjustment of my spine. Dr. Dan did this area alone for the l6 months that I was under his direct care. When I started with Dr. Isaac he started to adjust the upper occipital and the area just below the shoulder blades and the hip area, these areas seem to speed healing as well. How sick I was! And am still healing.


This is berry is good also for fighting fungus in the body. But i can only find it in tea form, not in berry form, as is required for the Smoothie from Thrive. If there is any negative response from the new herbal combination, then I don't have to bare the brunt of it at anything of importance, like being with relatives, or in a work situation. The food sensitivities that I have come out in depression and emotional instabilities, and I want to limit having to deal with them and other people as well. I tried the tea last night and it seems to be ok for me. Though I am not as coordinated in typing this morning. Sometimes that is an indication of the start of a problem. Coordination in physical actions accompanies this overall problem.

These are my other sites:

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tea Tree Oil and Grapeseed Oil

This two oil combination seems to help with the fungus in the body. I does not cure it, but I see a greater mental clarity in using it. Tea tree oil helps fight fungus, grapeseed does not have an ordor to smell later, so I use it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

How to handle the world and stress

My friend, Mary wrote that she was depressed. Things getting to her.
I feel that way each and every morning at stretches at a time. But here is what I told her.
I think and pray for you daily. Right now with the detox and sensitivities from the food, my thought processes are unstable at times. They are getting better. So the world situation seems too much for me to handle so I realize that the Lord will handle it for me. He will tell me what to do, when to do it and stabilize me emotionally when I feel it crushing me. That is how I have been able to take care of me, David and my mom for so long. Because God has said that He would never forsake me. He won't forsake you either. So hang in there kid. Strap yourself in its gonna be a bumpy ride

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Total Smoothie Recipe

I at first used the recipe that I got from Dine But I wanted to customize it to suit my digestive system.
That recipe is apparently in the book they have for sale. But the general recipe is in another blog entry.
So I call it my Total Smoothies Recipe

One half medium sized cucumber,peeled and seeded
Hand full of spinach leaves,raw
One Haas avocado ,or that much in avocado meat.
Small handful of blueberries and strawberries
One scoop of Vega Whole Food powder
One tlbsp of hemp, udo's oils
About three Tlbsp of  organic sauerkraut
About 3/4cup of almond milk , unsweetened
About 1cup of filtered water
Some small ice cubes
Some liquid chlorophyll

Now blend in the magic bullet.
Oat first just started with Vega powder , but as time went on I added more to alkalize the body , heal the brain, and the sauerkraut to help good bacteria to grow in the gut. I take Sun Flora Probiotics to start the stomach digesting correctly. Along with good enzymes. For the longest time I thought enzymes were the same as probiotics , but no,  they aren't and the supplement that I was taking in the am was not enough to last through out the day.

These are my other sites:

Flax Seed Cracker Recipe

I have often been tempted to eat crackers made of wheat, but I can't take that. So after months of trying different things I found a way to make crackers. After mixing the ingredients below I spoon it on to the plastic interior linings of my food dehydrator . Spreading the mixture as thin as I can to make the drying of it as even as can be and dried as quickly as possible. The recipe can be added to as in using different spices such as caraway or sea salt sprinkled onto the surface of the mixture after it has been spread onto the plastic plates
Flax seed crackers

In Magic bullet blend:
One small tomato
Red pepper
Sea Salt to taste
Cloves of Garlic to taste 
Filtered water to fill to the top of the magic bullet container.

In a large bowl mix
one cup ground flax seeds
2 cups whole flax seeds

Pour the vegetable mixture over the flax seed mixture and stir.
The ground seeds will absorb the fluid rather quickly so work quickly in the spreading it.

Dry in food dehydrator at 135 degrees for approximately 4 hours. It varies as to the thickness of what has been spread and how many layers of the drier are being used during the drying. Some driers have many layers. Open Country has a line of driers that are inexpensive and work well. However they have no on off switch and no timer. But a timer can be added from a hardware store.

Enjoy with guacamole, or spread with olive oil and sea salt. 
A sweeter version of the cracker can be made by using less veggies, more water and stevia to sweeten.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Death by Medicine by Gary Null
I saw this video this morning. It was, to say the least, chilling. But I know it is true. It was happening to me. Instead of healing me from the depression, the doctors were pumping me full of antidepressants and other medications.

These are my other sites:

Wilson's Temperature Syndrome

The following blog is one that I have been reading off and on for a while now. Enjoy-

What can't be said about herbs

Do you think poor diet can contribute to disease and poor health?
Sugar provides calories, but how do you think a person's health would be after a year of eating nothing but sugar?
Do you think changing a person's diet might have any chance of reversing illness and disease (especially if poor diet is contributing to the poor health)?
If you do believe that what people eat can have some impact on disease then you may be surprised to know what can't be said about dietary herbal supplements in marketing. Dietary Supplements are regulated as food and not drugs, and that determines what can and can't be said in advertising.
In the U.S., if a product is classified as a drug then the law permits manufacturers to claim that the product can improve health. If a product is classified as a food then the law (Dietary Supplement Health Education Act of 1994) does not permit manufactures to claim that the product can improve any health problems. They can say that they help support health that's already normal, but they can't imply that they can make less than optimal health any better.
You might say, "That's funny, I hear companies advertising that supplements will help people lose weight, or cure this and that, all the time." That's true, and you'll also notice that those companies that make those claims do not stay on the market very long before they are shut down by the FDA.
The FDA hasn't proven, and isn't saying, that no herbs can benefit any illness, the FDA is just operating under a law that is preventing manufacturers from saying so without the product being classified as a drug. Dietary supplement manufacturers can't even use double-blind scientific studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals that show that an herb treats a disease as a basis upon which to make claims about their products that have that herb as an ingredient. Just because an herb has been shown in studies to help correct a certain health problem doesn't mean a manufacturer's product, that contains that herb, will generate the same benefit.
Companies that produce herbal dietary supplements (which are classified as food) aren't even allowed to share what other people are saying (testimonials) about how their products have helped correct their health problems or the health problems of others.
Only if the manufacturer gets its own particular product classified as a drug with the FDA and goes through the approval process for drugs would the manufacturer be allowed to make such claims. The New Drug Application process with the FDA can easily cost on the order of 80 million dollars, and no companies undertake that financial risk without a good chance of recouping that investment. It would be very hard to recoup that investment if the company did not have a patent on the product to protect their interests, and herbs can't be patented because they already exist. Competing companies could make similar products with the same ingredients and sell them at a fraction of the cost (since they don't have to recoup $80 million).
So whether companies are legally allowed to say their products can correct health problems, doesn't depend on whether they can or can't, but whether they are classified as foods or drugs.
Isn't that surprising?
Denis Wilson, MD
P.S. > You'll notice in our Newsletters that we share testimonials from people about how the T3 therapy has turned their lives around. We are allowed to share those because T3 is classified as a drug.

WTS Physicians

To find a physician, click the picture below of the
2010 Restorative Medicine Conference in Moab, UT

Friday, April 8, 2011

I had caffeine!! ugh.

In an effort to stop driving off the road at night on the way home from late nights at work, I have been trying different things. I first tried to reintroduce diet Coke. With the aspertame it led me into depression. I tried Black Tea sweetened with Stevia late yesterday afternoon. On the way into work I noticed some weirdness with thought patterns. At work the typical speeded up alertness accompaning  caffeine started. Then the anxiety laid in, now the next day depression. Well no more caffeine anymore. period. I pulled over twice to sleep. The trip is only 24 miles. Got home at 3 am. Slept until 9 and took a day off of regular house hold "duties". Things can wait out the depression. God will perfect this as well. I have to believe this, for I was doing very well until the tea. and the caffeine.

These are my other sites:

Mold Recovery

I think that Chris Fabry's journey with mold recovery should be an inspiration. I looked into it and found this site . I think I will start to investigate this as well.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Update to testimony

I gave my testimony last night (April 4th) at the first patient appreciation dinner for Thrive chiropractic. It was the blog entry of a few days ago. The testimony I wrote in August 2010 for Dr. Dan. Of course I added updates and insights as to what was happening six months since I wrote that piece. 

I have written about the smoothie that I have been on, and hope that if anybody reads about it that they will try it, for it really does work and I have more energy, and positive energy for most of the day now. I am working on getting more hours out of the day. And more out of the hours. That is one up date. 

Another is that I have too much mold in my system and the rainy weather is no help. Dr Dan confirmed that this type of weather causes the situation to flare up. I always knew that the rainy summer months caused depression, and I thought it was lack of the sun. Could it be both? It rains each and every day here in Florida in the summer. And I work outside and end up wet, soaked at times. Clammy skin and wet feet. This could cause the depression in the summer. So I am working to clear up the mold by using oregano spray, and using tea tree oil mixed with either grape seed or olive oil rubbed on my feet. There is fungus on my skin which the tea tree oil is quick to stop. I apply the tea tree oil straight on to the skin across the breast where it is. Tea tree oil can’t be taken internally,so I use it this way. I also rub the tea tree oil on my gums to help the inflammation that is present around my teeth. Then I spit it out. I don’t know where this inflammation comes from, but it may be something in the lower intestine. Digestive problems can show up in the gums and Teresa Embrey, the woman who did the Live Microscopy on the blood in November, stated that I had a toxic lower intestine.

I, with God’s blessing, patience and perserveance will continue to track this dis-ease. And give insight here in this blog.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Food finesse from Orlando Sentinel

This is a link to an interesting article on food and food preparation in my local paper, the Orlando Sentinel published on March 22, 20ll.

I think that with all of our food sensitivities, and inability to digest correctly, that preparing food to it's most beneficial state is another part of the puzzle in preventing the ongoing depression. If the food is prepared in the wrong way, then it loses the  potency of the vitamins and minerals that God gave the food in the first place.

Biotin is an extremely important B Vitamin that is rendered useless when the egg which it is in is scrambled. Biotin is crucial to energy support. We all know that in depression the severe lack of energy only adds to the feeling of psychological defeat. Just fix the egg, if you can eat it ( I have an allergy to them), by poaching or boiling them.

Many people have stated that the egg was a contributor to the increase in heart problems because of the cholesterol in the yolk. But two things are wrong here. Not all cholesterol is bad, and the yolk contains choline which is essential for brain function. Cholesterol  is made by the body to patch up tears in walls of the veins and arteries. One needs to study this controversy more closely about  the types of cholesterol and the levels in one's body. I think the drug companies are so concerned with their sales and not with one's health that they want to cram drugs down our throats and put money back into their own pockets.

The potato is a starchy vegetable and that in of itself should be a warning of the potential danger it is to the body. The sugar that it would produce in the digestive system is a huge hazard when one has mold and yeast in the body. But the article states that the frying of it creates acrylamide. This chemical is highly toxic to the body.

Meat can cause other problems. It does not digest well. It takes the longest of foods to digest. The more time that it is in the body, the more toxic it become to the body. Red meat is the worst. But any and all meat should be grass fed, not grain fed. Grain means corn. The cows should get grass from a pasture, not grain from a bucket in a feed lot. When the cows are in the feed lot they are also prone to diseases from the closeness to cows and the cleanliness of the feed lot or barn, so they are given antibiotics. It is the same with chickens. These antibiotics are then passed on to humans when consumed by them. The antibiotics then pass into the  human digestive system and kill the flora in the intestines and the humans can not digest food correctly.

The article states to microwave food. This should be kept to a minimum for microwaving food diminishes the nutrients in the food.

The next paragraph that is written concerns garlic. It is interesting that one must crush it before hand and allow it to “stand”. But this makes a lot of sense. What I have been using it for is for detox. I put it with onion and in this combination it cleanses the blood. 

Tomatoes are in the nightshade family, and many people are allergic, fortunately I am not, but my sister is. So I am aware of the fact that I must be on my guard as to different foods that relatives have problems with, because that could be a potential problem for me. I had some kind of reaction to them when younger, I would break out on the skin, like hives. So some allergies can be outgrown, or they change how they affect you. But they all cause inflammation, which, when uncontrolled in the body, can cause depression.

Broccoli has potent anti-inflammatory properties, and sometimes when at the market I over load my basket with it. I think it is a brain fart, or a guiltly conscience that says, you better buy some more, but I would still have some in the frig at home. So what to do? I steam it, along with what ever else I have in the frig that is going bad and put it in my morning smoothie. Along with stevia. Broccoli for breakfast?!!! Well, something good has to come from brain farts

These are my other sites:

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Testimony As of August 2010

This was originally written in August 2010 and published in YFCC's newsletter.
                                                               My Testimony August 2010
Dr. Dan is presenting his Extreme Make Over Series again. Amazingly, he is teaching all new information.The Extreme Make Overs occur about every six months. At the last EMO ( January 2010), I was just coming off my medications. At that time, I was taking 3 antidepressants, a thyroid medication, and a cholesterol medication. Now I have been off of them for six months. Over the past 17 years, I have taken, I believe, 17 or 18 different medications. Although I always desired to rid my body of these awful drugs, I couldn't go a day not taking them without severe withdrawal symptoms. These chemicals literally kept me imprisoned and were destroying my life. Over the last 6 months, I have seen incredible changes all through chiropractic care, nutritional modifications and a cutting edge detoxification program supervised by Dr. Fernandez. We must remember tho rid the body of the internal chemicals that cause harm. Sugar is a problem for me because it increases the yeast and molds in my body.
Chiropractic care brings the spinal bones back into alignment, and as a result, the brain can send those critically needed healing messages to the body.  When I first began my care, I had no curve in my neck(the arc of life).  It is supposed to have a "C" curve in it. Because it didn't, the lack of curvature was stretching the the brain stem down into the spinal column and literally pulling the brain down into the spine. OUCH! That cut off blood and information coming from the brain to the rest of my body. Because of the interference, by body suffered greatly.
Then the doctors found that I was toxic with lead along with other metals. My drinking water had to many chemicals in it as well.  Chlorine was a big problem.  Chlorine kills even the good bacteria in the intestines.  As a result, the intestines are unable to digest food correctly.  Purchasing a water filter was my first smart step and has made a big difference.
I learned how to cook with all the right foods - the ones that detoxify and reduce inflammation. I learned that garlic, onions, and cilantro are some of the most powerful healing foods that can be consumed.  Fennel also possesses incredible healing properties,one being the ability to kill mold.  Sage, rosemary, and All Spice all contribute to the production of serotonin in the brain.  This is the amino acid that lifts depression.
No strategy to heal my body worked prior to my coming to YFCC. I was poisoning myself with sugars daily. High amounts of bread, pasta, and fruits in my diet severely elevated the inflammatory process in my body and created constant suffering and pain.  My psychiatrist told me the depression would never go away. Well, of course it would never go away if I depended on him.  He wants my money.  So do the drug companies!!  Yes, let's keep the patient ignorant of the real CAUSE of their problems.  And while we're at it, let's keep their money. too!
However, the real problem is sickness and dis-ease in the body, and my depression was a symptom of the sickness.  The causes of my sickness were interference by subluxation, inflammation, yeast, molds, acidic foods, and environmental factors such as chemicals, preservatives, and additives in various foods that polluted the body.  My brain reacted to this flood of contaminants with anxiety, depression,  and allergies. I know in others the contaminants cause ADHD and a host of other brain dis-eases.
I thank God that I have my life back.  Thanks to YFCC, Dr. Dan and his entire team, my quality of life has been restored and life is enjoyable again.  Living without drugs, pain, and a dis-eased body is more than I ever dreamed possible.  I am thankful to be alive and well, and I look forward to making the rest of my years the best of my years. Thank you for my new found freedom!