Sunday, May 30, 2010

Another Supplement for the balance of the brain.

I started taking CatecholaCalm a product by designs for health on 5/12. It had an immediate effect. Brought up the mood, stabilized the emotions. I am taking three a day.
After I got out of the hospital Dr. Dan put me on 25 squirts ( it comes in a squirt bottle) of a product called pHlavor by pH Mircle,LLC out of Valley Center, CA each morning. This is a strong dosing of mineral salts. I began to feel better in about four days. I was cautioned to stay within 70 to 80 ounces of water a day. This is hard for me because I was so used to drinking something, anything to keep the body hydrated that I think I had an oral fixation. You know, that "put something in your mouth makes you feel better" thing. But it just takes retraining and a little time.
I am continuing to research the Candida Yeast problem. I have finished the ebook by Linda Allen. It is what I needed to know at this time. She has other info in the ebook package and I am now going through that. I continue to spit yellow gunk from my system each morning. This is after a clean brushing of the teeth each night. So something is very wrong in that area. Has been for years, but hey now that I know, I can continue to pursue it.
I took a survey to assay current health problems that was in part put together by Dr.Fernandez. It is much the same that was put together by Mark Hyman MD. When taking the survey at first I answered it without considering that I take a suppository for bowel movement each morning. That was wrong. This suppository thing pointed to the fact of my own system not being able to push out the toxins. Even with eating good foods and taking fiber and drinking enough water. So something is wrong there. Dr. F
is going to help me there. It could mean that my liver and kidneys are not working up to par.
Also I am having problems with inflamed gums. With the problems I have noticed my memory has gone downhill a bit. I am irritable and cranky as well.
But let us remember what has been done:
I am off of my medications for now. The body is finally healing from that for this time.
My emotions for overall are less like the ocean in a hurricane and more like a lake with white caps rippling across it. Still there, but not so violent.
I am now looking at my body as a detective looks at a crime scene. Very in depth and looking for cause and effect from what I eat, what I come in contact with physically, what stressors I have psychologically. When I take it all in and study it, I am now beginning to understand what combinations will work for me. I am angry and pissed that it has happened to me. But God gave me a brain to deduct this with and I am going to use that brain to try, try to find health. And then give what I have learned to others to help them to strive for health.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

other information from the E book Yeast No More E book by Linda Allen

supplements to discuss from the E book
Yeast Infection No More by Linda Allen
1) hydrogen Peroxide Therapy35% food grade
2) Oil of Oregano
3) olive leaf extract
4) caprylic acid
5) pau d’arc
6) different pre biotics and pro biotics
7) things for the digestion and lower and upper colons
8) liquidDaily Oxy Aloe or another oxygen product to increase oxygen to the blood.
9) Candizyme by Renew Life, which breaks down the walls of the candida cell
10) Kevin Brown’s product, which raises gluthione Immmunocal.
Foods in question
1) limes, they alkalize, but does candida thrive in alkaline situation?It has been reported that candida thrive on these, limes, and also lemons.
3)herbs in general, for they can contain yeast on their surfaces.


I ended up in hospital last night because of drinking too much water. I had low electrolytes. I must have drank up to 6x24oz. 144 oz and more. I did this to wash out the candida. But I washed out potassium and magnesium. When I got to the hospital I called a staff member in Dr. Dan's office. It was 10 pm Saturday night and I left a message. I knew that the hospital would call Karabatos, my internist. My thyroid test was low. And Doc. K wants me to see him this week. I want to see Dr. Dan and Dr. Fernandez first. I have heard from both of these doctors, even though it is the weekend. I have gone over the list below verbally with Dr. F. He says that I should not take the OSR and the Kandida Plus together. That is my mistake. So this week we will get this straight with these doctors.
These are the supplements that I am taking recently
1) one OSR with one heart energy and one ACX stopped on 5/02 after speaking with Dr. F
2) KandidaPlus started taking approx. 3/05 along with two Kandida Plus sometimes up to six a day. I take one ATAK and one activator 1
3) I stopped taking Emotional wellness the week of 3/25 . I still take cognitive calming at 4 a day.
4) I was taking Yeast cleanse from Solaray up to 4 a day. This supplement has caprylic acid, Pau d’Arco grapefruit seed extract, and tea tree oil
5) I was taking  tea tree oil at 1000 mg a day

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Yeast is found

The blood test for the yeast came back negative, but I went for the treatment anyway. I am on a supplement that is called Kandida Plus and I purchased an ebook by Linda Allen about the candida yeast. Both have helped immensely. When I eat anything with the least amount of sugar, I get depressed. But now more so. It seems that as I progress there are more white cells that fight the yeast released into the blood stream. As the yeast is killed the white cells are floating around awaiting for something to kill. When sugar is introduced more of the white cells are pouncing on the culprut and I feel it more. But I am healing. More up time than down.