Taken from the blog www.mylifemyreflections.blogspot.com
My Testimony
by Janet Matthews
This was originally written in August 2010 and published in YFCC's newsletter.
My Testimony August 2010
Dr. Dan is presenting his Extreme Make Over Series again. Amazingly, he is teaching all new information.The Extreme Make Overs occur about every six months. At the last EMO ( January 2010), I was just coming off my medications. At that time, I was taking 3 antidepressants, a thyroid medication, and a cholesterol medication. Now I have been off of them for six months. Over the past 17 years, I have taken, I believe, 17 or 18 different medications. Although I always desired to rid my body of these awful drugs, I couldn't go a day not taking them without severe withdrawal symptoms. These chemicals literally kept me imprisoned and were destroying my life. Over the last 6 months, I have seen incredible changes all through chiropractic care, nutritional modifications and a cutting edge detoxification program supervised by Dr. Fernandez. We must remember tho rid the body of the internal chemicals that cause harm. Sugar is a problem for me because it increases the yeast and molds in my body.
Chiropractic care brings the spinal bones back into alignment, and as a result, the brain can send those critically needed healing messages to the body. When I first began my care, I had no curve in my neck(the arc of life). It is supposed to have a "C" curve in it. Because it didn't, the lack of curvature was stretching the the brain stem down into the spinal column and literally pulling the brain down into the spine. OUCH! That cut off blood and information coming from the brain to the rest of my body. Because of the interference, my body suffered greatly.
Then the doctors found that I was toxic with lead along with other metals. My drinking water had to many chemicals in it as well. Chlorine was a big problem. Chlorine kills even the good bacteria in the intestines. As a result, the intestines are unable to digest food correctly. Purchasing a water filter was my first smart step and has made a big difference.
I learned how to cook with all the right foods - the ones that detoxify and reduce inflammation. I learned that garlic, onions, and cilantro are some of the most powerful healing foods that can be consumed. Fennel also possesses incredible healing properties,one being the ability to kill mold. Sage, rosemary, and All Spice all contribute to the production of serotonin in the brain. This is the amino acid that lifts depression.
No strategy to heal my body worked prior to my coming to YFCC. I was poisoning myself with sugars daily. High amounts of bread, pasta, and fruits in my diet severely elevated the inflammatory process in my body and created constant suffering and pain. My psychiatrist told me the depression would never go away. Well, of course it would never go away if I depended on him. He wants my money. So do the drug companies!! Yes, let's keep the patient ignorant of the real CAUSE of their problems. And while we're at it, let's keep their money. too!
However, the real problem is sickness and dis-ease in the body, and my depression was a symptom of the sickness. The causes of my sickness were interference by subluxation, inflammation, yeast, molds, acidic foods, and environmental factors such as chemicals, preservatives, and additives in various foods that polluted the body. My brain reacted to this flood of contaminants with anxiety, depression, and allergies. I know in others the contaminants cause ADHD and a host of other brain dis-eases.
I thank God that I have my life back. Thanks to YFCC, Dr. Dan and his entire team, my quality of life has been restored and life is enjoyable again. Living without drugs, pain, and a dis-eased body is more than I ever dreamed possible. I am thankful to be alive and well, and I look forward to making the rest of my years the best of my years. Thank you for my new found freedom!
New Stresses
Updates that have brought back the depression, and coming out of it again.
I was in a car accident May 5. I may have some whiplash.
I called Dr.Hernandez at Thrive from the accident scene. Funny that I would consider him first among everyone. But Chiro has become that much of my life
When I was doing my taxes for 2010, I noticed that I had been in the
hospital in the Spring in 2009 and 2010. I was adamant that I was not
going to end up there again this year. I was almost to the point of
glee when I found myself in an ambulance yesterday afternoon. I am
here again?! God you have a sense of humor, or maybe trying to tell
me that You are in control:)
As an update to the above:
Over the weekend I started to notice medium brown floaters in the
lower quarter of my vision. That would put it across my breast area.
Now with eating a lot of oils lately, I thought that it was just a
blouse that needed pretreatment (lol), but no, it has to be the
occipital bone out of alinement again. There has been an increase in
depression over this last weekend.
Shock to the body, misalignment of the spine is what brought it on.
I have been in and out of depression more often since the car accident.
Before the accident I would go into depression perhaps every other week. A mild depression, to be sure, but now it is getting to be daily. I thought as the body healed from the bruised and sprained back and neck, the depressions would be less. So far not. But I am hopeful that if I can get a grip on the reality of the situation, that I will get better, that I can have the happiness that I had before.
I had no target before my past improvement. I did not know what happiness could be. I had surrendered to the depression because I knew nothing else. Now I know I have been happy just last month.
I will get better.
God says that he will perfect all that concerns me. I have to keep this in the forefront as I heal.
I believe that the above accident has brought on severe allergic reactions that have put me out of work for nearly three weeks. I have gone back on medications, two allergy medications and two antidepressants. Check blog posts around this date.
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