Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thought Bubbles: Hands of God

I have been through a very rough 6 weeks.
Immense fear: not knowing what was happening to me. Constant bouts of imbalance, gas, indigestion, irritation, agitation, anxiety, depression.
Hours being cut at work.
Thoughts of leaving a job of 35 years,
Perhaps leaving the state
Ripping my husband out of his job.

But now I came to the Lord. Asked for His gracious Hands to surround me. He did as He does now as I write this.
I sit in an allergy filled room with a mask on the face. I will soon rip up the carpet, and clean up the area.
But not knowing what was selling me down the river, well, it was terrifying.
At the worst, He was there, His hands encasing me.
We are spiritual beings, He is God, THE Spirit. ACCEPT that and become one with HIM & PEACE REIGNS!!!!!

Dust Mite Battle beginning

In a email to my friend Mary after she came to visit, before the first allergy testing:

Thanks to you, I know what a true friend can be.
So it was dust mites, grass at the allergist.
I went out and got hypo-allergenic things for the bed. I woke up happy! I dreamed many dreams. I only dream when I can sleep deep enough. Haven't been able to do that in years. 
I was praising God, Mary. I wanted to rip up every carpet in the house and toss it out. For that is where, besides the bed and pillows, the mites land and stay. At 4:00 in the morning I wanted to run and wake Dave up and then rip the carpet up in the computer room.
When I came into the rest of the house to start the day, within about 20 minutes I began to feel anxious and irritated. So the rest of the house, bit by bit, must be cleared of carpets and kept much cleaner. I am not a dirty person, just not cleaning up to standards of an allergic patient. I will now so it the best  that I can. The depression must stop. That has been the drive for all my adult life.
More food testing today and then they will give me something for the dust mite allergy.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dust Mite allergy: I have it!

Despite my belief that i had mold allergy, it came up that I have dust mite allergy. But i suffer when it rains as well. so more information is necessary to continue to find out why. Why does the rain bring on depression if mold allergy proved negative?
Site for dust mite allergy info, and dust mite allergy causes depression

Monday, October 24, 2011

Thought Bubbles: Impossible is not a word..

In opening my email I found this from my chiropractor. I think it was written by a Christian woman by the name of Stephanie West. I found it greatly reassuring in this time of stress. I am waiting to take an allergy test. After the test, well maybe I can get something that would help somewhat. Antihistamines don't really work now, and the allergy shots may not work fast enough. Anyways here is what was written by Steph as she prepares for a walk, run event:

It seems like every time I get in my car and start it, the song playing on the radio is, “That’s What Faith is For” by Kutless. There’s a line in that song that says, “Impossible’s not a word, it’s just a reason for someone not to try.” Well, I figure that this is God’s way of sending me a message since I keep hearing it over and over again. There have been times when I get down on myself and think that it’s “impossible” that I’ll ever find the lean body that’s hiding in the fat that’s stubbornly clinging to my frame. I try to stay positive but sometimes those negative thoughts just work their way in! Then, I started hearing this song all the time, and then this Olympic EMO started to keep me motivated. Now I realize that it will happen one day. God has His own agenda and I just have to learn to be patient. Just like I abolished the phrases “I can’t” and “I’ll try” and replaced them with “I can” and “I will,” I’ve added “impossible” to my taboo vocabulary. I will avoid all negative words and phrases. I will stay focused and positive! I remind myself that as a once self-proclaimed couch potato, I thought it would be “impossible” to ever get motivated to exercise and now I love it.

Then I remembered what I had written to my Pastor not a half hour before:
Dear Pastor,
I have to take an allergy test on Wednesday. It will tell me if I am correct, and what I need to avoid in my life. I know that prayer is working because I feel such peace when i dwell on Jesus. Guess what I dwell on now more than ever? Surrendering to Jesus every single thing, no matter what it is. It is important now not to dwell on any negative thing, any. These negative thoughts are as toxic as the irritants, what ever they maybe.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Activated Charcoal

Taken from:
Here is modern medical proof that the old natural remedy, Charcoal, is truly a very safe and highly efficient Natural Healing Agent. Presented here for your interest and examination are a few of the many articles and scientific papers that tell of charcoal research and its uses in modern natural healing.

Activated Charcoal has been used effectively in the healing arts for centuries. Doctors still use it today as a healing agent, an antidote for poisons, and an effective treatment for indigestion and gas. Modern Industry also relies on Charcoal to deodorize, decolorize and purity solutions. Charcoal can do these varied tasks because of its amazing ability to attract other substances to its surface and hold them there. This is called adsorption. Charcoal can adsorb thousands of times its own weight in gases, heavy metals, poisons, and other chemicals, thus making them ineffective or harmless.
The form of Charcoal used in modern medical science is Activated Charcoal U.S.P., a pure naturally produced, wood charcoal carbon that has no carcinogenic properties. Activated Charcoal is an odorless, tasteless powder. One teaspoonful of it has a surface area of more than 10,000 square feet. This unique feature allows it to adsorb large amounts of chemicals or poisons. The powder must be stored in a tightly sealed container, as it readily adsorbs impurities from the atmosphere. Charcoal from burnt toast is not effective, and Charcoal briquettes can be dangerous because they contain fillers and petrochemicals to help them ignite.
Studies show that Activated Charcoal is harmless when ingested or inhaled, or when it comes in contact with the skin. In rare cases, charcoal may mildly irritate the bowel in sensitive persons, but no allergies or side effects have been recorded. Ingested Charcoal may linger in the colon, but this is not harmful. Many pediatricians and pediatric handbooks recommend that Activated Charcoal be kept on hand as an antidote in the family medicine chest, especially in households that include small children (5, 10, 38, 41, 53, 64).
Scientific experiments over many years attest to the effectiveness of charcoal as an antidote. In one experiment, 100 times the lethal does of Cobra venom was mixed with charcoal and injected into a laboratory animal. The animal was not harmed (15). In other experiments, arsenic and strychnine were mixed with charcoal and ingested by humans under laboratory conditions. The subjects survived even though the poison dosages were 5 to 10 times the lethal dose (1, 3, 14, 16, 17, 38).

Today doctors, paramedics and medical centers use Activated Charcoal in a number of different ways:
1. to eliminate toxic by-products that cause anemia in cancer patients (33, 50, 54).
2. to disinfect and deodorize wounds (48, 50, 58, 59).
3. to filter toxins from the blood in liver and kidney diseases (31, 48, 65).
4. to purify blood in transfusions (48, 60, 65).
5. to cut down on odors for ileostomy and colostomy patients (20, 22, 48).
6. to treat poisonings and overdoses of aspirin, Tylenol and other drugs (10, 30, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 62, 63).
7. to treat some forms of dysentery, diarrhea, dyspepsia, and "foot and mouth" disease (20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 37, 38 & 48).
8. to treat poisonous snake, spider and insect bites (38.).
Activated Charcoal is REQUIRED by law to be part of the standard equipment on many ambulances, for use in poisonings. Mushroom poisoning, brown recluse spider bites, and snake bites can all be treated with Activated Charcoal. Doctors also use Activated Charcoal to prevent and treat intestinal infections, and as a cleansing and healing agents. Jaundice of the newborn, bee stings, poison ivy reactions, and many other illnesses can be helped with Activated Charcoal.

Amitriptyline Hydrochloride
Barbital Barbiturates
2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid
Digitalis or Foxglove
Golden Chain
Lead Acetate
Mefenamic Acid
Mercuric chloride
Methylene Blue
Methyl Salicylate
Multivitamins with Minerals
Potassium Permanganate
Radioactive Substances
Sodium Salicylate
Tree Tobacco
Some Silver & Antimony Salts
Many Herbicides 32, 39, 40
& 4000+ chemicals, drugs, toxins, & wastes

Indigestion and Gas-
A study made in 1981 shows that activated charcoal cuts down on the amount of gas produced by beans and other gas-producing foods. It adsorbs the excess gas as well as the bacteria that form the gas (57). Activated charcoal helps to eliminate bad breath, because it cleanses both the mouth and the digestive tract (38). It is also helpful in relieving symptoms of nervous diarrhea, traveler's diarrhea (Turista), spastic colon, indigestion, and peptic ulcers. For such problems take between 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon of powdered charcoal up to 3 times a day. Take it between meals, as food can reduce its effectiveness. Swirl the charcoal in a glass of water and drink it down or mix it with olive oil for easy ingestion by use of a spoon (38, 47, 57, 58).
Activated charcoal is inexpensive, simple to use and is a time-tested natural remedy that has many valuable uses without dangerous side effects or contradictions, a very efficient cleaner of the body when taken orally. It also helps to purify the blood (10, 38).
Charcoal may adsorb and inactivate other medications. Usually you can take charcoal two hours before or after other drugs. If you are taking prescription drugs, check with your doctor before beginning treatment with charcoal.
You can take charcoal intermittently for long periods or regularly for up to 12 weeks.

Lancet, the prestigious British medical journal, describes the use of charcoal compresses to speed the healing of wounds and eliminate their odors. This article tells about the amazing ability of human skin to allow transfer through its permeable membrane and pores of liquids, gasses and even micro-particles by the application of moist activated charcoal compresses and poultices which actually draw bacteria and poisons through the skin and into the poultice or compress. Poultices must be kept moist and warm to allow this healing process to take place (59).
Make a poultice by putting 1-2 tablespoons of charcoal powder in a container and adding just enough water to make a paste. Spread the paste on a paper towel, cloth, or piece of gauze cut to fit the area to be treated. Make sure the cloth is moist, warm, and thoroughly saturated with the paste. Place it over the wound cloth-side down and cover it with a piece of plastic wrap or plastic bag cut to overlap the poultice by an inch on every side. Fix in place with adhesive tape. Poultices should be changed every 6-10 hours. Do not put charcoal directly on broken skin, as it may cause a tattooing effect (21, 23, 24, 29, 38, 50).

Activated charcoal can be used as an antidote in poisoning from most drugs and chemicals. DO NOT USE WITH THE FOLLOWING: cyanide, mineral acids, caustic alkalies, alcohol, or boric acid. Other antidotes are more effective. Consult a Poison Control Center or a doctor immediately for instructions and information in any poisoning emergency (10, 51, 52).
In poisonings, activated charcoal works by adsorbing the poison or drug, inactivating it, and carrying it inert throughout the digestive system so that it can be eliminated from the body. Charcoal is neither adsorbed nor metabolized by the body (6, 13, 47, 53).
In a poisoning emergency, if the patient is conscious, first induce vomiting if it can be done quickly. Syrup is ipecac is a commonly used emetic preparation. The dosage is 1/2 oz. for children and 1 oz. for adults. Induced vomiting will bring up about 30% of the poison from the person's stomach. Then give charcoal to help inactivate the remaining 70%. The usual dose of charcoal is 5 to 50 grams, dependent on the amount of poison taken and the person's body size. Adults should receive at least 30 grams, or about half a cup of lightly packed powder. Larger doses are needed if the person has eaten a meal recently. A dose of 200 grams is not excessive in severe poisoning cases. Powdered charcoal can be given in fruit juice, chocolate syrup, jam, or honey to make it easier to get down. Ice cream is not recommended as it makes the charcoal less effective. Powdered charcoal reaches its maximum rate of adsorption rapidly, within one minute. The sooner it is given the better the chances of successful treatment. The dose can be repeated every four hours, or until charcoal appears in the stool (3, 10, 41, 47, 48, 52, 53, 60, 61).
Do not give charcoal or anything else to an unconscious patient. Consult a doctor at once. Do not give charcoal before giving an emetic, because the Activated Charcoal will adsorb the emetic and make it ineffective. Charcoal does not work in every poisoning situation, so be sure to follow your doctor's instructions.

Activated charcoal taken as a powder is the most effective form of charcoal that can be used. The best method of use is to take the required spoonfuls of powder, place them in the bottom of a cup or glass, and add water while rapidly stirring the charcoal into the water, then drink it down, along with a second glass of water to include any residue. Alternate methods listed below can also be used.
You can put charcoal into empty gelatin capsules. They may act more slowly than powder; the capsule must dissolve before the charcoal can work. Vegetarians who object to gelatin can use starch papers called Kokko-Oblates to allow convenient ingestion of activated charcoal powder. These are obtained at health food stores.
Medical researchers have discovered, that Activated Charcoal is so effective both chemically and physically, because of the it's electrical charge and the thousands of microscopic tunnels created by the process used to make it. The medical profession uses it as an antidote (10, 38, 41). It is inexpensive, harmless, and easy to use.

1 tsp./8 oz. Glass-PURE Water (1-3 times/day) - General Health
1 tsp./8 oz. Glass-PURE Water (4-7 times/day) - General Illness (Flus, Colds)
1 tsp./8 oz. Glass-PURE Water (8-12 times/day) - Serious Illness

Action to stop the mold attack

Emergency Action to Abort an Attack of Mould Allergy/Candida
  1. Don't eat (temporarily), as this reduces total load. Drink water, some people find tea helps.
  2. Take an anti-Candida preparation or drug if possible, for a short time.
  3. Take pepto-bismol tablets 2 four times daily with medicinal charcoal.
  4. Remember all this is only temporary, and will go away, "you are not going permanently mad".
  5. Restart food gradually using anti-Candida diet and food combining.
  6. Fix the house.
  7. Run the fan on the A/C unit continuously. It filters the air all day. Use electrostatic filters, change monthly.
I high lighted the 3rd one because I am interested in medical charcoal.

Depression from Mold is most likely

I am going to be tested for allergies on 10/26/11, I have been researching on a British site about mold allergies and this is what is happening to me.

The Symptoms of Mould Allergy
Many of the symptoms are identical with those of IBS and sometimes, food allergy, probably because moulds are part of the cause in these conditions, however the following are more marked in mould allergy:
  • Gross mood swings including depression (paralysing in the mornings) Acute fear and panic with rapid heart (often treated by cardiologists with anticoagulants and cardioversion,) this is usually worse at 3AM and involves waking up terrified night after night, and may eventually develop into fear of going to sleep.
  • Bouts of energy loss to the point of total inertia, where the thought of doing anything at all is quite impossible.
  • Joint pains usually leading to arthritis in large weight-bearing joints.
  • These symptoms may vary in intensity depending on the weather.
  • They may also be much worse in some houses than others.
Other General Symptoms
  • Obesity unresponsive to dietary restriction
  • Symptoms of IBS including bloating
Localised Symptoms
  • Hay Fever and nasal symptoms
  • Asthma
  • Urinary problems, frequency
  • Joint pains
  • Flatulence, abdominal bloating
  • Swelling of legs and ankle
The above information is from a British site, click here.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Sneezing and Allergies

In the past two years, maybe more I have developed sneezing fits. Now it appears that it maybe due to allergies: some research
There was a very interesting study recently showing that people with chronic sinusitis produce as much 250 times more of a particular enzyme, acidic mammalian chitinase, in their nasal secretions than do normal controls. Chitinase breaks down chitin, which is the major component of the cell walls of fungi, including mushrooms and yeasts, the cell walls of the larvae of insects and the exoskeletons of adult insects, the shells of shellfish such as lobster and even squid, the beaks of octopi, shells of molluscs like oysters, and the skins of parasitic roundworms. It is a polysaccharide, not a protein. Previous studies have linked chitinase and asthma.

The authors of the study describe this as a response to 'ghost parasites':

The theory, Lane says, is that allergies and asthma result from genes that control the body's defenses against parasites, but these genes are dormant in healthy people. However, when turned on by so-called ghost parasites, the potent inflammatory response is medically very difficult to control.

However, in modern times, chitin is found in many more places than those listed. Chitin and chitosan, a digested and solubilized byproduct of chitin, have become extremely important industrial, medical, and food technology materials:

Chitin is used in water purification, and as an additive to thicken and stabilize foods and pharmaceuticals. Chitin also acts as a binder in dyes, fabrics, and adhesives. Industrial separation membranes and ion-exchange resins can be made from chitin. Processes to size and strengthen paper employ chitin.

Chitin and chitosan are also extensively used in cosmetics, such as hair fixers and shampoos, some of which owe the set or shine they impart to hair to chitin or chitosan.

In the case of your dessert, santry, I wouldn't be surprised if the fat contents of both the frosting and the whipped cream were stabilized with chitosan. It has a strong affinity for lipids, and both products sometimes use it for that purpose.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

CT and food allergies testing done on October 19th

CT SCAN DONE OCT 19 Yesterday, results will be ready after 2:30 today Oct 20.

Food allergy testing done by blood on OCT 19th

Ear, Nose, throat doctor Laskoff contacted to get sponge filter extracted from nose.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sponges as Filters

Sitting outside for hours at a time produces anxiety and sometimes depression in me. I have noted in this blog before that I use small sponges to block the nasal passage to that I can stay outdoors at an employer that would not allow a mask for health reasons. I trying to avoid taking drugs, wearing a mask, and staying somewhat sane, I may have to have minor nose surgery.

ER in the night

I can not tell if it was the steroids, or just what brought on the racing heart. I had my husband drive me to the ER the night of Oct. 17 into the early morning hours of the 18th. I did not get waited on that night so after breathing cleaner air, or what ever caused the anxiety, depression and palpations passed, I signed myself out of the hospital and I an my husband came home. What a tiring night, stressful morning. I looked up what the prednisone does and it could cause depression and racing heart. So I went to the primary care doctor the next day. He wanted to give me xanax. I told him I would take the scrip, but not fill it. I don't intend to. After 17 or 18 years on those drugs, what would I want to mess with those again? I stopped the Prednisone last night on the 18th.

On Steroids

October 11
Started steroids today . It was a shot given in rt buttock. Outside the next day. Almost unbearable. Using oregano and filters as well. Into the tunnel to breathe every so often. I must get through this. There is no other financial solution.
Bible passages: the Lord is my rock..
October 19th
On the subject of steroids: they caused me depression and loss of appetite.
Dr. Issac does not want me to go on any drugs. I agree, and will get the scoop from the allergy testing that will be soon.
When my brain is calm and functioning well I can see to follow a path with out drugs. Duh. But when inflamed with what ever it is, then I am frightened. I appeal to spiritual strength and guidance.

Note to friends

Your understanding and kindness help me so much. I was to the doctor today=allergist. He thinks that there is a growth of some sort in the left nostril. Sent me for a CT scan. We will see what that leads to. Then the week of November the first I am due for a skin prick test. Then we have a food sensitivity test by my blood which they drew today. We shall move forward slowly. Much rest and waiting now.
Perhaps after the testing and meds and other things I will heal enough to continue to do what I love. Right now things are in flux. Just pray. Praying works.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Next Weather Front Approaches

A thing about mold allergy: as the weather changes my mood changes to extremely anxious, but I realize that if I must go on pharmaceuticals to maintain a job, then I will. I fear to do so because of the side effects of steroids, or any other thing they may give me to give me some sanity. The way I can barely maintain any kind of sanity now is that I wear filters shoved up my nose. The filters are sponges, small celled foam. Then I at times dose with oregano oil.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Eco-Friendly Pest Control

This is a wonderful service. It is local here in Orlando, and uses natural oils for pest control. I used it two weeks ago and the bugs, roaches mainly, started to disappear, but after two weeks are not completely gone. She, Joanne Lingane, the owner, said that they would take sometime because the natural stuff to kill bugs is weaker, but safe for humans and pets. And yes, it was I even got it on my skin and had only a slight response to it, not the hideous response of three day sickness to the regular pesticides that I have had before. For 75.00 she does two applications the first, and then the second follow up. Then you have a choice to have it done monthly, quarterly, etc for different  prices.

Thermagram Is Good

I recently had a thermogram and it came back much improved from the first one I had so, I wondered why Dr. Mueller wanted me to do a mammogram. He wants to give me hormones. My regular OBGYN, Jean Christiansen,  says she disagrees with the hormones and wrote me a script to take the mammogram if I want to. He says that there is a thickening in the left breast, this was on 9/30th or there abouts, the thermo was done on 9/15.  The twenty year experienced Carol Chandler, 836-709-9565, said it was a good report, and wanted to know what I had done over the period from 6-25-2010  to 9-15-2011 to so change the results. I told her that I completely changed diet, life style, and products in home and this was to fight depression.

Possible problems with Pets

In the fight for relief from depression and anxiety I question everybody I think might have knowledge of things that are in my life. Like could my pet be causing some of this depression. This is before I came into the thought that allergies could be playing a part of the problem.  My vet said that some people have problems as listed below. I put it here for future reference
And to take antibody tests

Allergist Appiontment Notes

Before going to a doctor  (in this case Dr. Michael Anderson), I try to sit down and write down  my questions and also write a  list of current medications, current health concerns, and have copies of current tests with me. I make a file folder on the doctor to store paper copies of these. This way on the day of the appointment, I just take the folder and go and talk. Also any emails, blog entries that I have made that are revalent. I have a sister-in-law that is a pharmacist and have asked her advice. So here is the email, which I will take to the doctor to help make my points.
Hey Tish,
I seem to be having severe allergy problems. I have been tracking food sensitivities for almost two years. I had a test in Sept. and am allergic to many things, most I have already eliminated. A lot of the depression has gone. Then I  read a book written by Doris Rapp, Brain Allergies: Is this your child.  Everything fit into place. Finally I began to put many things happening to me together.

When under the exposure these are the symptoms
loss of balance, the ears fill up with liquid
    loss of spacial judgements, knocking things over easily, missing turns in car, running over curbs
    typing becomes difficult and slow
itchy skin all over
post nasal drip
blurry eyes
mental stuff starts happening
loss of concentration
short term memory loss
Once I cover my nose and mouth with a clean cloth and breathe for about 25 minutes, not talking, not eating, all symptoms are lessened. Even the depression.
Now I have already put an air purifier and de-humidifier in my bedroom, and that has helped greatly for sleep. I used to wake up in severe depression and could not figure out why.
I have started on the generic OTC antihistamines for Zyrtec and Allerga.  Went to get a shot of steroid on last Tuesday, and it helped for about two days. They said it would last for one week Now I am on 5 mg of Prednisone. It barely helps. Right now I have to be outside for the job. So I take a lot of breathing breaks. I am taking the OTC Allerga and Prednisone together. It barely helps, even in the house (out of the bedroom with the de-humidifer and purifier).
My questions
I believe it is mold.  The symptoms are severe in rainy weather.  Even in overcast weather. What other type of thing could it be?
What types of drugs and treatments are available for this?
What strengths are  the upper limits and can be considered safe.?

I see the allergist on Wednesday and want to have a little knowledge about what to expect on the issue.
Thanks, and I hope to see you in about 10 days!

Current medications:
      Prednisone, 5 mg
      Digestive enzymes, zenpep 10,000 units, 3 to 5 caps before each meal

      Vit C, up to 10,000 mg daily
      Vit B 5, 2000 mcg daily
      Vit B 12 , 5000 mcg daily
      Vit D up to 10,000 IU daily
      Lysine, 4,800 mg daily
      Dindolylmethane (DIM) , 200 mg daily
      liquid Vit supplement
      fish oil 2000 IU daily
 Diet :
     No fried foods, no sodas, I drink, White teas, herbals water sweetened with Stevia
     95% of foods prepared at home.
     oils, fats are not hydrogenated.
     95% of foods are eaten raw
     proteins are from beans, flaxseeds,

Friday, October 14, 2011

Natural Allergy Relief

I have tried Golden Seal and it affects me in a strange way, so I got off of it and re-read the label. I think I was taking to much at once. Must build up on it first. Check this site out:

Steroids brought into the fight

Started steroids on the 11th. It was a shot given in right buttock. Outside the next day. All most unbearable. Using oregano and filters as well. Into the tunnel to breathe every so often. I must get through this. There is no other financial solution.
Bible passages: the Lord is my rock. I know He is here with me now.
The allergist seems to be extremely unfair with his new patients and for their first visit he makes them pay any funds left to pay on their deductible for that year. Mine now would be about three thousand dollars. I am punished because I have been healthy this year. And the statements of collection agencies and 90 day payment deadlines, they are scary and means this place is expensive. I want to gather information and pray about this.
I have prayed and decided to call and talk to them at Dr. Anderson's, and  have spoke with them this morning and only need the co-pay-60.00 to see them on the first visit. It is scary because my mind continues in panic/anxiety/depression mode from  the allergy.

Different antihistamine

Started a different antihistamine on the 6th of October. The previous was generic for Zyrtec.10 mg per 24 hrs.  This is generic for Allerga 60 mg every twelve hours. Last night after the second dose I thought it was giving me an allergic reaction. Scary thoughts. But I concentrated on positive bible passages. I think fear of the unknown sometimes triggers more allergic-like reactions than what would normally occur.
Same day 7:15 pm
Amazing day. As the symptoms came on I asked God to take them, just to take them. They would disappear. My mood was amazing. No depression. At all. Combination of positive Christian based thought:
The Lord makes perfect all that concerns me. Proverbs 138:8.
(yesterday, as I picked up the new allergy OTC drug I met a woman that was running the register who had the same problem as I do: allergy triggered depression. We traded notes, and I gave her a card. The real stunning part: she had my same first name. I had wondered if I should even go into WALGREENS to purchase the allergy OTC. Some thing or some One told me to do it at that time and to share a bit of what was happening to me. There are no coincidences. Just to make sure I got the message that she was there to let me know that I do not suffer alone, I am not crazy, she had my same first name. There are no coincidences in life.)
And today I am amazed that I can sit out in the rain and endure. On only three doses of an OTC.?! Yesterday I would run out of the work area, which 
Is located outside when it was just moist and cloudy, just a little rain. Today,rain for most of the day. A Blessing.?
You bet, an encounter of the Holy kind? You judge!

Thought Bubbles

In choosing Jesus, one makes the ultimate choice. My boss once said: pay the cost up front for the best, you will get life long service that way. Or words to that effect. Choose the One that loved you so much that He gave His life for you, that way you get life long service on a product(salvation) that doesn't crap out on you. Excuse the term "crap out", but it is the term that fits here the best. He said He would never leave: you always must engage in the relationship to make it work, like any relationship!
Passages from the bible were written by eyewitnesses to the things they were writing about.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Steriods: The answer for now?

Dear Edna,
They gave me a shot of a steroid and I began to feel better. I dreamed last night, for the first time in many weeks. This only occurs when the allergies are at bay. This means that I slept deeply despite the VNS implant. I am going to make it I feel. I don't really want more medications, but I need sleep and  symptom removal so the anxiety and depression, itchiness, imbalance go away. I am still on the path to find a better way than drugs to solve the problems. Will always be.
Then to the blog:
I started doing enemas with coffee about Oct 7. It stimulates the bile production in the liver and the detox of the liver and the bodily systems. Organic coffee and distilled water. Could no longer afford the seventy dollar supplement to support glutathione production that the enemas produce. I am reading "The Gerson Therapy". Big read, I do it while I do the enema (lol) for 12 minutes.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Allergist Time

I have been told for the past two  years that to take any pharmaceutical drugs is poisonous to your body. Told that chiropractic will heal all. I has come to this: I believe that this is true. But to put it simply: I work outside and I need to maintain a job to pay for all things. I am allergic to something in the air, and I believe it is mold. So to manage and stabilize what is happening to me I am going to go to an allergist. Scheduled on the 19th of Oct. I am to be off all antihistamines for one week previously. I will have to make it, but I may not be able to. My brain is fried.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ann Frahm's Battle

I am battling other issues besides depression as well. Life is not a one issue affair. I have a thickening in the left breast. I am studying the Gerson Therapy (in hopes of finding relief from my constant allergies) and also have run across the story below. It was in an email sent to me by a friend.
I heard Ann Frahm speak years ago. She had a book out on how to rid of cancer and 
had followed with a book how not to get cancer. She had chemo and 5 weeks to live.
She was cancer free at the end of those 5 weeks!
You have to read her story!
She and her husband have a clinic in CO. Please refer this to anyone who has cancer and its
affects on the body!  She was leaching the chemo and had fungus from head to toe from all
the antibiotics.  Perhaps something from it will help you.
I have her books but its been years since I skimmed thru them. She has or had products to
sell too.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Common Food Sources of Mold

In the never ending battle with this depression I have come across some of the strangest things that were effecting me. In researching mold and it's sources here is a list that will slap you between the eyes. Because, well, these are the foods that I have had constantly until rather recently. The list is taken from WebMD.

Common food sources of mold include:
Vinegar and foods containing vinegar, such as salad dressing, catsup, and pickles, I love pickles
Sour cream, sour milk, and buttermilk
Meat or fish more than 24 hours old, unless I am there when the meat was killed, well how can I avoid       this?
Breads and other food made with yeast, I made my own yeast bread and craved it daily!
Sauerkraut, duh, I am of German heritage
Pickled and smoked meats and fish
Dried fruits such as dates, prunes, figs, and raisins
Soy sauce, love sushi
Hot dogs, sausages
Canned juices

So one can see that eating can bring on depression. Not just what is normally considered "bad" foods (bad fats sugars etc), but what most of us were brought up on.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Thought Bubbles: Touching the Sky

Jessica Cox is inspiring:
She is without arms. She has thrived: So will I. I can not compare with an armless person in that overwhelming situation. She has made it her backbone, as I have made finding a way to control the depression mine, and I can learn from her story, and her positive mental attitude. Here is her story:  for silhouette art work    for tea party history for kids

Thought Bubbles: Negativity

Negativity is soul destructive selfishness.

I find that I am more selfish when I concentrate on the carnal -things of this world-- than when I think of God.  for silhouette art work    for tea party history for kids

Heavy Metal Toxicity and Immunity

Notes from IPad: Notes taken for future research:
Heavy metal toxicity could be making the immunity weak enough to not fight other toxins?
Can't detox.  Gerson Diet Liver malfunction?

New herb to look into: Herbs de Provence
Herbs to freshen up my veggies diet. Marjoram, thyme, sage, rosemary, are in poultry seasoning and seem to be a good antihistamine

Look up mystery diagnois  discovery health

Eat broccoli , kale, cauliflower garlic, onion they all boost detox
Tartaric acids are toxins and are elevated in adults with fibromyalgia. They come from yeast fermentation.
Since this post was written, August 14, I have found out that I am allergic to garlic  for silhouette art work    for tea party history for kids

Thought Bubbles: Amy Grant

Amy Grant's song that has phrase: We pore out our miseries: God just hears a melody blasts into my morning.

Tears stream down my face.

He knows. He knows what I am going through and He cares.

One of the effects of being this allergic (allergic based depression)  is incredible emotions .  At least that is my theory.

I am very easy to tears. But He knows. He spurs me to write about it.

If I can but touch the hem of Your robe, Lord, the bare touch will enliven me. I don't know the exact passage.

I ask Him: Is this conversation just a mind game?

I await an answer as the world whirls and the songs twirl on radio waves.

He does hear. He has to: for I can claim the right as His child to stand at His throne because Christ has said I am justified through Him, Christ.  for silhouette art work    for tea party history for kids

Thought Bubbles:Releasing of Fear

I have been through Fear Hell this week. 
  • one doctor thinks the thickening in the left breast is indicative of something serious. But on three past thermograms the breasts are increasingly improving.
  • my job is proving that it might not provide the needed funds for the household bills
  • this puts the money that I am using to buy supplements back into the household budget.
  • I know what is the cause of my depression is, now how to stop it. I do not want to take shots from allergists, for fear of what it might do to me. Look what the antidepressants did.
  • the food sensitivities test came back and I am allergic to cow's milk products, goat milk products, egg, both egg white and yolk, cranberry, shellfish, all forms of wheat, sunflower seed, peanuts, rye,sesame seed, and garlic.
  • I  still suffer the mold allergy that, even though I have not been tested, know that I have. 
So I am in the " I will not live in fear, dear God" mode. Enough fear, doubt and anxiety. Just enough. Pull back and rest in My arms is what I hear God saying. Rest, things will work out. I have your back He says. I led you through two insurance claims this last year to provide the funds at this time. If I can do that, you know that I can do anything.
And I take His hand and go out on another day, to share His love with others.
This is what I have to think about: I am so involved with what is happening to me that I can not see that there is a world outside of me. I have to see it, to see that others have their problems too. They live inside their heads as well, seeing their world through their problems.  for silhouette art work    for tea party history for kids

I go to Animal Kingdom

On a rare Sunday off I and my husband decided to go to Animal Kingdom, Disney's animal themed park. If you have a mold, pollen allergy please beware. The park is below over hanging trees. The air, even on a relatively dry day is moist and laden with mold.
I arrived there in relative good condition. I knew that the weather was not dry enough to support me out there. But I had loaded up on cetirizine hydrochloride tablets from Walgreens. Something that I had started to take on Saturday the first of October. It is a stop gap at best for this condition, for I am sensitive to many things, and it helps only a little bit. It is a product that is an antihistamine and the amount that I took was one tab at 10 mg. It had worked the day before as I stood out in the outdoors on Main Street USA. But Main Street is not under trees. There is standing water in the nooks and crannies in the area that I work, but not like in the Animal Kingdom with running water in the streams under the overhanging trees. The symptoms started soon after I got there.
The itchy skin was under control this time. But balance was affected, indigestion, gas started. stiff neck muscles, mostly on the right side. All these symptoms are the byproducts of when mold allergy visits me. Although I have not been tested directly for the allergy, I am consistent in the reactions each time I am in a moist area. I went to air conditioned shopping areas and was relieved for a few minutes at a time. But I held on to shelving and my husband's arm to steady myself. Thought processes began to go down hill. I became as if I were disconnected with what was going on around me. Not disoriented, just more and more apathetic. Depression was setting in. Then fatigue began to come and overtake me. This pattern used to frighten me and I used to demand of myself that I was at fault somehow. But It has happened, now that I know what to look for in the memories of my outings to the Animal Kingdom, every time I have been out there. When I came home, I took another tab of the Walgreens brand antihistamine and went to sleep for two hours. I rarely sleep that long during the day, except when suffering an allergic reaction from something. The VNS device won't let me. It gives me a near normal sleep pattern. Little or no sleep during the day, 5 to 7 or 8 during the night.  I am up now writing this post and the depression is lessening, but the gas and indigestion remain, balance has returned. It is dry today, no rain. There is just so much that that antihistamine can handle. It is an overall mild antihistamine. Not a heavy duty shot.  for silhouette art work    for tea party history for kids