Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Thought Bubbles: Conversations with God

I have been reading Heart to Heart with Holly and her email is It has had a passage from Psalms in it #138:8 "The Lord will perfect that which concerns me."
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What I think is perfect and what God thinks may be very different, but if I realize that God knows far more about me and my condition than I do, then He knows best.
The Lord will perfect that which concerns me. Psalm 138:8 NKJV
Now also I have been getting the message that I have to have patience in everything and turn everything, I mean everything, over to God. Finances, relationships, business, health, and everything else, whatever it is over to Him. That He is the Stabilizer of everything. Once started and practiced it becomes easier, and easier. He has become the filling in my body. I felt like a empty shell before. Now I feel a constant spiritual thirst  and when I drink of the things that God provides in the information surrounding me (songs on Christian Radio, the Bible, conversations with friends and passers by, even the beauty of nature) I feel strengthen. How do the people who choose not to listen get by? Don't they feel empty? Or is it that they don't really know the difference/and therefore don't understand, or care? There is a great booklet by Charles Capps entitled God's Creative Power for Healing published by Harrison House.
It explains why the affirmations so common in the 80's worked, at least partially. He doesn't approach it in this manner, but me, coming from a more secular background of New Ager I can understand in this manner. If you repeat a good, positive thought enough, It Will Manifest.
But with God's Word, you know that to repeat it and believe it even before it manifests, well it has the power of Almighty God behind it, not just your own repeating it. Again God tenderly shows me the way.

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  1. I have learnt to speak it, not against it. Sometimes it is hard to remember but I catch myself and turn it around. the hardest thing is speaking what it is about my kids because it isn't yet. It is painful and saying what has happened before it happens seems unnatural. God let me have my way this past week. I didn't like who I became in not telling someone how I felt but my facial said it all and ignoring these people who hurt me. I am so sick and tired of women hurting me most of all christian women. I wanted out of seeing these people but they are in my life and I had to find a way and found it. What would Jesus do? What did Jesus do for me? I cried knowing what each one of MY sins did to nail a nail, whipping for each sin. How He could not love us for sinning yet He does forgive and still love! Love me? Love them? yes. I kept a record of the wrongs but love does not, He does not. So I chose to forgive and let Him take care of them and go on in Christian love in serving meals on Monday nights. I don't have to be friends but I do have to do my job I chose to do in serving. satan tried to get me to leave but I have to do what is in my heart to prepare, set up, serve, communicate with others and clean up.
    I am depressed because I feel like I am a failure as people see I didn't do what I said God was doing in my life in moving on to where He showed me. I am almost no further ahead than I was a year ago. Creeping isn't getting me anywhere. If I keep up then I have to get a job. I want to be here working and not helping others and going places. I get distracted and then instead of coming home to this mess I stay away. It is a mountain, a giant, to me. I do what I have to do. A few select few I entrusted my feelings to that said they would spend time with me so I could move on faster while they talked or helped in little ways here let me down and never showed up.One I paid for was mentally ill and drove me up the wall and had to let her go and suffered a big loss financially as I paid her in advance to pay her light bill. A wolf in sheeps clothing. I have gotten ripped off money wise or possessions more times than I can count by people in disguise as christians. Everytime I think it is ok, it wasn't. I know we are to trust and if they rip us off then God takes care of them, not us. I am tired, I hurt physically and probably because I ate what I shouldn't have and didn't get enough sleep and stress. I feel better after reading what confirmed what I already knew and more relaxed now that my anger issue was settled in my heart tonight. It was some battle overcoming satan. he gets worse when we are closest to Gods' promise. My friend was suposed to come down from up north and I was elated. I thought she would keep me company while I worked in the house and she would stay here. Turns out she isn't even coming here and coming with her teenage grandaughter and this girls' teenager friend to St Augustine. She might come to see me I feel or tellme to come up to see her while she is there. Life has its disapointments. I need prayer, I need to get in the word more, it is hard. I listen to THE INTENTIIONAL LIFE on 88.9 or online most days. It helped me get started. I just need to sit down and read his book and keep on going on with the plan God has for me whether it was Plan A or Plan B. I thank God for you not giving up on me and encouraging me. Each time He takes someone out of my life He always puts someone back in it. It is up to me to choose wisely, to discern and not be a doormat to the takers. Jesus is coming soon, Halleluia!

  2. Hold on to the fact that
    1) Others of God's children are going through much the same thing. Hurt by others, cheated by them and other things that happen between human beings.
    2) God is still there holding out His hand and whispering, no, sometimes shouting, leave them and their animosity and come to Me. Seek Me, and turn your thoughts to ME, and I will take care of everything, I will take care of them as well. But you, you come to Me.
    3) Things like foods, chemicals, sounds, other things we pick up in our environment are making us sick, ultra sick, and sensitive. I mean very sensitive to things around us. This effects us emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically. And we hurt, on all levels.
    4) Knowing all the above helps me see past the insensitive people and hold on to God, and to research on the human body to determine why I react the way that I do, and forgiveness of myself and others.
