Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Thought Bubbles: Cloud Kisses

I see Gods hands in the clouds as they form and the wind as it moves the branches of the trees.
As the wind caresses my skin. As the light sparkles in the leaves.
Sometimes the clouds form His hands as He reaches down to caress my face.
 He is everywhere. And as big as He is He loves me. me little me..
Ain't that neat?  for silhouette art work    for tea party history for kids

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Butterbur: European Herb

I am investigating the herb butterbur because it is suggested that the allergies that I currently have may be helped. Mold is one such allergy.
Here, from Web MD are my notes:
Other names of herb:
Blatterdock, Bog Rhubarb, Bogshorns, Butter Bur, Butterburr, Butter-Dock, Butterfly Dock, Capdockin, Exwort, Flapperdock, Japanese Butterbur, Japonica Petasites, Langwort, Pestwurz, Petasites, Petasites flower, Petasites hybridus, Petasites officinalis Petasites leaf, Petasites rhizome, Petasites root, Petasitidis Folium, Petasitidis Rhizoma, Petasitidis Hybridus, Petasites Japonicus, Petasites Vulgaris, Plague Root, Purple Butterbur, Tussilago hybrida, Umbrella Leaves.
It can cause liver damage and should be labeled PA-free to be safe in taking the product. PA's are chemicals called pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Take these nasties out and the product is good to go. The herb is good for the following
Butterbur is used for pain, upset stomach, stomach ulcers, migraine and other headaches, ongoing cough, chills, anxiety, plague, fever, trouble sleeping (insomnia), whooping cough, asthma, hay fever (allergic rhinitis), and for irritable bladder and urinary tract spasms. Butterbur is also used to stimulate the appetite. So watch out to not gain weight on this one.

These are Janet’s other sites:

Monday, September 26, 2011

NOSK nose air filters

In reading Doris Rapp's  Brain Allergies: Is this your child? I have come to the conclusion that I am allergic to many things. I will pick up my food sensitivities test tomorrow. But I already realize that dust plays a part of the situation now as well. Probably pollen as well. I have not been tested for these as yet, but red burning eyes, and runny nose tell the tell.
So I have ordered a product from NOSK. It is a filter that fits up the nasal passages and blocks some, but not all of the allergens. But it is a great product if one does not expect a total cure. It is comfortable, and can be rinsed and cleaned and dried to use again. Cost with express delivery is about 40 USD, Trapping all allergens from the air is hard. I tried to stuff a small sliver of cello foam up the nostrils to see if that would work for the mold. It did, but it was very difficult to breathe. But it did work. The small openings in the cello sponge trapped the allergens, but I could not breathe well when breathing out. In was hard enough, out was almost impossible. for silhouette artwork tea party history for kids!

Natural Allergy Relief

There is the European herb butterbur which is as effective as a popular antihistamine in controlling symptoms of hay fever. Now I don't have hay fever, but the antihistamine effects should help in quelling the other effects of the allergy of mold. I have not personally tried this herb -yet.

I am now on another regimen, which I rotate in order for the body not to build up resistance to any one.
  • Oregano oil
  • homeopathic remedy histaminum hydrochloricum 6 c from WholeFoods
  • homeopathic remedy Bio Active Homeopathic Mold Antigens from Dr. Mueller's office. Probably available on the web somewhere.
  • Golden Seal herb.
  • Chiropractic care. Dr. Isaac has moved the Atlas bone and given me a isometric exercise to strengthen the right side of the posterior neck. He showed me the x-ray where the Atlas bone was about 1/8 of an inch out of alignment. He positioned me on my left side and then applied pressure to the correct area the bone slid into place. But it came out over time. Yes, I knew it would, because the muscles around it are used to it's old position. So the need for exercises to strengthen that area to keep the bones in place. for silhouette artwork tea party history for kids!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Thought Bubbles: God and Prayer

God may not answer prayer for these reasons:
  • Your relationship with God has been neglected, you have focused on carnal things, refocus on Him.
  • Timing is not right for Him to answer:other plans, other people's minds and thought must be brought into line with His plans.
  • He wants develop patience and faith in me. Having me look for his response is one of those ways.
  • Also maybe my reasons for what I want are not the correct reasons for wanting that thing. for silhouette artwork tea party history for kids!

Allergies and Chiropractic

The chiropractor is adjusting my neck differently now that I told him about my allergies. After new X-ray, he put a new treatment protcol into effect. It seems to be helping a great deal. There is a bone in the neck that controls many functions dealing with what is directly affecting me, allergies and depression. That bone is the atlas. It is completely off center almost one eight of an inch. This is quite a bit and causes severe allergies to flair up. It is helping me in the mold,pollen and dust fight. Apparently the tendons in that area are either non existent in me, or very weak. We are addressing that in my neck. 

For silhouette artwork:
For children's book:   (tea party history)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Thought Bubbles:God does love Me!

I know that I exist for a reason. I am here for something else besides the lingering allergic depressions that affect me. I know this and I strive to surpass these depressions with the knowledge that God does love me. He is leading me through this and I will survive.
The way I find that way to exist is to drink down positive Christian music on Z88.3, read the scriptures morning and night. To know that as I suffer, He is developing me into a sculpted piece of artwork to His glory. And He will finish His project and glorify Himself. You see, He does love me and will see to it that I will see hope when necessary; His light in the darkness when all else fails.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Nose Filters

I am so allergic to the mold/pollen at this time the only way to stay in the area at work is to wear sponges stuffed up my nose and breath only through my nose. I can't leave the job right away, and my tolerance for the rain and the mold that comes with it may return somewhat by next season, but I can't see myself working outside again next year in the rain and mold. For by the end of the season I would be sick again.

Depressions are from Mold and Airborne Pollutants

Letter to Edna:

I have learned that the depressions I suffer are triggered from food sensitivities, and airborne ones. Mold, dust, pollen are some of them. I am being tested for these as you know. I am taking homeopathic tablets for now. And wearing a mask at times. Looking into filters to wear in my nose. I just don't really want to take the medications  like Allegra, or Benadryl. Just might have to in the future, but after having half a life full of antidepressants, I really hate to get involved in another round of drugs, no matter if just over the counter.
I will keep the job for now and be on the lookout for a new one. But I love the one I have, just the out door conditions are the pits for now.

A woman at John's job is going through gluten problems. Now he wants me to give her information about what I am going through. I think he is finally believing that I have a real problem with what I have going on with me. I have been praying for his eyes to be opened to see the situation from a new point of view. Thank God!

He had a leak in his bathroom that let water flood into his study. I mentioned that I was greatly bothered by the moisture in that room last week. I itched greatly for the few minutes that I was in that room. He took great care to clean and dry that room out and today I could at least move in the house with out the same itchy skin problems. I did not dare go into the room yet. But the house smelled different, not moldy like last week, but not totally clean either.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Notes from Doris Rapp's Brain Allergies: Is this your Child?

The following sentences are notes from the book Brain Allergies: Is this your child?
The note in blue especially pertains to me. 
Allergic fatigue syndrome.
Ionic air purifier
Women and environmental illnesses have problems with thyroid, adrenals, ovaries, pancreas ,& possibly pituitary gland. Branch of study is psycho-neuro-endocrine-Immunology. 
9/3/11 Notes on symptoms as I go to work. This is in the process of locating a mold, or environmental allergy that is causing the depression.
Enter mousecafeteria and face itches. Right leg is off balance.
3:40 on location. Knuckles itch. Skin around mouth itches.
5:30 headache
6:30 migraine depression
Go off stage air conditioned area
7:10 return. No depression no headache.

Delayed food reactions can cause otitis (ear fluid). IgE RAST blood test of some foods that cause delayed reactions may not show the foods to cause allergic reactions. Because the foods require time to cause the reaction or more food amount to cause the reaction. There is also a IgG test as well.

Stachybotrys, Chaetomium look up these works.

Knowledge does help

Since finding out about the allergies from Doris Rapp's book, Brain allergies: Is this your child? I seem to be doing better, at least mentally. To know what is happening to me literally blows me away. It seems that I have been able to refine the detective in me and as I do.

The original statement above was written about three weeks ago. Since that time I have been tracking symptoms to not only foods, but to airborne substances as well. I now know that mold and possibly pollen are also in the mix and know that I should change jobs to get out of the outside environment that I am now in. I am writing on my IPad an may have stated this on my home computer as I wrote on it.

So, to be redundant on purpose, and to restate what I have concluded. My depression is greatly lessen by the air purifier I have installed in the house, breathing through a clean cloth while at work (when outside),and while in the car (which already has an air filter in the cab). I am now working to make the changes in these areas of my life permanent.

Mold Allergy

I have read Doris Rapp's book Brain Allergies:Is this your Child?

It has opened my eyes to my problems. All sorts of foods have caused problems, now I have tracked mold to my problems. I spoke to my friend Linda at M&M Vitamins today, Sept 4 and when she heard that I am allergic to penicillin, she said that of course I would be allergic to mold.
August 30th I had my blood tested for food sensitivities. I will know more in about two months when I see the doctor again. At the time I was tested I asked to be tested for mold. The test that had that day did not test for mold, and they did not quite know what to do for my question about mold. I know they knew about mold, but they could not draw the blood and will have to send me out to have the blood taken. But they do not trust a big outfit like Quest to do the mold testing. They want Genova Labs to do it. Even with testing the food sensitivities may not show. Parameters may be set to high. I may be sensitive to such a small amount that they can't test for it.

In order to get through the shift at work poured Oregano oil on a cloth and sniffed it and rubbed it on the bottom of my nose around my nostrils. It brought clarity, reduction of all symptoms.  Weather conditions were rainy and moldy.

I have determined to have the air ducts and air conditioning unit cleaned. It probably is full of molds and allergens.

I checked this out September the ninth. I had the ducts and interior of the unit checked. No mold nor Build up of dust. But the quality of air needed to be up graded to a higher, more purified state. I bought a portable air purifier-heppa based. I was told that ozone makers, that is the ionic breeze type only make ozone. One should not breathe ozone.

Pest Control the Natural Way

I am extremely allergic to pesticides. Living in Florida causes me no headache in the house with roaches and fleas.  Mostly roaches for the pet products that keep the cat free of fleas don't seem to harm me if I don't touch them. There is no smell to those products. But if I try to "bomb" the house with Raid, or another rather cheap brand, well even wrapped up in plastic clothing and wearing goggles and a hat and mask I get sick. Just about a half hour worth of breathing through a mask and I am sick for three days. Intense depression and anxiety. So I have not sprayed for about 6 to 8 months. I can't take it anymore. In the rainy season it is simply horrible in the amount of roaches that are in and around the kitchen and bath. I am not a dirty person, it is just an old house and Florida conditions. So I am trying something else.
Something called  eco-friendlypestcontrol (link below)
Here is the email from them:

Thank you for your enquiry.Our products are naturally based just for sensitive accounts like yours.The roaches themselves are very bad for allergies and other respatory problems.They have a dandure that stays in the air. Like I said our products are natural so they have a slight smell. It smells a bit like rosemary and thyme. The product line we use is "ECO Smart" @prentiss .com and Mother Earth you could contact them and do a little more research. You do need to know that being natural it will take a while to kill the roaches.Even the strong stuff doesn't kill them right away.
    Thanks Eco-Friendly Pest Control.

On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 5:58 PM, Janet Matthews  wrote:
This is an enquiry e-mail via from:
Janet Matthews
I have severe allergies, and am very sensitive to many smells and chemicals. Is there a way that I could check out how your product would affect me before I have you treat my house? It is now over run with roaches and I have had it, but am afraid that if you treat it and I am unable to live in it for any length of time, well, I would have done myself a disservice. Please help me.

and from the Envinico website
Dear Ms.Matthews,
Thank you for contacting us.If your pest management professional can provide you with the name(s) of the Eco smart product they are using then we can direct you to the correct product page on our web site.

Rob Cooper

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New Job Search

Upon seeing the result of six months outside in the rain and mold that is Florida, I know that I need to seek another job inside. I have to step out in faith and do it. I have been in my business out side in the weather for 35 years, so I will look at this as a journey away from depression and into freedom from it.
For the last 21 years I have been doing this, silhouette cutting at local theme park. Here in the above video, I am at a local birthday party. The current business that I am with will not let me post the videos of me at the theme park. So that will wait until later.
If you want to see me on YouTube, just click on that link.

Thought Bubbles: Your Birth was not a Mistake!

I have just finished reading Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life. I have read it before but this time it speaks to me so much more. When I wake up depressed-from breathing mold, or a reaction to foods eaten, or to chemicals used the day before, I have to keep in mind what I read on page 22.

                                    YOU ARE NOT AN ACCIDENT
                              BUT GOD DID.

Yes, God did. He is developing me like an old time photo. Pieces of me making sense, developing, a little at a time. In the "dark room" of life a truly amazing piece of artwork is developin' :me! I am here for Him to develop. All that I ask of Him is to tell me the food, mold, chemical that has cause the current problem, and I will trust Him that It is probable that that is the culprit. 
For years I could not believe that I could be affected by so many things. But  if I leave the substance alone and then retry it later and the same thing happens, well, what am I to think? It does develop trust in God, in one's self and in the science of I have tried this and this is the result. It develops character to endure through the depression, ear popping, loss of balance, weird thoughts, itchy skin and blurry eyes. It shows me that even if I have all of these and more, it could be worse.

Safflower Oil

As I write this I suspect that one of the ingredients for the bread that I baked has caused a new depression. The depression does not  have the itchy feet as the mold allergy induced depression does. But I do believe it is a "new" food. New to me, not eaten before. That food is safflower oil. It is the only new food that I have had in the last 36 hours. I have come to realize that if I can find a new food in my recent eating history leave it alone for three days and try it again and have the same results, then if I have been careful enough to isolate all the other foods that have been consumed to just "known" good foods, it is very probable that the new food is the culprit. I ate the offending food, safflower oil, three times in two days. It is the only new food in the diet at this time.
By "known" I mean all other foods are known to me as safe foods, not causing an allergy induced depression.

Monday, September 12, 2011

My Depression is back

It seems that the combination of food sensitivities and mold allergies is having its affect once again. The weather is drying out, but not completely dry yet.  It seems that any moisture in the air is triggering the mold again. Could be even the dripping in the shower that provides enough moisture to have me suffer. I know that sounds nuts, but I will say that when I visited John's house that had a flood this last week my feet itched painfully for the 10 minutes that I was in the house. I know that sounds crazy, but what else can I attribute it to? It was the same type of itching that occurred all last week when I was standing in the wet or moist weather out at work. Who can say that an itch that occurs  at one time is caused by the same condition the next time. It just occurs in the same place, or near the same place. It feels the same, same intensity and when I leave the areas the itching stops. I notice the itch stopping about five minutes after I leave the areas.
I proved to myself that it was airborne, what ever it is, pollen, mold, chemical. I can leave the area at work and go indoors to air conditioned area, and within twenty minutes the anxiety and depression leave, the itching stops. If I leave an area, like John's house, the itching stops as well. To night, even with an air purifier going in an open room (door to rest of house open) the depression returned. Tied a hanky around my face and now I do feel better. It has been about half an hour later. My house is not well sealed, but it is inside, much better than outside in the moldy air.

Next day, AM see the post for 9/13. Safflower Oil. Sometimes two different allergic reactions are going on at the same time. As I come up from the mold allergy I have a reaction to safflower oil. So, the diet must remain very simple.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Thought Bubbles: One Year after

When dealing with the ongoing struggles and uphill battles that life brings us one has to remember that those of us that have gone on before are all ready there with Jesus. The coming month is the anniversary of my niece's death. She suffered depression and we still don't know what she died from, but not from suicide.
That we live now in the present with God, the Great I AM. It is a present designation, here and now. In depression this is what matters. To concentrate on here and now. Not yesterday in the horror of the anxiety and depression attack that happened, or tomorrow in what the weather may bring ( for I suffer many allergies, some weather induced-mold allergies), but the now. It is now that God IS. So take heart, I will fight for the now, for that is all that I have strength for, and all that I was made for.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bia Diagnostics

In an effort to checkout food testing for allergies I ran across this lab in Vermont, US. Seems to be more industrial oriented, not personal testing. But I list it for reference in future.

Symptoms of Fungal Exposure

This is scary stuff. But then for warned is forearmed. This site was brought to my attention by Chris Fabry on Chris Fabry Live via Local in Orlando at 91.1 at 3:00 pm eastern time.

Salicylate Sensitivities?

I do not know for certain whether or not this type of sensitivity relates to personal depression, but I post it here as a future reference if or when I might find out if I am, or if any other person that might happen on this blog.

No mold found!

There was no mold found in the AC system in the house. Yea! The thought was on my mind for days that I was literally breathing in the depression and anxiety from the air vents. For I am worst in the morning from all my symptoms. Could still be something in the air though. Pollen, dust, mold at trace levels. But no big huge hunks of mold inside the ducts or unit.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Vinegar to kill Mold!

Reposted from
The links don't work, so I don't know original source.

Okay I know this is idle talk BUT
I was on this page tonight from a thread elsewhere about how someone felt crook while at home and all symptoms ceased while she was away and she was concerned something in her house was making her sick
anyway, long story short I went to that first link above,
and while I know a lot of us here don't use bleach (me included although with our old loo I am tempted sometimes! ) I thought this was really important

bleach doesn't kill mould.

It continues to grow, but you've bleached it, so now it grows and you can't see it... 
the list of things that can be caused by mould (symptoms wise) spun me out
so off I went to the bathroom armed with vinegar...
I am going to get about 5 litres tomorrow, I kid you not, and a squigie mop thing, because despite my aversion to it, DH not long ago decided bleach was the only thing for the ceiling in our bathroom bc nothing else was working... (we never thought of vinegar)
so the bathroom will cop the vinegar treatment tomorrow - the site says 80:20 but I'm keen for full strength (should I not?)
I also took the cover off the poor exhaust(ed) fan in there and cleaned it so the thing can actually work. The window is always open BUT it opens into the rest of the house (back room is an addition)...
anyway so I thought I'd share - yet ANOTHER reason to use vinegar instead of bleach.
don't even feel like going in there for a shower now 
I spoke to the AC man today, 9/8/11, and he said that white vinegar is better by far to kill mold in the AC system lines in the house.            