Before going to a doctor (in this case Dr. Michael Anderson), I try to sit down and write down my questions and also write a list of current medications, current health concerns, and have copies of current tests with me. I make a file folder on the doctor to store paper copies of these. This way on the day of the appointment, I just take the folder and go and talk. Also any emails, blog entries that I have made that are revalent. I have a sister-in-law that is a pharmacist and have asked her advice. So here is the email, which I will take to the doctor to help make my points.
Hey Tish,
I seem to be having severe allergy problems. I have been tracking food sensitivities for almost two years. I had a test in Sept. and am allergic to many things, most I have already eliminated. A lot of the depression has gone. Then I read a book written by Doris Rapp, Brain Allergies: Is this your child. Everything fit into place. Finally I began to put many things happening to me together.
When under the exposure these are the symptoms
loss of balance, the ears fill up with liquid
loss of spacial judgements, knocking things over easily, missing turns in car, running over curbs
typing becomes difficult and slow
itchy skin all over
post nasal drip
blurry eyes
mental stuff starts happening
loss of concentration
short term memory loss
Once I cover my nose and mouth with a clean cloth and breathe for about 25 minutes, not talking, not eating, all symptoms are lessened. Even the depression.
Now I have already put an air purifier and de-humidifier in my bedroom, and that has helped greatly for sleep. I used to wake up in severe depression and could not figure out why.
I have started on the generic OTC antihistamines for Zyrtec and Allerga. Went to get a shot of steroid on last Tuesday, and it helped for about two days. They said it would last for one week Now I am on 5 mg of Prednisone. It barely helps. Right now I have to be outside for the job. So I take a lot of breathing breaks. I am taking the OTC Allerga and Prednisone together. It barely helps, even in the house (out of the bedroom with the de-humidifer and purifier).
My questions
I believe it is mold. The symptoms are severe in rainy weather. Even in overcast weather. What other type of thing could it be?
What types of drugs and treatments are available for this?
What strengths are the upper limits and can be considered safe.?
I see the allergist on Wednesday and want to have a little knowledge about what to expect on the issue.
Thanks, and I hope to see you in about 10 days!
Current medications:
Prednisone, 5 mg
Digestive enzymes, zenpep 10,000 units, 3 to 5 caps before each meal
Vit C, up to 10,000 mg daily
Vit B 5, 2000 mcg daily
Vit B 12 , 5000 mcg daily
Vit D up to 10,000 IU daily
Lysine, 4,800 mg daily
Dindolylmethane (DIM) , 200 mg daily
liquid Vit supplement
fish oil 2000 IU daily
Diet :
No fried foods, no sodas, I drink, White teas, herbals water sweetened with Stevia
95% of foods prepared at home.
oils, fats are not hydrogenated.
95% of foods are eaten raw
proteins are from beans, flaxseeds,