Friday, November 13, 2009

Cilantro and Chlorella

Cilantro is a herb that is used in many spanish/latino dishes. But it is a powerful detoxifier of mercury and other metals from the body. Metal toxins cause inflammation which causes depression. Also metal toxins cause vision problems and headaches.
Chorella is a fresh water algae that chelates, or binds to metals in the body and helps to push the toxins out of the system.
Used together, these two are very powerful in pulling these metals out of bone, connective tissue, muscles and into the blood then into the elimination system.
Filtered Water and plenty of it to wash away the toxins. Also pay attention to getting the solid waste out. Do this with glycerin suppositories. People can use any good laxative that works for them. Glycerin suppositories work under an hour. It is done and over with.
A good read is the following link
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt's video which is mentioned in the above link is proof positive about the cilantro/ chlorella connection.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Letter to Edna

Thanks, I hope you mailed it to John's address. She will get it sooner than if to her own address.
I am still finding things that I am allergic to. I have a appointment with a nutritionist in a couple of weeks . No insurance for that. So pray it is money well spent. Cassie went to the same person and it helped her anxiety.
Work is finally picking up somewhat. Scary for a while. I am cooking for myself whole unprocessed foods and have completely changed my diet.
List of foods that I am allergic to or am sensitive to
Milk, eggs, soy, gluten, yeast, artficial sweetners, sugar, sugar alchols tomatos, cilantro.
I have a lot of inflammation in my body form all the allergies. I have read that mercury and heavy metal posioning can cause many allergies. This nutritionist can do a heavy metals toxicity panel on me. Or at least give me more info on the problem and how to deal with it.