Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Anafranil: Makes me FAT!

January first I weighed about 130, now about two weeks into the new year and the drug I am ten pounds heavier. I asked the psychiatrist about this and she agreed that it makes you crave the fat in the foods. I think it is the sugar  in the foods. I mean that I don't crave ice cream, but corn chips, popcorn, rice with butter. You get the idea. If I was more of a sweets person, I would go down that road, but I am more of a salt person, hence the chips.

The antidepressants and the side effects are not what I really want for myself, but they keep me "sane".
By sane I mean non-depression, a state that lets me handle the stresses and life without breaking down and entering in a mental hospital. This is the raw edge of life. Take a drug that makes the body react in a very unhealthy way so that the mind can cope with the stress. Catch 22? In a LOOP of POOP?

To maintain a healthy body one must have put into the body non-acidic products. Medications are of their nature, acidic. But to have a mind that is not terrorized by depressive, anxious thoughts is a priority as well. So down the road to ill health again? To being overweight and other health problems because of the way the drugs are causing me to feel and react?? The diagnosis was OCD and I can see how that applies, just in the anxiety prone nature of this post.

1 comment:

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