I asked Aaron how do I pray to stop this depression? He said ask once, when praying again just thank Him, knowing that what ever you have ask for is done and you are asking God to show you, to open your eyes to how He has done it. A way to build faith. I did it and got the immediate voice in my head "You have never asked before" Not like this I replied, and the Voice said I know. I will apply my strength to growing in the Faith.
I am living with depression. I was implanted with VNS therapy on March 11,2008 and am blogging what experiences I have, not only with the device but with depression itself, and just what depression is. This is to let people know depression is not just the "blues". True depression is a disease, not a mood problem. One can manage the depression with various treatments and I invite you to learn with me as I go through it.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
I saw Dr. F yesterday
I am up to 136 lbs and Dr Fernandez was pleased. We went over live blood microscopy I had on Nov. 2.
I am to still proceed with the supplemental female hormone treatment.
Systemic formulas bio function F+,
Systemic formulas bio function 5,
emulsi- D3 by designs for health,
designs for health OmegAvail Synergy TG
This is what he changed back on Kandida Plus and Activator and I will start this on Dec sixth. Tanita readings every two weeks starting Nov 29th, purpose is to build muscle and water intake. Muscle now at 51.1 and water at 69lb. (Tanita is a machine that was used in the space program to measure the vitals of returning astronauts after extended space flight. Interesting read outs.)
Started on weight lifting today. Must continue to work out with weight. More muscle will increase metabloism .
I am to still proceed with the supplemental female hormone treatment.
Systemic formulas bio function F+,
Systemic formulas bio function 5,
emulsi- D3 by designs for health,
designs for health OmegAvail Synergy TG
This is what he changed back on Kandida Plus and Activator and I will start this on Dec sixth. Tanita readings every two weeks starting Nov 29th, purpose is to build muscle and water intake. Muscle now at 51.1 and water at 69lb. (Tanita is a machine that was used in the space program to measure the vitals of returning astronauts after extended space flight. Interesting read outs.)
Started on weight lifting today. Must continue to work out with weight. More muscle will increase metabloism .
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Dr. Mark Hyman's Article on Food
Mark Hyman writes:
I WAS IN THE GROCERY STORE YESTERDAY. While I was squeezing avocados to pick just the right ones for my family’s dinner salad, I overheard a conversation from a couple who had also picked up a fruit.
“Oh, these avocados look good, let’s get some.”
Then looking up at the price, they said, “Two for five dollars!” Dejected, they put the live avocado back and walked away from the vegetable aisle toward the aisles full of dead, boxed, canned, packaged goods where they can buy thousands of calories of poor-quality, nutrient-poor, factory-made, processed foods filled with sugar, fat, and salt for the same five dollars. This is the scenario millions of Americans struggling to feed their families face every day.
The odd paradox is that food insecurity — not knowing where the next meal is coming from or not having enough money to adequately feed your family — leads to obesity, diabetes, and chronic disease. Examining this paradox may help us advocate for policies that make producing fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole other foods cheaper, while rethinking the almost $300 billion in government subsides that support the production of cheap, processed food derived from corn and soy.
At the same time, a Food Revolution, along the lines of that advocated by Jamie Oliver, a radical chef, can help Americans take back their table and their health from a food industry that has driven us to eat more than 50 percent of our meals out of the home compared to less than 2 percent 100 years ago. And most of those meals eaten at home are produced in plants, not grown on plants, are from a food chemist’s lab, not a farmer’s field. Cooking and eating whole fresh foods at home, can be cheaper, more fun, and simpler than most people think.
So I would ask you to consider: Have you ever made poor food choices because of cost? What is the REAL cost of this cheap food — the cost in dollars, on our health, on our environment, and even on the fraying fabric of our social and family systems?
This is what you need to remember:
- The true cost of unhealthy food isn’t just the price tag — in fact, the real costs are hidden.
- Eating healthy doesn’t have to cost more.
Let’s start by looking at how our economy and public policy are geared toward the production of cheap, unhealthy food.
Government Policy Supports the Production of Unhealthy Food
Unhealthy food is cheaper because our government’s policies support its production. We’re spending nearly $30 billion a year to subsidize corn and soy production. Where do those foods go? Into our food supply as high-fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated soybean oil (trans fats), that are the foundation of almost all fast food and processed foods that are “manufactured” by the food industry.
Since the 1970s — when our agricultural policies where changed to support corn and soy farmers — we’re consuming, on average, an extra 500 calories (mostly in the form of cheap, artificial high-fructose corn syrup) per person.
When you eat unhealthy foods like these, the costs of medical visits, co-pays, prescription medications, and other health services skyrocket.Corn and soy are also used to feed cattle for the production of meat and dairy. In fact, 70 percent of the wheat, corn, and soy farmed in this country is used to feed animals used for our food. The world’s cattle alone consume a quantity of food equal to the caloric needs of 8.7 billion people — more than the entire human population on Earth!
So, when our government helps pay for these foods — well, of course they’re cheaper! That explains the low price tag. But what about the OTHER costs to you?
The Hidden Costs of Eating Poorly
We all know that bad foods are bad for your health. It turns out they are also bad for the national pocketbook. For example, one expert has estimated that healthcare costs related to obesity are $118 billion per year. That’s nearly 12 percent of total healthcare expenditures — and more than twice that caused by smoking! Seventy-two percent of Americans are overweight and over one third are medically obese. One in three children born today will be diabetic in their lifetime and the life expectancy of our population is declining for the first time in human history.
A report from the Worldwatch Institute called Overfed and Underfed: The Global Epidemic of Malnutrition documented the real costs of obesity related to poor diet — and this does NOT include the other effects of poor diet such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, autoimmune diseases, and osteoporosis. Here were some of the conclusions of that report:
- Obese people account for a disproportionate share of health-related absences from work.
- Obesity accounts for 7 percent of lost productivity due to sick leave and disability.
- 7 percent of all of North Carolina’s healthcare expenditures are related to obesity.
- Obese people visit their physicians 40 percent more than normal weight people.
- Obese people are 2.5 times more likely to require drugs prescribed for cardiovascular and circulation disorders.
- Liposuction is the Number 1 form of cosmetic surgery in the US, with 400,000 operations a year.
- Over 100,000 people a year have gastric bypass surgery.
That doesn’t even take into account the $282 billion in costs resulting from medical interventions that go wrong — hospital infections, medical errors, deaths from drug reactions, bedsores, or unnecessary surgeries.
And what if that $20,000 per year was given to each person during his or her lifetime to support better nutrition, lifestyle, and stress management? My guess is that we would save trillions of dollars in health care expenditures on chronic disease!
As these numbers prove, the costs of eating fast, junk, and processed foods are often deferred until later. And that’s the key point: When you go to McDonald’s for a cheap burger and fries, you might immediately compare that lower price to whole organic foods which are more expensive in the short term. But the total cost isn’t reflected in how much you pay for your meal in the immediate moment, it’s the cumulative cost of what those decisions cost you over a lifetime.
For example, when you eat unhealthy foods like these, the costs of medical visits, co-pays, prescription medications, and other health services skyrocket. There are other non-economic costs of eating poorly as well. You reduce your ability to enjoy life in the moment due to increased fatigue, low-grade health complaints, obesity, depression, and more.
The biggest advantage of eating well now is not just preventing disease and costs later, but simply enjoying each day to its fullest. You can make that happen. Eating well doesn’t have to cost more.
It’s true that there are very few, if any, subsidies for the production of produce or healthier alternative foods. And the same government agency that supports the production of the ingredients for junk food provides less than $300 million for education on healthy nutrition.
But change is in the air. Dean Ornish, MD, has shown that a program to teach people to eat better, exercise, and learn stress reduction can prevent heart disease and reduce the need for heart bypass or other treatments. Insurance companies are starting to take notice as some cover the costs for that program. Paying $5,000 for such a program now, Medicare has finally recognized, is better than paying $50,000 later for a cardiac bypass operation.
A number of us advocated last year that a “health council” be established to coordinate and develop national polices that create and support health for Americans. This was part of the health reform bill and the National Council on Prevention, Health Promotion and Public Health was created by executive order of the President in June. Drs. Dean Ornish, Memhet Oz, Michael Roizen and I, among others, have been nominated to be on a 25-member advisory council that helps guide the council. The council is made up of all the cabinet secretaries in charge of departments that in some way affect our health — agriculture, health, transportation, environment, trade, labor, and more — and will be chaired by the Surgeon General. This provides a way to influence national policies to support and create health — including our food and agriculture polices — for the first time.
The idea that you can save money by eating well is further supported by studies like the one published by the American Dietetic Association (ii) that shows eating well to lose weight is actually cheaper — or at the worst, no more expensive — than eating poorly! The authors of the study concluded that “adopting a lower-energy, nutrient-dense diet did not increase dietary costs over time. Consequently, cost should not be a barrier in the adoption of a healthful diet.”
That’s powerful evidence that eating well is not just good for your body, it’s good for your wallet, too! Here are some ideas to get you started.
Four Tips to Start Eating Healthy for Less Today
- Listen to Gandhi. Yes, Gandhi! He said that we should never mistake what is habitual for what is natural. Case in point: Some Chinese are very poor and yet they eat extremely well — small amounts of animal protein, with an abundance of vegetables.
- Be willing to learn. We have to learn new ways of shopping and eating, new ways of ordering our priorities around our health and nutrition that supports our well-being, even if it is hard at the beginning.
- Do your research. There are ways to find cheaper sources of produce, whole grains, beans, nuts, and lean animal protein. You just need to seek them out. It doesn’t all have to be organic. Simply switching from processed foods to whole foods is a HUGE step in the right direction.
- Make an effort. Eating healthy does take more planning. It may require you to find new places to hunt and gather for your family. You might have to reorder your priorities regarding where you spend your money and your time so that you can make healthier eating choices.
Now I’d like to hear from you…
What do you think about the long-term costs of eating poorly?
Do you agree or disagree that eating poorly in the short-term has dramatic long-term consequences on your health care costs?
What other costs of eating poorly have you seen or experienced?
Are you also worried about the exploding costs of health care, whether insurance, medical, Medicare or other costs?
Please share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.
To your good health,
Mark Hyman, MD
(i) Cutler D.M., Rosen A.B., and S. Vijan. 2006. The value of medical spending in the United States, 1960-2000. N Engl J Med. 355(9): 920-7.
(ii)Raynor, H.A., Kilanowski, C.K., Esterli, I., et al. 2002. A cost-analysis of adopting a healthful diet in a family-based treatment program. J Am Diet Assoc.102(5): 645-650, 655-656.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thoughts can be poison
Thoughts can be toxic. Getting into spiritual things lately. I have been noticing that if i let God handle things by just letting the problems go to Him, and bypass me, I feel much better. Just image God's big finger crooked as in a hook and when a person has a problem, just hang it on God's hook and turn your back on the problem. Just walk away from the problem.
I have learned that Jesus lives in me. Lives in my soul. I am stuck to Him like glue, as the country song says. So He is here in the present, here now to take the problem and do away with it.
It is a retraining of the thought processes. Just watch what the brain does as you continually take the problem and hang it on the hook. Constantly all day long. You begin to feel lighter and lighter.
Another resource is Hale Dowskin's Sedona Method. It is secular way of doing the same thing. He has lettinggotv.com . He makes a lot of sense.
But with Jesus I feel a lot of love coming my way as I let go of a problem. It is as if Jesus really covers me with love as a payment for my show of faith in Him. Love shatters fear. Fear causes depression. What else can I say?
I have learned that Jesus lives in me. Lives in my soul. I am stuck to Him like glue, as the country song says. So He is here in the present, here now to take the problem and do away with it.
It is a retraining of the thought processes. Just watch what the brain does as you continually take the problem and hang it on the hook. Constantly all day long. You begin to feel lighter and lighter.
Another resource is Hale Dowskin's Sedona Method. It is secular way of doing the same thing. He has lettinggotv.com . He makes a lot of sense.
But with Jesus I feel a lot of love coming my way as I let go of a problem. It is as if Jesus really covers me with love as a payment for my show of faith in Him. Love shatters fear. Fear causes depression. What else can I say?
Dr. Mark Hyman's New website
New website written by Dr. Mark Hyman. It is reorganized and is still a great resource for wellness.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
New Supplements
Started taking hormone balancing supplements on nov. 2. took intermentantly until breast seem to hurt, which was on this date.11/18 Stopped Female Plus. Continue with others.
Spiritual healing continues. At Peace with Friend Jesus. Never before has this happened. Will start mom's health blog soon.
Spiritual healing continues. At Peace with Friend Jesus. Never before has this happened. Will start mom's health blog soon.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Thought Bubbles: Spiritual Healing
Ramona, who works at Dr. Dan's took me to Fresh on the Fly on Oct 23rd, an organic restuarant in Lk. Mary. We started the conversation about my art, and then she told me of her fight and victory over depression. She had asked the Lord to come into her life. She was full of depression, suicidal, and was about to leave this plane when she gave in to the call of the Holy Spirit.
She said it started out in her toes and went up her body, and out through her head. A great weight had lifted from her body. This was thirty years ago. Great peace came into her, a great love flooded her soul.
I thought of this and asked Jesus to come into my life as well. I had in the past thought that all this type of spiritual stuff was a mind game. It is not. A being, a human being is spiritual being, physical being, emotional being. This was just another part of me that was sick. I needed a Spiritual Healing. I received one that day at that table in that cafe. I am still growing, healing and being lead towards more life, love than ever before.
She said it started out in her toes and went up her body, and out through her head. A great weight had lifted from her body. This was thirty years ago. Great peace came into her, a great love flooded her soul.
I thought of this and asked Jesus to come into my life as well. I had in the past thought that all this type of spiritual stuff was a mind game. It is not. A being, a human being is spiritual being, physical being, emotional being. This was just another part of me that was sick. I needed a Spiritual Healing. I received one that day at that table in that cafe. I am still growing, healing and being lead towards more life, love than ever before.
Female Hormones
I went to Jean Christensen, my OB GYN , because it pinched a blood vessel in that lower area and did not know what I had done. I thought it may have been more serious. But thank God it was not. But I reviewed with her what Dr F put me on to balance the estrogen dominance seen by the thermogram.
He put me on
Systemic formulas bio function F+,
Systemic formulas bio function 5,
emulsi- D3 by designs for health,
designs for health OmegAvail Synergy TG
Jean questioned the ingredients of the F+ because they are know to stimulate estrogen. I emailed Dr F to question him about it on the 29 of last month. The email is below:
Dr Fernandez,
I visited my doctor and she is concerned that the F+ could cause breast tenderness. Knowing that we have estrogen dominance in breasts, but dryness in the vaginal area she suggests that we fully understand what the additional ingredients in the product could do.
Blue cohosh, dong quai, False unicorn could increase estrogen in breasts, but she does not know what the other ingredients would do to block this effect.
Also she asks that can the capsule ingredients be mixed with vitamin e oil and applied locally in the vulva area and thus not even involve the breasts?
Also she stated that the sore spot that I went to her for was nothing, just a pinched blood vessel. nothing to worry about.
Janet Matthews
No answer as of yet. I have cut the dosage of two a day to one a day to maintain if she is correct, but to also see if he is correct(!?). (He never did answer me, and I continued this protocol for eight months and had another test, the hormones were still low.-editor)
He put me on
Systemic formulas bio function F+,
Systemic formulas bio function 5,
emulsi- D3 by designs for health,
designs for health OmegAvail Synergy TG
Jean questioned the ingredients of the F+ because they are know to stimulate estrogen. I emailed Dr F to question him about it on the 29 of last month. The email is below:
Dr Fernandez,
I visited my doctor and she is concerned that the F+ could cause breast tenderness. Knowing that we have estrogen dominance in breasts, but dryness in the vaginal area she suggests that we fully understand what the additional ingredients in the product could do.
Blue cohosh, dong quai, False unicorn could increase estrogen in breasts, but she does not know what the other ingredients would do to block this effect.
Also she asks that can the capsule ingredients be mixed with vitamin e oil and applied locally in the vulva area and thus not even involve the breasts?
Also she stated that the sore spot that I went to her for was nothing, just a pinched blood vessel. nothing to worry about.
Janet Matthews
No answer as of yet. I have cut the dosage of two a day to one a day to maintain if she is correct, but to also see if he is correct(!?). (He never did answer me, and I continued this protocol for eight months and had another test, the hormones were still low.-editor)
Live Microscopy done on 11/2/2010
I had the live microscopy done by Teresa Embry . It was amazing. Really. She could put a sample of my blood on a slide and look at it under a microscope and the image of the live blood appear on the screen of the attached computer. She showed me how the blood needs cleansing, alkalizing, and what other things were in the plasma. Things like uric acid, latic acid, yeast, sugar. How yeast was being pushed out of the cells. How the cells were mis-shapened and irregular. We discussed how these things got there and what to eat to stop this. The dried blood tests were interesting. I still had metals in my system. I have adrenal, liver and kidney stress. And she could tell be certain markers in the blood that I have had a tremendous amount of emotional stress lately (two funerals). She could see problems in the sex hormones (confirmed by the latest thermogram). Colon walls needed cleaning.
All this with just the blood. But then the blood goes everywhere, picks up everything. What wonders that it would be this information packed, and we are just now learning how to read it this well. This type of testing has been around for years, just now it is connected to a computer and one can see what the tech sees under the lense of the microscope so that it can be seen and discussed in real time. Just amazing.
I asked her why it isn't a standard in medical practice in stead of being labeled alternative. She said that insurance will not cover it, and people are afraid of "new" techniques. This had been around for about 50 years.
All this with just the blood. But then the blood goes everywhere, picks up everything. What wonders that it would be this information packed, and we are just now learning how to read it this well. This type of testing has been around for years, just now it is connected to a computer and one can see what the tech sees under the lense of the microscope so that it can be seen and discussed in real time. Just amazing.
I asked her why it isn't a standard in medical practice in stead of being labeled alternative. She said that insurance will not cover it, and people are afraid of "new" techniques. This had been around for about 50 years.
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