Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Weather Change:Mold Allergies?

The weather has moisture in it again. When this happens above about 50-60% I hit depression big time. Now the allergist says I don't have mold allergies and will not include the antigen in the allergy shots. More research is needed. Here is an excerpt from a book, then an article. First the link to a book excerpt:The Molds and Man Now the article, below:

Make sure your detoxification support is adequate. It is best to work with an experienced health care provider knowledgeable in the genetic SNPs that impact detoxification pathways and experienced in determining:
organic acid tests
hair tests
fecal metals
urine toxic metal tests and other important labs

This is because not everyone is able to detoxify different things efficiently, and a good percentage of the population are non-secretors!  Some individuals are more compromised in their ability to detoxify metals. This has a significant impact upon the levels of pathogenic molds, bacteria and mycotoxins in the body. Other individuals have immune system interference in their detoxification pathways that impact their ability to excrete mycotoxins and therefore have severe reactions to the die off of pathogenic molds and additional environmental molds. Future articles will attempt to discuss the complex subject of evaluating one’s detoxification pathway and what things to look out for when detoxifying certain things from the
the above is about a drug to kill the mold.http://www.immunematrix.com/
SKU: SKU16263.
Above is the information for a stool test
This test will culture and identify the strains of good probiotics in your intestines, culture pathogenic bacteria, mold, candida and other yeast and identify prescription and non-prescription products that are tested as effective against your strains. Eliminating all pathogenic molds, candida strains and yeast, will reduce their excretions, the mycotoxins that wreck havoc on the body. This can be a significant source of toxic exposure outside of environmental mold exposure.

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