Support in my efforts to battle this problem is the main thing that I need. I get it from all who I encounter, except one major person. This is an email from my sister and my reply:
On Aug 15, 2011, at 4:48 PM, Edna wrote:
thanks, I need support. I get it from everyone except John. He seems to think it is all in my head. I have to think about what the bible said: and I don't know just what verse, but we get our esteem from the Lord, not others, even our brother. It is hard on Wednesdays. The day after Family Night. I am poisoned by the food and the doubts (caused by his unfaltering statements of this doesn't bother me, so it can't be bothering you) he causes. I am sorry, but swollen joints, lost balance, blisters in the mouth, break outs of herpes around the mouth, swollen gums, gas, bloating, itchy skin, constipation, depression, anxiety, popping in the ears, fatigue does bother me and I need support from someone I have adored all of my life. I am glad that I got that out of my system. And God be praised for your support.Glad you got to talk to Jennifer. Did you find out just what she suffers with? Both mentally, and physically?
Dear Janet,I did try to get to your blog but I could not get in to read any thing. I am sorry. I did try to surf and do some research.When I was on line trying to do some research this afternoon, Jennifer called. (Her daughter who suffers from allergies) We actually had some decent conversation for about an hour. I do not know how much communication got through but at least it is a start for us. That was good.Continue to keep your food journal. Keep the amounts of food and the times that you eat also. I know that this sounds picky but you are looking for repeated patterns and foods that are bothering you and giving you bad reactions. Look for daily, weekly, and monthly patterns. Also, record your sleep patterns. Note your moods and feelings. Don’t obsess about all this. If you miss something or time, get back on track the next time cycle. Again, don’t get down on your self for looking for the why. Perhaps, you will be able to talk to the doctor more intelligently. Be sure to include a joke on yourself and then laugh at yourself and press on with life. We are praying for you.Love,Edna
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