This is a link to an interesting article on food and food preparation in my local paper, the Orlando Sentinel published on March 22, 20ll.
I think that with all of our food sensitivities, and inability to digest correctly, that preparing food to it's most beneficial state is another part of the puzzle in preventing the ongoing depression. If the food is prepared in the wrong way, then it loses the potency of the vitamins and minerals that God gave the food in the first place.
Biotin is an extremely important B Vitamin that is rendered useless when the egg which it is in is scrambled. Biotin is crucial to energy support. We all know that in depression the severe lack of energy only adds to the feeling of psychological defeat. Just fix the egg, if you can eat it ( I have an allergy to them), by poaching or boiling them.
Many people have stated that the egg was a contributor to the increase in heart problems because of the cholesterol in the yolk. But two things are wrong here. Not all cholesterol is bad, and the yolk contains choline which is essential for brain function. Cholesterol is made by the body to patch up tears in walls of the veins and arteries. One needs to study this controversy more closely about the types of cholesterol and the levels in one's body. I think the drug companies are so concerned with their sales and not with one's health that they want to cram drugs down our throats and put money back into their own pockets.
The potato is a starchy vegetable and that in of itself should be a warning of the potential danger it is to the body. The sugar that it would produce in the digestive system is a huge hazard when one has mold and yeast in the body. But the article states that the frying of it creates acrylamide. This chemical is highly toxic to the body.
Meat can cause other problems. It does not digest well. It takes the longest of foods to digest. The more time that it is in the body, the more toxic it become to the body. Red meat is the worst. But any and all meat should be grass fed, not grain fed. Grain means corn. The cows should get grass from a pasture, not grain from a bucket in a feed lot. When the cows are in the feed lot they are also prone to diseases from the closeness to cows and the cleanliness of the feed lot or barn, so they are given antibiotics. It is the same with chickens. These antibiotics are then passed on to humans when consumed by them. The antibiotics then pass into the human digestive system and kill the flora in the intestines and the humans can not digest food correctly.
The article states to microwave food. This should be kept to a minimum for microwaving food diminishes the nutrients in the food.
The next paragraph that is written concerns garlic. It is interesting that one must crush it before hand and allow it to “stand”. But this makes a lot of sense. What I have been using it for is for detox. I put it with onion and in this combination it cleanses the blood.
Tomatoes are in the nightshade family, and many people are allergic, fortunately I am not, but my sister is. So I am aware of the fact that I must be on my guard as to different foods that relatives have problems with, because that could be a potential problem for me. I had some kind of reaction to them when younger, I would break out on the skin, like hives. So some allergies can be outgrown, or they change how they affect you. But they all cause inflammation, which, when uncontrolled in the body, can cause depression.
Broccoli has potent anti-inflammatory properties, and sometimes when at the market I over load my basket with it. I think it is a brain fart, or a guiltly conscience that says, you better buy some more, but I would still have some in the frig at home. So what to do? I steam it, along with what ever else I have in the frig that is going bad and put it in my morning smoothie. Along with stevia. Broccoli for breakfast?!!! Well, something good has to come from brain farts
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