Monday, May 25, 2009

magnesium and vitamin B deficiencies

Deficiencies in magnesium and Vitamin B deficiencies cause a reduction in dopamine. Lack of dopamine causes restless leg syndrome, moaning and talking in your sleep is also caused by the same deficiencies.
Lack of dopamine causes Parkinsons. Maybe that is why Aunt Henry had Parkinsons and mom is getting it. Good reading on Amino Acids and Mental Health issues is the following link

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Can I contact someone to test for correct ratios?

There should be a ratio of Calcium, Magnesium, sodium, potassium that is correct. This much magnesium makes me feel great mentally. However the effects of the teeth and pain make me crave comfort food. Carbohydrates. Peanut butter. (I have found out since this post that peanuts cause an allergic reaction-editor) 

Thursday, May 21, 2009

More on Magnesium

I was reading more on depression and magnesium and I ended up here:

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Letter to Edna

Hello from Orlando.
Mom (89 years old) had a problem with one of her heart medications because it caused severe hives. We are working with her doctor to rid her of this problem and still cover her heart problems. She is getting depressed that she is stuck out at John's and we are working with that. She will be brought into the city at least once a week to connect with the friends and church buddies she has. Right now I am leary of giving her money, certainly no credit card. She forgets everything so easily now and then gets up set with herself. Her memory is going. at least short term memory. One day at a time.
Booger, our feline companion, is slowly losing the battle with cancer. But we will be with him until he is in too much pain to bare. Then we will end it. He has been a wonderful little person to be around.
Dave is still plugging on, he is wonderful in his support for Booger and for me and mom.
I ended up in the hospital overnight as I had an adverse reaction to the prep meds that I was taking for my colonoscopy. Good news, they did the colonoscopy in the hospital and I do not have colon cancer! Just a routine check up.
I have had a blood test that indicated increased levels of alkaline phosphatase . I was taking cinnamon as I was fighting a high sugar level. Cinnamon can do this response increase the levels of alkaline phospatase . Only thing is it is an indication for cancer, breast or colon. I go for a mammogram,, on June first.
One day at a time.
I have gone back up on antidepressants to help fight the stress.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

inhibitor of serotonin production

serotoP-chlorophenylalanine is an inhibitor of serotonin. Phenylalanine is in every soda, energy drink, power aid. I have been drinking those things all my life.
Interesting reading on caffeine:
Another finding on caffeine thanks to the site
Caffeine also exacerbates the symptoms of patients suffering from organic non-caffeine-induced mental illness.
A light has been turned on in the dark path out of depression.

serotonin and magnesium THE connection!

I think I have found a major link to my depression: I know that I am magnesium deficient.
My mom was struggling with cramps in her hands. has done so for many years. I know that I and my brother suffer from migraines. I have restless leg syndrome and muscle twitches.
All of these are symptoms of magnesium deficiency. This AM I find THIS!
Now I am finally one more step towards chemical balance. Also any type of stress, physical, emotional decreases the serotonin.
Magnesium also is a blood thinner.So are the Omega 3 essential fatty acids. In order to prepare for my colonoscopy I have had to stop all blood thinners. Knowing that my serotonin levels would drop I have upped my antidepressants. As of right now mentally I am doing better. But the aches in the muscles are present. Serotonin is also in the muscles as well.
The next question: is there another chemical action that stops the absorption of magnesium?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Getting ready for a colonoscopy

On 4/22 Rivera gave me a script to start on Ambien. I started about the next day. On the 24th anxiety started up again each day after that the anxiety increased until I stopped it on 29th and then I went back to Rivera on 30th. He changed me to include seroquel, stopping the ambien. This drug was taken at night to help me sleep. First night was Monday the 4th, due to the inability of pharmacy to fill script. They stated the script was on wrong form. Anyways. So the Monday dose was 100 mg. So on Tuesday all day I could barely keep awake. I went to 50mg on Tuesday night still terrible sleepiness all day on Wednesday during the day. Took nothing on Wednesday night. I went back to Ambien on Thursday night anxiety flooded me on Friday. Did not take anything on Friday evening. Saturday morning feeling pretty good. Some anxiety.
Now at the same time the prep for the colonoscopy started on Thursday. Friday Rivera up me to level 2 on the VNS implant. Still at 30 seconds every two hours. No fish oils,Vitamin C or Primrose in AM. Still on Magnesium during day. Stopped magnesium on Thursday night. Started Thoridiazine 50mg on Thursday and on Friday and on Sat. No mag on Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Mag is blood thinner, as is fish oil, vit C and primrose. Friday night I had restless sleep. Saturday In the morning I increased dosage of Paxil to about 20mg. Going off natural stuff to thicken up blood, increasing drugs to stabilize.
I am trying a magnesium product that is powdered and is a magnesium citrate. It absorbs much better than any I have tried before. I read this article 
It seems right up my alley. Even to the loud noises. The ear bones can't dampen the noise when lacking the necessary magnesium so that causes stress to the overall body.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ambien and Anxiety

I visited Rivera again on April 23. He said to keep the settings and medications as they were. I beleive that was at Provigil 200
Cymbalta 120
Paroxatine 15
Ambien for sleep

The onset of anxiety was immediate and it ended up that I went off of Ambien and went up on the VNS implant. I beleive the setting is at 2 and I took up thoridiazine ( 0n my own) again. I went back to Rivera and got off of throidizone and onto Serzone. Started Serzone last night, very groggy this morning.
Have an infection in a tooth . The tooth was worked on on April 22 and still has not healed. I am to go to him this morning.