Friday, December 24, 2010

Adjustment of Occipital Bone

On Dec twentieth I was having a low grade migraine, and the lights in the eyes. Well, after taking a hot bath and lying down and not feeling any better, I went to the chiropractor and told him of my blue lights (which also were green and yellow at times). As well as migraine. He did an adjustment of the occipital bone in the upper spine.
It felt as if my neck had telescoped into my back and he had just pulled it out. It stopped the lights and the depression started to lift.
Apparently many nerves in the neck that feed the eyes go through this bone. The bone needs to be retrained to stay in position, so we will work on that. Depressed because of a bone out of place. Lights in the eyes led the doctor to adjust the bone that was causing part of the depression. Lights that appeared about the time I asked for a healing from God. Coincidence? Timing? Weird?!
Well just one more piece to the puzzle.

These are Janet’s other sites:

Thought Bubbles: Patience in Stress

I prayed for healing, according to the blog on Nov 22. I had the tingling and the lifting of the depression. That lasted for two weeks and then it re-emerged. I asked God why, and through three different sources I got answers. One answer was through Aaron. He said God knows far more about you and your condition than you and knows when to release the depression. Patience was stressed. Then on the way home on the radio I heard a preacher on a radio station that I came to when I was scanning the dial that to have patience in life, and then the next morning I heard another two radio personalities talking about patience again. Three times in two days. God was saying something. But looking back on the timing and the things that occurred when they did is very strange.

Dr. Michael Cutler Article

Is Exposure Making You Sick?

December 23, 2010 by Dr. Michael Cutler
Is Exposure Making You Sick? There is no question that a large and growing number of people have developed illnesses largely caused from present-day environmental chemicals. Whether you have arthritis, memory difficulties, heart trouble, thyroid weakness, or one of a myriad of other chronic idiopathic (arising spontaneously or from an obscure or unknown cause) illnesses, exposure to chemicals may be to blame.
Chemical Exposure May Be The Root Of Your Health Problems
The symptoms caused by chemical or environmental exposures are usually multiple and sometimes disabling. It is a subtle process — one that has taken decades for our nation’s experts to figure out. These chemicals more classically affect the brain, nervous system or immune system. However, evidence is mounting that they also affect joints, heart muscle, the bowel, thyroid, intestinal lining and probably more.
We now know that they may be contributing triggers to many idiopathic illnesses. While the exact mechanism of how chemicals affect these tissues is not entirely clear, antibodies and markers of immune system inflammation are measurable and usually correspond with symptoms and history.
Let me share a case study to illustrate this. The February 3, 2006 issue of describes one patient’s plight that is all too common:
“During a nine-year period that ended in 2004, Ms. Riley, 47, visited almost 20 doctors, for a variety of intermittent and strange health complaints: blurred vision, urinary difficulties, and balance problems so severe that at times she wobbled like a drunk.
“She felt unwell most of the time, but doctors could not figure out what she had. ‘Each specialist ordered different tests, depending on the symptom,’ Ms. Riley said, ‘but they were usually rushed and seemed to solicit her views only as a formality.’
“Undeterred, Ms. Riley, an event planner who lives near New London, CT, typed out a four-page description of her ordeal, including her suspicion that she suffered from lead poisoning. One neurologist waved the report away as if insulted; another barely skimmed it, she said. ‘I remember sitting in one doctor’s office and realizing, ‘He thinks I’m crazy,’ Ms. Riley said. I was getting absolutely nowhere in conventional medicine, and I was determined to get to the root of my problems.’
“Through word of mouth, Ms. Riley heard about Deirdre O’Connor, a naturopath with a thriving practice in nearby Mystic, CT, and made an appointment. Right away, Ms. Riley said, she noticed a difference in the level of service. ‘Before even visiting the office, she received a fat envelope in the mail containing a four-page questionnaire,’ she said. In addition to asking detailed questions about medical history — standard information — it asked about her energy level, foods she craved, sensitivity to weather and self-image: ‘Please list adjectives that describe you,’ read one item.
“‘It felt right, from the beginning,’ Ms. Riley said. Her first visit lasted an hour and a half, and Ms. O’Connor, the naturopath, agreed that metal exposure was a possible cause of her symptoms. It emerged in their interview that Ms. Riley had worked in the steel industry, and tests of her hair and urine showed elevated levels of both lead and mercury. After taking a combination of herbs, vitamins and regular doses of a drug called dimercaptosuccinic acid, or DMSA, to treat lead poisoning, she began to feel better, and the symptoms subsided.”
I can assure you that I hear similar stories all the time. And I’m sure many of you have had similar experiences.
Testing For Chemical And Metal Exposure
The question for some people is what chemicals (xenobiotics) and metals are harming them and to what extent — not an easy answer. Others are content with doing all they can to eliminate their exposure to these harmful materials to remain as healthy as possible.
Specific antibody tests (IgG, IgM and IgE) have been developed that are specific to polychlorinated biphenyls (and other dioxin-like chemicals), DDT, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, ethylene oxide and heavy metals, including mercury.
But the measurement of antibodies is just the beginning. There is also the ability to measure the levels of killer T cells and several other white blood cell levels, which become elevated when chemical toxins, are driving the inflammation. These can be ordered by any licensed physician through Immunosciences Lab., Inc., in Beverly Hills, Calif.
Another test is designed to measure enzymes in the liver. Since the liver is the detoxifying organ that purifies the blood, it’s the front line of the battle-ground for good health. There are also measurements of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT), the enzyme indicating liver function, or ALT and AST that can show liver cell damage or disease. An elevated GGT, combined with the finding of glucaric acid in the urine, signifies current toxic chemical exposure, but is a late finding in the process of the disease. These tests can be done by almost any lab in the country.
Not only can the antibodies to metals be measured, (mercury, cobalt, nickel, and lead), but the amount of the heavy metal itself can be detected in blood or urine and then be treated much as described by Riley above. I have done this in my office through specialty labs such as Great Smokey’s Diagnostic Laboratory in North Carolina or Doctor’s Data in Illinois. Most CAM-trained physicians are familiar with these labs.
The Aspartame (NutraSweet®), Methanol And Formaldehyde Connection
Did you know that aspartame turns into methanol and formaldehyde when heated? Were you also aware that the American Diabetic Association (ADA) supports the use of aspartame (NutraSweet®) as an acceptable replacement for sugar for people with diabetes?  This is despite the fact that aspartame has generated the largest volume of consumer reports (75 percent of them) describing adverse reactions.
To me this means the ADA is not willing to look at healthier alternatives to sugar and aspartame, such as whole food alternatives like stevia. The ADA’s official statement reads:
“The American Diabetic Association considers aspartame — as well as the other FDA-approved nonnutritive sweeteners (saccharin, acesulfame k, and sucralose) — acceptable sugar substitutes and a safe part of a diabetic meal plan.” Interestingly, Monsanto (producer of NutraSweet®) donates $250,000 a year to the ADA and is a Platinum Corporate Sponsor.
But worse is the FDA’s support of aspartame. Aspartame can be found in breath mints, gum, cereals, frozen desserts, coffee, juice, synthetic vitamins, pharmaceutical drugs, tea, wine coolers, yogurt supplements and of course, diet soft drinks.
That doesn’t sound so bad until you meet people who have linked their health problems to aspartame consumption. Aside from all the political and scandalous implications behind the supposed “safety” of aspartame, it’s equally appalling that Monsanto’s commercial brags that 200,000,000 people are now consuming NutraSweet® in more than 4,000 different products. Don’t think for a minute that they cannot afford the best lawyers and lobbyists to keep their product “legally safe” despite rising evidence to the contrary.
For example: A review of 164 studies on the safety of aspartame conducted by Ralph G. Walton, M.D., chairman of the Center for Behavioral Medicine and professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, revealed that of 74 aspartame industry-sponsored studies, all claimed that aspartame caused no health problems. However, he also found that of the 90 studies funded by non-aspartame industry money, 92 percent identified one or more serious health problems. And if you consider that the remaining 8 percent of the studies (which found no problems with aspartame) were FDA-sponsored and not really independent, it means that in reality, 100 percent of the independent studies found serious health problems with aspartame!
My take-home message is that a large body of scientific evidence now suggests that drugs, metals, toxins, industrial chemicals, low-grade herpes viruses and other xenobiotics can be stored in your body and persist for years. During this time they can continuously activate the immune system to cause low-grade tissue destruction in the wake of their battle to protect you. The detection of the IgG, IgM or IgA antibodies to these materials indicates chronic exposure or ongoing low-level tissue destruction.

What can you do to protect yourself?
First of all I would advise that you make changes in your life to prevent or at least limit the amount of exposure you may have to xenobiotics and toxins. Secondly I would suggest healthy lifestyle changes to make sure you are doing all you can to avoid inviting these invaders into your body via processed food, chemicalized water, overuse of  medications or the polluted air you could be breathing in your own home.
As another precaution, consider liquid cleanses and seek out nutrients from Mother Nature’s pharmacy that can enhance your body’s own cleansing processes.  Your liver is the great filter for your body, but if it is over-worked, clogged, and fatty it can’t do the job it needs to do to keep you healthy.
Nutrients that have beneficial effects on helping your liver do its job are:
  • Milk thistle — known for supporting liver health and promoting regeneration of healthy cells
  • Dandelion root — maintains water balance and encourages electrolyte balance
  • Olive leaf extract — has powerful immune boosting properties to support a healthy liver
  • N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) — a natural amino acid that helps protect the liver from toxic chemicals
  • Burdock root — has the ability to neutralize many toxins that enter the liver
  • Turmeric root — stimulates the production of bile, which is beneficial to the liver
I hope I have opened your eyes to the dangers of chemical exposure, the many ways it can affect your health and the preventative measures you can take to protect your health
–Michael Cutler, M.D.
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Other sites that belong to Janet are:

Friday, December 17, 2010

Lights in the eyes

I have been having white pinpricks and blue, green and yellow floaters in the vision field for about two months. I went to Dr. Campbell at Sears Optical to have him check for retina detachment, that was today. He did not detect any detachment at this time. I think that it may be nutritional. I will have to see what I started taking about two months ago.
I think it was Olive Leaf extract. I also started taking Essential Female mix, an essential oil,  Primrose oil,which  is made be Barleans and is for hormonal balance.

Thought Bubbles: Distance of God

When the depression rages, say after eating wheat, well God seems distant. He seems not to talk to me as much. Oh, He talks alright. Through conversations, music, comments etc. But when I am depressed, well He seems furthest away.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Letter to Mary

 I have steadily gained some muscle over the past couple of months. Muscle weighs more than fat, but by the Tanita machine i am losing fat and gaining muscle. This increases metabolism. Not much, but a good start. I am doing Liquid Chlorophyll in all my water. Really does alkalize me and I am doing better. Spiritually I am better as well. God is leading me in growing faith. He tells me I need to grow in patience and express less anger about things. He will lead me, just have patience. That there will be enough money, enough to do what is right for my health. And I  am to tell people about what is happening to me.
I went to a new doctor today. Neurologist to be on my "medical staff" to adjust the VNS device. He seemed "right". So did his secretary. I was relieved. I thought it might be rough. I had prayed for it to be so, to be "right",  and the Lord answered, why did I even worry? Patience, my child I hear it even now. :) I quietly smile and nod my head.

What I am taking on my first vist to Dr. Sadek

 Vitamin and Essential Nutrients
What is Pana C-315®?
Pana C-315® is an all natural liquid nutritional supplement. The product contains more than 315 nutrients that are microcomplexed with organic carbon. This means that all the nutrients have been bound to organic carbon, the very substance that comprises most of the earth's matter. Therefore, Pana C-315® is very homogeneous to the human body. Its liquid form is extremely well tolerated and efficiently absorbed. It is efficacious and safe for all members of your family. Pana C-315® is all natural, vegetarian, drug free, caffeine free and preservative free.
What type of multivitamin is best for my family?
Carbon-Bond Organic Supplements.Modern research supports the assertion that every individual needs a good daily multivitamin as a foundation of health and nutrition. What kind to take is a very important question. There are many types of multivitamins on the market, and there are equally varied messages about what is good. Here are a few considerations that are truly important:
  • Look for a good quality supplement without binders, synthetics and excipients. These are the agents that are used to manufacture many pills. These agents can be harmful to the body.
  • Avoid synthetic vitamins, often Vitamin A (retinol), Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), and Vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopherol). These are less bio-available (takes more to gain effective dose) and may even be harmful.
  • Organic vitamins are higher quality than non-organic.
Liquids vs. Pills. There are two fundamental reasons to take liquid vitamin supplements instead of pills.
  1. Absorption is the primary reason people select liquids. Some researchers cite up to 5 times the absorption rate of liquids vs. pills. Even if the number were just 2 times, you can effectively halve the amount per serving of ingredients in a pill form vs. the liquid. This is because the body will excrete at least half of what is in a pill. This also effectively multiplies the cost per dose by 2.
  2. The second reason is more emotional; some people, especially children, just don't want to swallow a handful of pills. If you can find a pleasant tasting liquid, it's much easier to swallow.
What is the unique technology in Pana C-315®?
intraCELL™ V Technology is the new proprietary ground-breaking "carbon-bond" technology.
  • First, it surrounds, then polymerizes an inorganic molecule (toxin) with living organic carbon, then instantly breaks it into very tiny restructured organically complexed molecules.
  • Second, intraCELL™ V Technology converts inorganic elements and molecules to be 100% organically microcomplexed™ for maximum intra-cellular and extra-cellular detoxification.
  • Then, intraCELL™ V Technology instantly infuses over 315+ life promoting, 100% carbon-bond organic microcomplexed™ nutrients into the cell.
Why do I need carbon-bond organic minerals?
"Every ailment, every sickness and every disease can be traced back to an organic mineral deficiency."* Without organic trace minerals as a carrier, vitamins and other nutrients are not as effective. Cells cease to function, the immune system weakens, the nervous system deteriorates and the body begins to age more rapidly. True 100% organic minerals and nutrients are absolutely critical to maintain health, promote healing, and prevent illness and disease.
Do I get enough nutrients and minerals from my food?
No. "99% of Americans are deficient in organic minerals because inorganic toxic chemicals, pesticides and herbicides have destroyed nearly all the critical organic minerals, elements, and complexes in our soils. A marked deficiency in any one of the more important minerals may actually result in disease."

I am not taking any pharmaceuticals at this time. I am taking
in a smoothie in the morning:
Vega, mentioned in previous blog about 4 tbsp
about one tbsp each of these oils
Hemp, flax, primrose, Udo's
Olive leaf anti-oxident formula from Barleans 
2 tablespoons of psyllium husks
1 cup of either spinach and lettuce and cucumber combined or all of any one of them.
Almond milk
Filtered water
Stevia to taste

Other supplements
Designs for Health:
OmegAvail Synergy TG :
OmegAvail™ Synergy TG is a blend of high potency omega oils, featuring our TruTG™ fish oil in the form found in nature. The TruTG™ seal, found only with Designs for Health fish oils, ensures:
  • Unmatched TG potency - Only fish oil blends and concentrates containing the TruTG™ seal are 90+% triglyceride (TG) bound omega-3 fish oils.
Did you know?  Most other products claiming triglyceride bound omega fats are no more than 60% TG.
  • As found in nature - EPA and DHA are found naturally in fish in the triglyceride form.
  • Increased bioavailability - Research shows enhanced bioavailability of triglyceride bound omega fats over ethyl ester forms.1
This unique formula contains a blend of wild deep-sea sourced fish oils containing the omega-3 fats (EPA/DHA) in the TruTG™form, the omega-3 fat alpha linolenic acid (ALA) from flax seed oil and the most important omega-6 fat, GLA, from borage oil. EPA helps keep GLA metabolism in an anti-inflammatory mode. In addition, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) plays as many important roles in human health as EPA
Emulsi-D3  from same company
A natural, self-emulsifying technology allows us to produce a 2,000 IU per drop formula that quickly and completely disperses in liquid. This cutting edge technology provides enhanced bioavailability utilizing only naturally derived ingredients that are free of preservatives and synthetic surfactants.

From Systemic Formulas

Stabilizes and normalizes new, healthy cells.
Stabilizes and normalizes new, healthy cells. This formula helps the body overcome errant cellular proliferation. Where cells in an organ or body system suffer biogenic cellular degeneration or have lost their identifying factors, this formula normalizes, stabilizes and re-patterns the growth of cells

#22 - F+ - FEMALE PLUS
Regulates menstrual rhythms; based on Oriental and Western Sciences.
This formula is considered to be the ultimate in providing nutritional support for healthy female biochemistry, hormonal balance and ovarian health. It greatly alleviates problems associated with the regulation of menstrual rhythms. Being an adaptagenic formula, it smoothes out the highs and lows to normalize the female menstrual cycle thus regulating and assisting it to achieve a healthy hormonal balance.
To fight yeast 
Caprylic Acid
Oregano oil
To alkalize my body
Liquid  Chlorophyll from NOW

Calories   15    
Total Carbohydrate   3.5 g   1%  
Copper (from Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin)   4 mg   200%  
Sodium (from Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin)   6 mg   <1%  
Chlorophyll (as Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin - a stabilized water-soluble      
form of Natural Chlorophyll extracted from Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)      
(Leaves) (USP Grade)   100 mg   †  

These are my other sites:

Vega Complete Whole Food Health Optimizer


This is Vega, what I take each morning and its Ingredients:

What's in Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer?

Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer - Berry Ingredients:

Organic hemp protein, yellow pea protein, organic brown rice protein, whole flax seed, ChlorEssence (high CGF chlorella), Frutafit Inulin FOS (from chicory root), organic gelatinized maca root, protease I, protease II, amylase, lipase, cellulase, wild blueberry, blueberry, black raspberry, cherry, marion berry, blackberry, L. Acidophilus, B. Bifidum, natural berry flavour, xanthan gum, stevia leaf extract

Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer - Chocolate Ingredients:

Organic hemp protein, yellow pea protein, organic brown rice protein, whole flax seed, ChlorEssence (high CGF chlorella), Frutafit Inulin FOS (from chicory root), organic gelatinized maca root, protease I, protease II, amylase, lipase, cellulase, wild blueberry, blueberry, black raspberry, cherry, marion berry, blackberry, L. Acidophilus, B. Bifidum, natural chocolate flavour, xanthan gum, stevia leaf extract

Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer - Chai Ingredients:

Organic hemp protein, yellow pea protein, organic brown rice protein, whole flax seed, ChlorEssence (high CGF chlorella), Frutafit Inulin FOS (from chicory root), organic gelatinized maca root, protease I, protease II, amylase, lipase, cellulase, wild blueberry, blueberry, black raspberry, cherry, marion berry, blackberry, L. Acidophilus, B. Bifidum, natural vanilla and chai flavour, xanthan gum, stevia leaf extract

Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer - Natural Ingredients:

Organic hemp protein, yellow pea protein, organic brown rice protein, whole flax seed, ChlorEssence (high CGF chlorella), Frutafit Inulin FOS (from chicory root), organic gelatinized maca root, protease I, protease II, amylase, lipase, cellulase, wild blueberry, blueberry, black raspberry, cherry, marion berry, blackberry, L. Acidophilus, B. Bifidum, natural vanilla flavour, xanthan gum, stevia leaf extract

The depression returned, then lifts

Shortly after the last post dated the 7th the depression returned. But I knew that I was on the right track. I asked Aaron, my work
"pastor" just what was happening. Building of faith and of patience, for God knows my full condition, mentally, physically, emotionally. I thought about that. That concept of some One else knowing just how all things tied together would effect me. That made sense to me. I know I have patience for the guests at work, but not for much else. So this is another lesson. Ponder.
Then I get into my car and the radio was tuned into a radio station that had on a pastor who was speaking about patience. Coincidence? I don't think God works haphazardly. Then through out the week things have been centering about patience. Things just mentioned to me in conversation.
Last night I was looking for a set of maps about the Bible lands in my library (I study archaeology and the Bible and would have  maps for those studies)  and found a prayer book entitled, Emotional Wholeness, by author Stormie (what a name!) Omartian. The attached book mark was in the patience and anger prayer section. I think a message is being sent, how else can one explain it? My dance with the loving grace of God continues.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thought Bubbles:The Healing Moment

It was on Nov. 22 that I asked God to heal me. In the car in the parking lot at my employee parking. Immediately in my head I heard a voice that said you've never asked. And my head started tingling. I mean tingling. This feeling of tingling is not new to me. Every time the depression had lifted, even for a few minutes, my brain, in some area would tingle. Picture a ball, the brain on the interior, and the skin of the ball is where the tingling would happen. This tingling in the past would occur randomly and a I could see no pattern, no connection to thoughts, food, meds, herbs, etc.
But here lately when I think of the full acceptance of God's love, well sometimes it happens. Just the watching of the brain and how it reacts to all of this is a part of this blog. It tingled for about 10 or 15 minutes, the full skin all over the head. This had never happened like this before. I have not been depressed in two weeks. God had responded in seconds.
(Yes, the depression returned, but it gave me the hope that God is there, but that I was not ready for the healing. This sounds weird, but shortly after this incident I heard another message that patience was needed, Three different times, one time on three different days in a row,-editor)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thought Bubbles: I ask God to heal me.

I asked Aaron how do I pray to stop this depression? He said ask once, when praying again just thank Him, knowing that what ever you have ask for is done and you are asking God to show you, to open your eyes to how He has done it. A way to build faith. I did it and got the immediate voice in my head "You have never asked before"  Not like this I replied, and the Voice said I know. I will apply my strength to growing in the Faith.

I saw Dr. F yesterday

I am up to 136 lbs and Dr Fernandez was pleased. We went over live blood microscopy I had on Nov. 2.
I am to still proceed with the supplemental female hormone treatment. 
Systemic formulas bio function F+,
Systemic formulas bio function 5,
emulsi- D3 by designs for health,
designs for health OmegAvail Synergy TG
This is what he changed back on Kandida Plus and Activator and I will start this on Dec sixth. Tanita readings every two weeks starting Nov 29th, purpose is to build muscle and water intake. Muscle  now at 51.1 and water at 69lb. (Tanita is a machine that was used in the space program to measure the vitals of returning astronauts after extended space flight. Interesting read outs.)
Started on weight lifting today. Must continue to work out with weight. More muscle will increase metabloism .

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dr. Mark Hyman's Article on Food

Mark Hyman writes:
I WAS IN THE GROCERY STORE YESTERDAY. While I was squeezing avocados to pick just the right ones for my family’s dinner salad, I overheard a conversation from a couple who had also picked up a fruit.
“Oh, these avocados look good, let’s get some.”
Then looking up at the price, they said, “Two for five dollars!” Dejected, they put the live avocado back and walked away from the vegetable aisle toward the aisles full of dead, boxed, canned, packaged goods where they can buy thousands of calories of poor-quality, nutrient-poor, factory-made, processed foods filled with sugar, fat, and salt for the same five dollars. This is the scenario millions of Americans struggling to feed their families face every day.
The odd paradox is that food insecurity — not knowing where the next meal is coming from or not having enough money to adequately feed your family — leads to obesity, diabetes, and chronic disease. Examining this paradox may help us advocate for policies that make producing fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole other foods cheaper, while rethinking the almost $300 billion in government subsides that support the production of cheap, processed food derived from corn and soy.
At the same time, a Food Revolution, along the lines of that advocated by Jamie Oliver, a radical chef, can help Americans take back their table and their health from a food industry that has driven us to eat more than 50 percent of our meals out of the home compared to less than 2 percent 100 years ago. And most of those meals eaten at home are produced in plants, not grown on plants, are from a food chemist’s lab, not a farmer’s field. Cooking and eating whole fresh foods at home, can be cheaper, more fun, and simpler than most people think.
So I would ask you to consider: Have you ever made poor food choices because of cost? What is the REAL cost of this cheap food — the cost in dollars, on our health, on our environment, and even on the fraying fabric of our social and family systems?
This is what you need to remember:
  1. The true cost of unhealthy food isn’t just the price tag — in fact, the real costs are hidden.
  2. Eating healthy doesn’t have to cost more.
Sure, it seems cheaper to eat a burger, fries, and a soda from McDonald’s than to eat a meal of whole foods, but there are healthier options. Let me review why the true costs of eating unhealthy food are hidden, and give you some suggestions that will help you save money and suffering by eating well for less. Poverty or financial limitations do not preclude eating well, creating health, and avoiding disease.
Let’s start by looking at how our economy and public policy are geared toward the production of cheap, unhealthy food.
Government Policy Supports the Production of Unhealthy Food
Unhealthy food is cheaper because our government’s policies support its production. We’re spending nearly $30 billion a year to subsidize corn and soy production. Where do those foods go? Into our food supply as high-fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated soybean oil (trans fats), that are the foundation of almost all fast food and processed foods that are “manufactured” by the food industry.
Since the 1970s — when our agricultural policies where changed to support corn and soy farmers — we’re consuming, on average, an extra 500 calories (mostly in the form of cheap, artificial high-fructose corn syrup) per person.
When you eat unhealthy foods like these, the costs of medical visits, co-pays, prescription medications, and other health services skyrocket.
Corn and soy are also used to feed cattle for the production of meat and dairy. In fact, 70 percent of the wheat, corn, and soy farmed in this country is used to feed animals used for our food. The world’s cattle alone consume a quantity of food equal to the caloric needs of 8.7 billion people — more than the entire human population on Earth!
So, when our government helps pay for these foods — well, of course they’re cheaper! That explains the low price tag. But what about the OTHER costs to you?
The Hidden Costs of Eating Poorly
We all know that bad foods are bad for your health. It turns out they are also bad for the national pocketbook. For example, one expert has estimated that healthcare costs related to obesity are $118 billion per year. That’s nearly 12 percent of total healthcare expenditures — and more than twice that caused by smoking! Seventy-two percent of Americans are overweight and over one third are medically obese. One in three children born today will be diabetic in their lifetime and the life expectancy of our population is declining for the first time in human history.
A report from the Worldwatch Institute called Overfed and Underfed: The Global Epidemic of Malnutrition documented the real costs of obesity related to poor diet — and this does NOT include the other effects of poor diet such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, autoimmune diseases, and osteoporosis. Here were some of the conclusions of that report:
  • Obese people account for a disproportionate share of health-related absences from work.
  • Obesity accounts for 7 percent of lost productivity due to sick leave and disability.
  • 7 percent of all of North Carolina’s healthcare expenditures are related to obesity.
  • Obese people visit their physicians 40 percent more than normal weight people.
  • Obese people are 2.5 times more likely to require drugs prescribed for cardiovascular and circulation disorders.
  • Liposuction is the Number 1 form of cosmetic surgery in the US, with 400,000 operations a year.
  • Over 100,000 people a year have gastric bypass surgery.
According to a recent study in The New England Journal of Medicine (i), we’re spending about $20,000 per person for each extra year of life gained from medical interventions like drugs and surgery … as if that’s something to be proud of!
That doesn’t even take into account the $282 billion in costs resulting from medical interventions that go wrong — hospital infections, medical errors, deaths from drug reactions, bedsores, or unnecessary surgeries.
And what if that $20,000 per year was given to each person during his or her lifetime to support better nutrition, lifestyle, and stress management? My guess is that we would save trillions of dollars in health care expenditures on chronic disease!
As these numbers prove, the costs of eating fast, junk, and processed foods are often deferred until later. And that’s the key point: When you go to McDonald’s for a cheap burger and fries, you might immediately compare that lower price to whole organic foods which are more expensive in the short term. But the total cost isn’t reflected in how much you pay for your meal in the immediate moment, it’s the cumulative cost of what those decisions cost you over a lifetime.
For example, when you eat unhealthy foods like these, the costs of medical visits, co-pays, prescription medications, and other health services skyrocket. There are other non-economic costs of eating poorly as well. You reduce your ability to enjoy life in the moment due to increased fatigue, low-grade health complaints, obesity, depression, and more.
The biggest advantage of eating well now is not just preventing disease and costs later, but simply enjoying each day to its fullest. You can make that happen. Eating well doesn’t have to cost more.
It’s true that there are very few, if any, subsidies for the production of produce or healthier alternative foods. And the same government agency that supports the production of the ingredients for junk food provides less than $300 million for education on healthy nutrition.
But change is in the air. Dean Ornish, MD, has shown that a program to teach people to eat better, exercise, and learn stress reduction can prevent heart disease and reduce the need for heart bypass or other treatments. Insurance companies are starting to take notice as some cover the costs for that program. Paying $5,000 for such a program now, Medicare has finally recognized, is better than paying $50,000 later for a cardiac bypass operation.
A number of us advocated last year that a “health council” be established to coordinate and develop national polices that create and support health for Americans. This was part of the health reform bill and the National Council on Prevention, Health Promotion and Public Health was created by executive order of the President in June. Drs. Dean Ornish, Memhet Oz, Michael Roizen and I, among others, have been nominated to be on a 25-member advisory council that helps guide the council. The council is made up of all the cabinet secretaries in charge of departments that in some way affect our health — agriculture, health, transportation, environment, trade, labor, and more — and will be chaired by the Surgeon General. This provides a way to influence national policies to support and create health — including our food and agriculture polices — for the first time.
The idea that you can save money by eating well is further supported by studies like the one published by the American Dietetic Association (ii) that shows eating well to lose weight is actually cheaper — or at the worst, no more expensive — than eating poorly! The authors of the study concluded that “adopting a lower-energy, nutrient-dense diet did not increase dietary costs over time. Consequently, cost should not be a barrier in the adoption of a healthful diet.”
That’s powerful evidence that eating well is not just good for your body, it’s good for your wallet, too! Here are some ideas to get you started.
Four Tips to Start Eating Healthy for Less Today
  1. Listen to Gandhi. Yes, Gandhi! He said that we should never mistake what is habitual for what is natural. Case in point: Some Chinese are very poor and yet they eat extremely well — small amounts of animal protein, with an abundance of vegetables.
  2. Be willing to learn. We have to learn new ways of shopping and eating, new ways of ordering our priorities around our health and nutrition that supports our well-being, even if it is hard at the beginning.
  3. Do your research. There are ways to find cheaper sources of produce, whole grains, beans, nuts, and lean animal protein. You just need to seek them out. It doesn’t all have to be organic. Simply switching from processed foods to whole foods is a HUGE step in the right direction.
  4. Make an effort. Eating healthy does take more planning. It may require you to find new places to hunt and gather for your family. You might have to reorder your priorities regarding where you spend your money and your time so that you can make healthier eating choices.
Remember, eating healthy foods without spending a lot is possible-and you can do it.
Now I’d like to hear from you…
What do you think about the long-term costs of eating poorly?
Do you agree or disagree that eating poorly in the short-term has dramatic long-term consequences on your health care costs?
What other costs of eating poorly have you seen or experienced?
Are you also worried about the exploding costs of health care, whether insurance, medical, Medicare or other costs?
Please share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.
To your good health,
Mark Hyman, MD
(i) Cutler D.M., Rosen A.B., and S. Vijan. 2006. The value of medical spending in the United States, 1960-2000. N Engl J Med. 355(9): 920-7.
(ii)Raynor, H.A., Kilanowski, C.K., Esterli, I., et al. 2002. A cost-analysis of adopting a healthful diet in a family-based treatment program. J Am Diet Assoc.102(5): 645-650, 655-656.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thoughts can be poison

Thoughts can be toxic. Getting into spiritual things lately. I have been noticing that if i let God handle things by just letting the problems go to Him, and bypass me, I feel much better. Just image God's big finger crooked as in a hook and when a person has a problem, just hang it on God's hook and turn your back on the problem. Just walk away from the problem.
I have learned that Jesus lives in me. Lives in my soul. I am stuck to Him like glue, as the country song says. So He is here in the present, here now to take the problem and do away with it.
It is a retraining of the thought processes. Just watch what the brain does as you continually take the problem and hang it on the hook. Constantly all day long. You begin to feel lighter and lighter.
Another resource is Hale Dowskin's Sedona Method. It is secular way of doing the same thing. He has  . He makes a lot of sense.
But with Jesus I feel a lot of love coming my way as I let go of a problem. It is as if Jesus really covers me with love as a payment for my show of faith in Him. Love shatters fear. Fear causes depression. What else can I say?

Dr. Mark Hyman's New website

New website written by Dr. Mark Hyman. It is reorganized and is still a great resource for wellness.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

New Supplements

Started taking hormone balancing supplements on nov. 2. took intermentantly until breast seem to hurt, which was on this date.11/18 Stopped Female Plus. Continue with others.
Spiritual healing continues. At Peace with Friend Jesus. Never before has this happened. Will start mom's health blog soon.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thought Bubbles: Spiritual Healing

Ramona, who works at Dr. Dan's took me to Fresh on the Fly on Oct 23rd, an organic restuarant in Lk. Mary. We started the conversation about my art, and then she told me of her fight and victory over depression. She had asked the Lord to come into her life. She was full of depression, suicidal, and was about to leave this plane when she gave in to the call of the Holy Spirit.
She said it started out in her toes and went up her body, and out through her head. A great weight had lifted from her body. This was thirty years ago. Great peace came into her, a great love flooded her soul.
I thought of this and asked Jesus to come into my life as well. I had in the past thought that all this type of spiritual stuff was a mind game. It is not. A being, a human being is spiritual being, physical being, emotional being. This was just another part of me that was sick. I needed a Spiritual Healing. I received one that day at that table in that cafe. I am still growing, healing and being lead towards more life, love than ever before.

Female Hormones

I went to Jean Christensen, my OB GYN , because it pinched a blood vessel in that lower area and did not know what I had done. I thought it may have been more serious. But thank God it was not. But I reviewed with her what Dr F put me on to balance the estrogen dominance seen by the thermogram.
He put me on
Systemic formulas bio function F+,
Systemic formulas bio function 5,
emulsi- D3 by designs for health,
designs for health OmegAvail Synergy TG
Jean questioned the ingredients of the F+ because they are know to stimulate estrogen. I emailed Dr F to question him about it on the 29 of last month. The email is below:

Dr Fernandez,
I visited my doctor and she is concerned that the F+ could cause breast tenderness. Knowing that we have estrogen dominance in breasts, but dryness in the vaginal area she suggests that we fully understand what the additional ingredients in the product could do.
Blue cohosh, dong quai, False unicorn could increase estrogen in breasts, but she does not know what the other ingredients would do to block this effect.
Also she asks that can the capsule ingredients be mixed with vitamin e oil and applied locally in the vulva area and thus not even involve the breasts?
Also she stated that the sore spot that I went to her for was nothing, just a pinched blood vessel. nothing to worry about.
Janet Matthews
No answer as of yet. I have cut the dosage of two a day to one a day to maintain if she is correct, but to also see if he is correct(!?). (He never did answer me, and I continued this protocol for eight months and had another test, the hormones were still low.-editor)

Live Microscopy done on 11/2/2010

I had the live microscopy done by Teresa Embry . It was amazing. Really. She could put a sample of my blood on a slide and look at it under a microscope and the image of the live blood appear on the screen of the attached computer. She showed me how the blood needs cleansing, alkalizing, and what other things were in the plasma. Things like uric acid, latic acid, yeast, sugar. How yeast was being pushed out of the cells. How the cells were mis-shapened and irregular. We discussed how these things got there and what to eat to stop this. The dried blood tests were interesting. I still had metals in my system. I have adrenal, liver and kidney stress. And she could tell be certain markers in the blood that I have had a tremendous amount of  emotional stress lately (two funerals). She could see problems in the sex hormones (confirmed by the latest thermogram). Colon walls needed cleaning.
All this with just the blood. But then the blood goes everywhere, picks up everything. What wonders that it would be this information packed, and we are just now learning how to read it this well. This type of testing has been around for years, just now it is connected to a computer and one can see what the tech sees under the lense of the microscope so that it can be seen and discussed in real time. Just amazing.
I asked her why it isn't a standard in medical practice in stead of being labeled alternative. She said that insurance will not cover it, and people are afraid of "new" techniques. This had been around  for about 50 years.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Boss dies

The Green man passes. Yes he, my boss of 35 years has gone on to his Maker. He was intimidating at times, leader at all times. He was a second father, demanded loyalty and showed loyalty. It will take awhile to come through this, but I am healing.
He was really my only employer for all these years. I did other part time jobs, but always returned. He did somethings at times that I did not understand, but we all do things that only we know why. Either for business, or personal reasons. Life is that way. When we begin to accept it that there just are some things that are going to be a certain way and we can not change them, well, that helps depression as well.
I have been Christian oriented much of my life , but I asked Jesus to come into my heart on Oct. 23, just past. I mean not on the surface, I mean into my heart. I had always heard that It is mind blowing. It is more than that, and continues each and everyday, as I learn how the Lord wants me to deal with life. To talk to Him about everything. And He answers, within seconds. Really! through background music, through conversation with others that are happening, through magazine articles that I read that are on a completely different subject matter. He does answer. At first I thought It was just coincidents , but it continues to happen. I thought, at work, sitting down  on Center Street, at my work place, God are You really here? Within seconds. Literally seconds, a little boy, comes up and hands me a little baggie, and says " this is for you" and walks away. Inside, a card that could be read : God is no where   or   God is now here.
With in seconds. It blew me away. Things like that are happening to me all day long every day. But I must keep talking to Him, and I will. For He is REAL! Just ask Him to come in. NOT JUST ON THE SURFACE, BUT IN TO YOUR HEART.  THEN JUST WATCH.

Ambassadors at Dr. Dan's

This is the email from Stefanie West ,Ambassador Director at Yachter Chiropractic, the place that I go to. It is about another event, but it gives you some knowledge about this clinic.

Sorry to all of you who got your email cut off on the last one. Here it is again. And the invite to the Young's home was last weeks that I sent by mistake.. sorry again! Their gathering this week is this saturday Oct. 30th! See invite below..:)

Hello wonderful Ambassadors!

The energy is rolling and we are all anticipating our move into our new space around the corner! It is time to TAKE ACTION! This applies to our personal lives as well. Most of us know where we are going or at least where we want to be and what we need to do to get there... however, being passive and waiting around for something to happen just doesn't work. There are definitely times to Let go and Surrender... but it is in the Leaps of faith where we learn to FLY.. No matter how many mountains try to get in our way, we have the power through God in us, to bring them tumbling down:) Nothing is impossible with God, let's keep that perspective as we push into this new season in our lives. There are times to sit and wait, but there are definitely times to stand and GO!! Here are some great action quotes I thought I would share to inspire you wherever you are at with your business, family, God, relationships, health, and finances...

“Even if you're on the right track, you'll still get run over if you just sit there.” -- Will Rogers

“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.” -- Conrad Hilton, Businessman

“Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action.” -- Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister

“You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action.” -- Anthony Robbins

Our Ambassador Thanksgiving cooking class with Chef Ossie has been scheduled for Monday night Nov. 15th at 7pm. I am sorry for any of you who have conflicting schedules but this is the ONLY night in November that works for all parties that is available at the office. You do Not want to miss this cooking experience! Chef Ossie will be featuring some delicious healthy Thanksgiving recipes. He has mentioned using pumpkin, cranberry, sweet potatoe casserole, and roasted turkey.. or close to that:) No matter what it is, it will be AMAZING and everyone will leave with full tummies. Please RSVP asap as I only have room for 30 people. Feel free to bring a friend just make sure you tell me so I reserve a spot. It is still only $10/person for Ambassadors! Where else can you get a ridiculously healthy dinner by a famous chef and watch him cook it and leave with the recipe in your pocket??? I can't wait!

Lastly, you are all invited on behalf of Chris and Natalie Young for a gathering on Sunday Oct. 17th at 10am at the Young's residence in Deltona for worship, fellowship, and encouragement. The Young family have been faithful patients and ambassadors of Dr. Dan's for many years. And they are opening their home to all of you for a Bible study. For more details read the invitation below.

May God bless you and keep you safe in His arms this week:)

Scott and Char Shallenberger, fellow health seekers

I have been looking for Scott for several months, for he has suffered all his life with much the same problems as I. I met him at my job and lost track of him until just a few days ago. Here is my facebook comment.
I have been detoxing and rebuilding myself, spiritually and psychically. I am now off of all medications for 9 plus months and am still healing. I have found two places in Heathrow and Lake Mary, north of here, that are helping me greatly, ...with info and testing, but still not exactly what I want. The chiropractor that I see is having a "Extreme Make Over" a presentation, like a lecture, on Nov. 20th in Lake Mary. It is for four hours and is at The Gathering Place (a church)The church has a great auditorium. It would help you, I know, or maybe you are passed that, I do not know, but It is a free event. I can give you more info if you want. It is for four hours and has been of tremendous help for me in knowledge and support. The other is in Heathrow at the Heathrow Anti-Aging Clinic. I go there for Thermograms for my breasts. Instead of mamograms . But they have detox foot baths. I have not had one, but you said that they are great. They are 45 a session, and she wants to sell 10 sessions. She says that it takes that many to detox yearly. Do you know of any other place around here that does it?
Also I am going to have a live microscopy done of my blood to determine what else is further wrong with it. As to what remains to detox from it.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Hi to Char.
See More

10 minutes ago

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Other Symptoms

Other symptoms
My bottom of my feet itch as I take in foods that I have previously given up. It just proves that I am on the right track. My lymph glands in the under arms hurt as well as those located in the groin area. Even my joints hurt. Skin itches. I have been on vacation and I have tried to stay on the diet. I have mostly succeeded, however, it is very hard. The family stress of the death of my niece, Elaine, and the change of diet has caused these symptoms.
Another family member, thinks things that deal with family matters are just nuisances and a bother. I used to think that way,at least at times, until I realized just how badly family treated other family members. We all need family and friends for support, both in good times and bad. This alone helps fight depression.
A country song on the radio now says: "I am Rosemary's granddaughter,the spitting image of my father,and my mother is my biggest fan" Well I now say that "I am Henrietta's granddaughter,the spitting image of Armin , and Ruth is my biggest fan". it gives me"place" and I can go with that.

Elaine's Passing

October 10/13/2010
Elaine England, my niece, passed away yesterday morning while sleeping. She was in her late twenties. Some health issues were involved,but overall she seemed healthy. This blow to the family, I think, is in someways worse than if my mother,almost ninety, passed. Her father is a pastor, and all family members are strong in the church. One of her issues was depression. She fought with it most of her short life. Now at least she is at peace. At this time, so shortly after the event, we don't know just what happened. An autopsy is warranted.
I think, at this short time, that the depression was just another symptom of an overall health issue. Why, in this day and age, won't we as society wake up to what our bodies are telling us?
I read a lot of Sherlock Holmes novels and I am amazed at the minute details that this fictional detective perceives as he studies his problems, his subjects.  He looks at all of the smallest things and how they inter-relate to each other. Why aren't  his techniques employed today? Why, what with the new technologies and information that is available on the Internet, we can't fight the health fight with more success? Nothing is intragrated, or inter woven into a whole. In chiropractic, everything is inter woven, and the source of all illness is addressed, inflammation.
All illness is traced back to this inflammation through different signs that are evident. Problems with the digestion, skin, popping in the ears, aches in the joints,all point to hidden problems. Even how we process our thoughts. Sometimes the sequence of the thoughts and what triggers  them is amazing. I think the brain works in patterns, and once trained into the negative, it is hard to "repattern" it.
But not impossible. My depression is caused by stress. Fed by stress. Right now, every emotion is intense. It maybe the detox from the drugs I have been on all these years.
We are on our way to Ohio
We are going through the Shenndoah Valley. First mountains we have been in in thirty years. Garmin signal is coming and going. Depression has lifted for some days at this point. It is possible that new things for my brain to grasp is circus navigating the depressive thoughts. Will think of that fact to supply more new things into the mix of life.
Elaine died so young. I want to do more things before I die. The chief one is to be happy most of the day on a day to day basis. This is more to me than making money. To find my inner happy spot before I go.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Leaving to go to Richmond

I am flying to Richmond tomorrow, and might not be able to post. But I have noticed that my brain fixates on thoughts and then blows them out of proportion. Mostly to the negative. I strive to push it to the positive.  I know that healing involves all things, mental, spiritual, physical, emotional.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Spiritual Things continue

I seem to be realizing that God is more than a white bearded Man on a throne. He is everything. The wind, the light, the emotions of light, airiness, hope, the things that are not seen, but are happiness. We are creatures of God and have only to accept Him to thrive in Him. He is always here, but until we accept that, then we are in darkness. Darkness is pain, the devil, evil. Note that a "d" precedes evil in the word devil?
Well thoughts like this and more have been occuring to me these last few days. The darkness of depression is away from light, from God, to believe that He is here is to make oneself whole.
Pretty heady stuff. I will write more later.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I began Green Vibrance

Yesterday at sunset, after my evening meal of Mahi-Mahi, that I had at Hooters, I put a scoop of this green powder into a glass of water, and drank it on the way home. The water turned almost black, it was so green. I have heard from Dr. Dan that energy increases and that the product, being pure green energy from plants, alkalizes the body.
This is what my friend Kathy says about her product that she bought from Dee Simmons. This product was here and available immediately, so I bought it. Let's see if it stops the Y/M symptoms.
I had my latest lab test and am high in sodium, and low in Vitamin D. This product has vit D in a different form than what I had on my turntable of supplements that sits in my kitchen cabinet. So if it can be absorbed in a new way, well then maybe my vit D level will rise. It has been off for some time. Lack of Vit D causes depression as well. I live in Florida and am out in the sun for quite a bit everyday and thought that the sun would supply my Vit D needs, apparently it does not. When I supplement it with over the counter capsules my breasts hurt. Vit D is stored in fat tissue. I had always thought that  I did not need the Vitamin if the place that stored it hurt when I took it. But this fact is not held up to the light of truth if the test says that I lack the Vit. (vitamin D)

These are Janet’s other sites:

Thought Bubbles: The Spiritual Life Ensues

Something happened to me when the people at YFCC prayed for me. I began to see the statements of the Bible differently. The darkness inside my soul began to recede. I had always thought of the devil as an imp with a pointy tail. Red body, gleeful devilish eyes, but nothing that was going to bother me. Ah, but when I began see the devil as the depression and how the depression was robbing me of my light, of my joy, then, yes the devil was real and the only solution was the light of God. The sin was not see it this way. Once I saw it and asked God to forgive me, well I heard this booming voice "I forgive you". It was not my inner voice, but a much stronger, louder voice. One of strength. Not timid. I had thought that I was not a sinner, I did not steal, murder, lie, cheat on my husband, etc. So why was the message always confess your sins when I had not sinned? How, or why should I feel convicted it I had not sinned? That is where the problem lay, I could not  see where I had sinned, so I remained in sin, and in terrible depression. So I asked God to strengthened my faith. With each doubt, He would send me a message almost immediately. I was at work, mind you. Sitting there wondering if God was really there. Within seconds a little boy, about 5 or 6 walks up and hands me a little plastic baggie. Inside was a business sized card that read Godisnowhere. At first I read it God is no where, then as God is now here. It stunned me. It had a piece of candy in the bag and I ate it. The reality of the moment set in. God had spoken to me instantly. Also the sugar started a fatigue problem, further underlining that what I was going through with my health was real, and that God was very much with me in everything in my life.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Re introduction of carbohydrates

  • I can't get rid of the bullet on the left. Sort of like the yeast/mold (Y/M) in my body. Dr. F said to eat more carbs to maintain my weight. So I have, but this morning I have thicker spital than normal. This occurs when the Y/M is in asendance also yesterday I worked long hours. Stress from the long hours can cause it as well.
Kathy, my friend at work told me to look up Dee Simmon on the net. She is person that makes a product called Green Miracle, and alkalizing the body. I guess I will have to spend the extra money for Green Viberance  a green product. She, to my knowledge, does not make that product, but Dr. Dan has told me about it and suggests it. It is about 80 dollars a canister. One can lasts a month. Sigh. good health=money, but I feel so good now.
Dr. Sadek is scheduled for November sometime. I now realize that I need to adjust the VNS device. When I have all the diet pegs in a row, the device has less to fight against and overstimulates the brain, and this in itself causes anxiety and super multitasking and not enough deep sleep. I need deep sleep to recharge the ol' batteries in the body.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Turned off the implant

Yesterday I turned of the implant two times during the twenty four hour period. It was making me two active. Sparking my brain too much. I think that this is what led to my last down turn. This sparking led to my overall stress, which led to the depression. Not knowing why I was doing what I was doing, what caused the running and multitasking at the level it was, further made me anxious. I slept better last night. The oregano oil worked better for me. Made me more relaxed and the symptoms went away.
Video of the promotion helped me to see other people's reality of what they saw as opposed to what I was expericening inside my head.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Recipe for flax flat bread

Since I can't seem to tolerate gulten or sugars well, I have been trying other things to substitute for flour. Now I am trying this following for a tasty treat to eat with ground meat or soup or olive oil

1/2 cup of psyllium husks
1 cup of flax seed, ground

1 teaspoon of sea salt
1 teaspoon of baking soda
2 teaspoons of cream of tartar

1 1/2 cups of mixed greens, chopped in grinder
1/4 teaspoon red pepper
1/2 tblspoon fennel seed
1/2 teaspoon oregano

1 1/2 cups of water
grease cookie sheet with coconut oil
spread the mixture on the sheet at 1/4 inch thick cut into pieces
oven temp at 325 degrees

can try instead of greens
1/2 cup of egg whites.

Promotion at YFCC

On Sept the 4th I went to Lake Mary City Hall grounds and signed up for the Market that takes place every Saturday. In preparing for this show I became overwhelmed and perceived that I was getting in over my head in responsibility to too many things. Whether just perception or reality, I started to go down.
Over the past three weeks I have prayed, asked for Gods leading hand, called doctors, pled for relief, threatened of going back on meds, gone on vacation and rethought what was going on in my life.
I saw Dr. F yesterday when at the promotion. Something he said stuck in my brain. He said 'Remembering what it was like makes fear trigger it (more depression)' It has stuck in my brain. It seems that his insights hit every mark at just the right time. When my brain is struggling, struggling to literally 'breathe life' it convinetly forgets what nugutts of truth others have given it and holds on to the negative instead of hoping on the positive. Why? Is it set in a holding pattern? or What?
Dr Dan gave me a chance to help in his practice. To thank his patients for their patronage. I did silhouette cutting that you can see by clicking here.The poster advertising the event and showing my before and after photos is here
It seems that when I see myself in a video, I can see what others see of me. They can't know what mental pain I am going through. At the same time I can get out of myself and see that there is another world besides my painful mental thought. Weird. and Insightful.

These are Janet’s other sites:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Saturday Night Consult

Some heavy stuff went down yesterday. Heavy depression in the morning. I believed that it was, well the peanut butter that I ate the night before. When I thought that it began to clear up. I was able to work through the day. I was struggling with it all morning. Even to the point of quoting scripture to myself. That was pretty scarey, I mean that I was begging God to help. I mean begging, for the depression pushed me into a small place of darkness and I knew God was of light. I knew He would not abandoned me. I was at work,  a place of bright music, of happy children and bright dancing actors, and I felt squished into a corner of darkness. All because of peanut butter?
Aaron, my coworker arrives and during the day he describes what he does when he finds a small metal thing in his pocket. It is a magnifying glass used to proof work in printing shops. It was his dad's. His dad is dying right now. Aaron prays once in the morn for his dad, and each time he touches that piece of metal that sits with his change in his pants pocket for the rest of the day Aaron thanks God for the help for Aaron knows that God has helped his dad. That is faith. Aaron spoke to me of his faith. Four days before Stephanie West at Dr. Dan's speaks to me of faith. When this is confirmed by two people with in one week God is speaking to me. To me to have faith for this health process to work.
Then I put in a call to Dr. Dan. It was before Aaron talked to me. I held the phone for about two hours and put it away, for I don't like to carry it on me. When I pick it up after work to check messages, well both Dr. D and F had called back. I returned the calls and left D a message, and spoke about a half hour to F. It was a mind blowing call. ON A SATURDAY NIGHT.
Basically he listened and then asked me, what would Janet be like if she felt she was worth something. For I had ranted about not feeling like i was worth anything. I could not answer him. I ranted more. He wants to bring in a psychologist from Miami to phone consult sometime in the near future. THIS WAS ON A SATURDAY NIGHT CALL ON THE WAY HOME FROM WORK. No other Doctor or any medical team has helped me like this.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thought Bubbles: Spiritual Aspect

Some friends prayed over me and gave me some things to think about. The depression is darkness, Jesus is the light. The Spirit is in us. The Spirit is God. Concentrate on what is light, and all else that is the depression is lies. Yes, just lies, not God. Do not listen to lies. For God loves you and will not forsake you, never, no matter how bad it gets He will never leave you, never. Just hold on.

Teas of any kind are bad

Yes teas of any kind trigger the crawling anxiety. The I want to jump out of my skin varity of that malaise. I drank about 50 ounces over two days and several different kinds, all caffine free. Late second day and i was out of it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

I saw Dr. F today.

I need to see how much lead is left in my body. Over the last year I have read many times that heavy metals in the body will inhibit the friendly bacteria in your gut.This was read in Prescription for Nutritional Healing page 298(forth edition) That the friendly bacteria will not grow.This allows yeast and other parasites to grow. I have lead in my body. Why can I not be tested to see just where the level is. I need to know. I thought that is what Dr. F would do today. To continue to detox. At least to check the level. But right now he is evaluating just what is to be done. I can see that that needs to be done.
I have also read at least three times that the test for yeast, for the blood test, can not always be trusted. Period. One time was in a booklet entitled The Candida Yeast Syndrome and is by Ray E. Wunderlich ,Jr.,MD. It is A Keats Good Health Guide. Now that I need it prove a point, I can't find the booklet to put in front of the doctor to have proof of this untrustability of the blood test. Another source, I believe, was the UltraMind website written by Mark Hyman. MD. Now I can not find the page. This is frustration beyond belief. And another place was on the internet at a website that was run by a woman chiropractor. Now I can not remember her name. But I read this. I am not going to say that I am always right, but come on, why not just retest me and see where the level is?
I know that I am not a doctor, but I would like to know why I can not retest to see just where the level is at. I have suffered enough. All of it is not in my head.

What I need to look into

What I need to look into
Aloe Vera juice, and what sugar levels it may have so that it won't affect me. Aloe Vera is supposed to increase white cell to kill the yeast.
Kolorex herbal formula which is made in Canada and has an antifungal agent called polygodial. Forest Herbs Research makes it.
Aniseed is related to Fennel Seed and is antifungal in its properties
Maitake, pau d'arco teas. to see if these teas will be helpful. I have to drink a lot of water to wash the toxins out anyway.
Distilled water only. I have been told that just distilled water may not be up to par.
No chlorine in the water, but distilling it takes any good minerals out.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Current symptoms to tell Dr. Fernandez.

Right now I have these problems:
Ears that pop as if they are be coming full of something or are getting infected. My
eyes are burning constantly, and the vision is from time to time blurry.
My crotch is burning and discharging and I have tried yogurt and garlic suppositories and the burning is somewhat decreased and the discharge continues. I am douching with oregano oil. One teaspoon to a quart of water.
There is white cottage cheese-like substance on the inside of my mouth in the morning on my tongue , more cheese-like when stressed, more spit like, but white and thick when not stressed.
I have food allergies, environmental and sound and smell sensitivities,
I need live blood microscopy to determine what else I might have. I have read that heavy metals cause the yeast to become stronger, to become entrenched so that it can not leave the system. I need to detox.
When all or any of these symptoms occur the depression occurs again, and again. But I will learn to control it somehow.
Added 11/24/2010:
When the depression comes another symptom is that the body needs to be kept warmer.

Too much stress

Mom had her heart pacemaker battery replaced sometime in mid August and that took up the last two EMO's. This was very stressful for me, and her. She survived and thrived! We did not give her any antibiotics and she did not have an infection either. We tried to give her the pain medication, but she was allergic to it and her throat swelled up and scared me and her as well. So we took her off of that as well. When the doctors checked her after the surgery she was healed up fantastic. They both said that she was doing great and to continue to do what we were doing. So I started to cook for her. This added more stress for me. At the same time it was starting the silhouette business. This stressed me out more. Well, all this stress brought on the depression again. So when I started to go down low, I requested a weeks vacation.
As I destressed and started to heal, I got several projects done. I made my biking shorts out of cotton spandex, I planted my garden, I visited the Orlando Museum of Art, I tried to bake some type of bread-like food out of flax seed and psyllium husk and that is still in the oven. I bought a book by Dr. Asa Andrew and it is called Empowering your Health and I am reading it on my husband's IPAD. It is right up the same way that Dr Dan is taking us, but it also is a great support mechanism to read and re-read.
I made a video statement to Dr. Dan. He is celebrating his tenth year. That was yesterday. I am suffering a yeast infection. I think that this yeast infection is all through out my body. So I am going to talk to DR. F about more detox and anti-candida supplements. I have been taking oil of oregano and it has helped.
The VEGA chocolate tastes more chocolate than the "green vegtable" taste of green vibrance. You mix it with water, or almond milk and if you have a blender you can add low glycemic fruits or stevia. If you put psyllium husks in it it becomes thick and filling like oatmeal.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I can not handle chocolate. Apparently it triggers the yeast. I have heard it said by people having this problem before, but never put it to myself, I mean related my problems to chocolate. Well. Let's be clear about this. Felt good yesterday and into the evening, had chocolate Vega before I went to bed. Sleep was light, but that is because of the VNS being turned up to high. I had another chocolate Vega this morning, and brother, I tell ya, I am suffering again. An to think of how I used to eat the stuff. I looked back into the blog and I used to think that the chocolate would help me get through the depression. I know now that it sets one up for a fall if one has yeast.
Linda Allen states that to avoid it altogether.
Check out the post for 1/20/2011. I had been eating chocolate for three days before a huge fall of emotions and depression.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Off to get blood test

When I fast to get a blood test I don't sleep well. I usually eat right before I go to bed and this helps me sleep. I know that my doctors say not to eat at that time, but if I do not I can't sleep. I get very hungry. Very much so now because of the VNS device. It burns the calories. A VNS device helps to burn the calories.
I am forcing myself to take it easy. To slow down, to not multi-task. To concentrate on one thing at a time. This will help my mind, to train it to focus. And when I come back after this depression I will have learned to slow down and to help prevent what happened this last week. Yes, a depression for seven days.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Getting my medical records transferred

I called Dr. Rivera and started the transfer of records on 9/3/10. Then when Dr. Sadek gets both the records from Dr. Karabatos and Dr. Rivera and Dr. Dan, he will be able to see me to advise me about the VNS implant. We will see how long it takes to transfer the records.

Another bout of depression

Started on the first of September. I had been under so much stress of late and wham it hit me very hard. It is not just a mood thing. It is as if my brain is crippled. Literally. More than not functioning. Note above post. I have canceled nearly everything for the next few weeks. I know that I have lead in my body, and think that it has not chelated out as of yet. September the thirteenth I will have another appointment with Dr. Fernandez. At that time he will want me to run a test to determine how much lead is still in the body. Then detox again. It will take me out of action again. For it is very hard on me. But I get through it. Here is an interesting article on lead.

DMSA Chelation
DMSA For Detoxing Lead and Mercury

Our bodies are constantly exposed to an onslaught of environmental toxins. Lead and mercury are two heavy metals that seem to have found their way into almost everyone. Lead and mercury do not occur naturally in the body and as such are very toxic. These two heavy metals are known to interfere with how nerves communicate. Meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) is a compound approved in the 1960’s by the FDA for the removal (chelation) of heavy metals. DMSA is considered the preferred agent for the chelation (removal) of heavy metals in both adults and children. Mercury is considered to be the second most toxin substance on the planet (uranium is #1) and the negative effects of mercury exposure are well documented.

Meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) is also known as succimer and sold as a prescription under the trade name Chemet. DMSA is also sold as an over the counter nutritional supplement in some areas but it is often very difficult to find and can be very expensive (over $1 per capsule). DMSA has a somewhat strong sulfur like smell. It’s chemical properties make it particularly suited to chelate (remove via excretion) mercury and lead, the two most common toxic heavy metals in people.

One of the main advantages of DMSA is its large therapeutic window. This means there is a wide margin between the amount necessary to produce the intended result and the level that could potentially overload the patient. This makes DMSA exceptionally safe.
How Did I Get Heavy Metals (Mercury and Lead) In My Body?

There are several possible ways heavy metals got into your body. Below each of the more common exposures will be discussed. Remember there are no safe levels for heavy metals. Chelation of toxic heavy metals with DMSA is well documented in the scientific literature. There are several other chelation agents but DMSA so far as been proven to be the safest and most effective.
When I tried the DMSA before it was so powerful that I was almost suicidal. So I stopped it. But protocols for taking it are different on the internet than I had, for I took it for the test and that is a heavy dose. I will prepare myself mentally for this next challenge.

Symptoms that occur

Some symptoms that occur when the depression comes:(could be mold at the source of these-editor)
I stumble, the left foot gets in the way. I drop things more and am clumsy.
Eyes are itchy
Private parts burn.
Can't solve math problems, or simple logic problem.
Everything looks to big to slove ( any problem )
More anger insues.
I feel like my IQ goes down by nearly one third.
Ears pop and feel infected.
Tongue is coated with stuff that looks like cottage cheese
Can't type well. This locks in with clumsiness. Can't spell well. Asks husband to spell for me. Constantly. This irritates me.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Not heard from Dr. Sadek

Well, it has been a week and I have not heard from the neurologist Dr. Sadek. I am not overly worried about it, but I would like the matter to be settled. I have noticed some psychologically different ways of looking at problems. You could call it a watching game. I watch how my mind deals with problems. I am trying to learn how to address different stressors in my life. I have always dealt with them with the depression. I pushed myself through them, getting more and more stressed, and then crashing in more depression. Then it would take a few days to recover and the cycle would start over again. I am now taking a mental health day. Changing, for that day the frantic way I rush through life. Just for that day. If I need to do something, for just that day I will put it off. For this day I will choose what I do, because I want to do it, not because it has to be done. Period. Hell can freeze over, but I will choose what I do, when I do it. If I want to go somewhere out of the ordinary and have lunch, well, so be it. And I will do this until my sense of balance comes back. I want to be in control of the stress, not it in control of me!
So if I take a day off from cooking, caring for my mom, cleaning, running my small business, going to my job, so be it. And if I want to do this more often than in the past, so be it. I must learn a balance. So what if other people seem to be flying past me in "success". My success is my mental and physical health, the money thing, well it has to come later.
I have noticed in my life that I push myself to make more money, or try to, work hard at the idea and get stressed, the yeast gets to over grow and causes mental illness, I then suffer the defeatism and lack to self esteem that comes with the depression and I withdrawal from the project. I have gained much from the actual learning of the project, how to do it, what to do in solving that kind of problem in that situation, but I seem to gain no monetary value from it. I learn from the whole process though, and in the learning is the success. Then I tell others of the experience. Learning and teaching and helping others, not money, is success. At least it seems that way for me. So why the stress?
There is a system of letting go of stress. It the Sedona Method. Hale Dowskin is the guy leading the movement. Another is prayer. Just let God be your buddy. Tell Him, look, I can't deal with this anymore. Do your best, and let God do the rest. The principal thought of letting go must be practiced from moment to moment. So that all through the day you are decreasing the stress not accumulating it. It is a type of meditation to do this. A type of prayer. After all if God is your buddy what can stand against you?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I wrote Dr. Ahmed Sadek today

Dr. Ahmed Sadek

I received a VNS implant in March 2008 for depression. I had been on medications for sixteen years and found no relief. In the past two years I have come a long way. I have been able through diet and exercise to gain back some use of my brain, rescuing it from the severe depression that I was in. I am now off of all medications, but need to have my VNS device monitored. Dr. Rivera, the psychiatrist that I was seeing, was Orange  City, Florida, 35 miles to the northeast of Orlando, Florida. As I came up out of the depression I have noticed just how inconvenient that trip was and, just how badly he treated his waiting patients. Up to two hour waits. This was on a constant basis. As my life opened up, I have begun to notice this type of thing and with my new non-depressed brain, I have begun to ask and expect a different patient to doctor relationship.
I was told by Cyberonics, who made the implant, that the other nearest psychiatrists are in Tampa and Coral Springs. Even further than Orange City.( But I did not ask about epileptic doctors who deal with this device as well, and one was just two miles from me-editor)
The last time I had the implant adjusted was in November of 2009. Now I need to locate a doctor who will help me monitor it and adjust it if necessary.
If you can’t could help me, could you refer me to one?

Janet Matthews

August 26, 2010

Just to keep track of how I am managing my health care.
Also now I have varicose veins in the left leg. Could chiropractic help this? It helped depression.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Undo amount of stress

My mom is having her pacemaker battery replaced. Into the hospital I go with her. Up at 3:30 and down to the Rapid in Out unit @ Florida South. Flashing lights:they are testing the fire alarms, but this causes my migraines to flare up. I plead to the hostess (?) to have it shut off, she ignores me. Life. But. I have an IPad so I fire off a complaint to the management.(LATER THAT SAME DAY I GET A CALL FROM BRIDGET ZAMORA AT THE HOSPITAL, TO SAY SHE IS FOLLOWING UP ON THE COMPLAINT AND WILL FORWARD IT ON. THAT'S SERVICE!)
This is causing severe stress, and brings on, well, the "symptoms". Not the depression, as of yet, but burning in the privates, as I call it.
Doc Dan published the last post here in his newsletter. I hope more people get to read about the inane, rudeness of Doc Rivera. When one deals with depression, the weakness of the brain broadcasts itself through the personality of the person in such traits as timidness, sheep like dependence on the one who administers the drug. I think that doctors manipulate these poor souls by the very drugs they administer. People crave to be in control of their minds, to have the ability to make confident decisions, even about small things.
DEPRESSION SAPS THE MIND OF CONFIDENCE! To play with that trait in anyone should be a crime, a crime against mental health.
DEPRESSION CAUSES CONSTANT NEGATIVITY IN ALL SITUATIONS. To play with this by giving medications and not trying to cure the problem permanently, well, it is causing tremendous societal pain. Look at the killings at Columbine and other things that have occurred. These people are in true pain, and the doctors are not trying to heal, but to mask the problem. All in the name of making more and more money.
DEPRESSION SAPS PHYSICAL STRENGTH. What things we all could do for ourselves and others if we could have the strength.
When doctors give the antidepressants they think that they are providing the confidence, positivity and strength that a depressive needs. The medications never completely fill the bill. They are a stop gap to prevent suicide, perhaps, but to live on them forever? And to never suggest that any number of things could be wrong with the body? To say that there could be so many things wrong that it is easier to take a drug than to try to heal you, well that is criminal. Drugs don't heal, they mask.