Dr. Fernandez the nutritionist that practices with Dr. Yachter my chiropractor in Lake Mary about 25 miles north of me here in Orlando. I started with the nutritionist because the chiropractor suggested that I do so. I started the chiropractor on November 18th, 2009, my 54th birthday.
I am living with depression. I was implanted with VNS therapy on March 11,2008 and am blogging what experiences I have, not only with the device but with depression itself, and just what depression is. This is to let people know depression is not just the "blues". True depression is a disease, not a mood problem. One can manage the depression with various treatments and I invite you to learn with me as I go through it.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Cilantro and Chlorella
Cilantro is a herb that is used in many spanish/latino dishes. But it is a powerful detoxifier of mercury and other metals from the body. Metal toxins cause inflammation which causes depression. Also metal toxins cause vision problems and headaches.
Chorella is a fresh water algae that chelates, or binds to metals in the body and helps to push the toxins out of the system.
Used together, these two are very powerful in pulling these metals out of bone, connective tissue, muscles and into the blood then into the elimination system.
Filtered Water and plenty of it to wash away the toxins. Also pay attention to getting the solid waste out. Do this with glycerin suppositories. People can use any good laxative that works for them. Glycerin suppositories work under an hour. It is done and over with.
A good read is the following link http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2174137/cliantro_for_mercury_and_heavy_metal.html?cat=68
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt's video which is mentioned in the above link is proof positive about the cilantro/ chlorella connection.
Chorella is a fresh water algae that chelates, or binds to metals in the body and helps to push the toxins out of the system.
Used together, these two are very powerful in pulling these metals out of bone, connective tissue, muscles and into the blood then into the elimination system.
Filtered Water and plenty of it to wash away the toxins. Also pay attention to getting the solid waste out. Do this with glycerin suppositories. People can use any good laxative that works for them. Glycerin suppositories work under an hour. It is done and over with.
A good read is the following link http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2174137/cliantro_for_mercury_and_heavy_metal.html?cat=68
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt's video which is mentioned in the above link is proof positive about the cilantro/ chlorella connection.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Letter to Edna
Thanks, I hope you mailed it to John's address. She will get it sooner than if to her own address.
I am still finding things that I am allergic to. I have a appointment with a nutritionist in a couple of weeks . No insurance for that. So pray it is money well spent. Cassie went to the same person and it helped her anxiety.
Work is finally picking up somewhat. Scary for a while. I am cooking for myself whole unprocessed foods and have completely changed my diet.
List of foods that I am allergic to or am sensitive to
Milk, eggs, soy, gluten, yeast, artficial sweetners, sugar, sugar alchols tomatos, cilantro.
I have a lot of inflammation in my body form all the allergies. I have read that mercury and heavy metal posioning can cause many allergies. This nutritionist can do a heavy metals toxicity panel on me. Or at least give me more info on the problem and how to deal with it.
I am still finding things that I am allergic to. I have a appointment with a nutritionist in a couple of weeks . No insurance for that. So pray it is money well spent. Cassie went to the same person and it helped her anxiety.
Work is finally picking up somewhat. Scary for a while. I am cooking for myself whole unprocessed foods and have completely changed my diet.
List of foods that I am allergic to or am sensitive to
Milk, eggs, soy, gluten, yeast, artficial sweetners, sugar, sugar alchols tomatos, cilantro.
I have a lot of inflammation in my body form all the allergies. I have read that mercury and heavy metal posioning can cause many allergies. This nutritionist can do a heavy metals toxicity panel on me. Or at least give me more info on the problem and how to deal with it.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Went off cholesterol medicine
The last time I had my cholesterol checked I was really doing well with it. This was in September sometime. I then read that statins prohibits the absorbtion of CoQ10. CoQ10 is good for the heart and the brain. So I went off the statin drug simvastatin and started taking CoQ10. In about two weeks, maybe 2.5 weeks, depression set back in. Cholesterol medicine lowers inflammation in the body. Inflammation causes depression. I did not know this about how the cholesterol medication worked until a couple of days ago. Apparently I am still loaded with inflammation. I will continue to work on this through change of diet. And going back on the cholesterol med.
Tumeric, Zyflamend and Bromelain, for supplements
I have been eating small ammounts of cheese as well and mayo. I am allergic to both. Also I probably have metal toxicity. This alone would cause a high level of inflammation.
I also stopped taking the probiotic and digestive enzyemes that I had been taking. I am on them again. These probiotics and enzyems help digestion and lower inflammation.
Now for food I will use tumeric to put into foods. I will continue to research this.
Tumeric, Zyflamend and Bromelain, for supplements
I have been eating small ammounts of cheese as well and mayo. I am allergic to both. Also I probably have metal toxicity. This alone would cause a high level of inflammation.
I also stopped taking the probiotic and digestive enzyemes that I had been taking. I am on them again. These probiotics and enzyems help digestion and lower inflammation.
Now for food I will use tumeric to put into foods. I will continue to research this.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I have eliminated many foods
Over the past weeks I have eliminated many foods. Gluten, milk, eggs, soy, sugar, aspertame and sugar alchol sweetners. I know that a certain diet will not cause a reaction. Nuts, berries, fruits in general. Rice.(I am allergic to nuts, seeds, and rice as I have learned of late 8/26/11-editor) Spinach, collards, raw vegtables. As I go off these allergins I have itchy skin, headaches and in the end I notice less depression and anxiety. I have made mistakes and have paid for them. But to know that it is food that is largely causing the problems is amazing. ( I have mold problems-editor)
I feel at this time that everything in my system is messed up and has been for a long time. I am trying to fix digestion. I am also trying to detox at the same time. Just these two things. I know that I have eaten something wrong when I wake up with itchy skin. But this is good because my body is throwing off the toxins. But at least now I know what is causing the problems. Before I thought I was hopeless. No doctor in the history of all of this would tell me that it may be allergens. All this pain and doubt of my own sanity because doctors wanted me to just take the pills and keep coming back to get more pills. If I could sue I would. I just want to make some sense of this and start to get better.
I feel at this time that everything in my system is messed up and has been for a long time. I am trying to fix digestion. I am also trying to detox at the same time. Just these two things. I know that I have eaten something wrong when I wake up with itchy skin. But this is good because my body is throwing off the toxins. But at least now I know what is causing the problems. Before I thought I was hopeless. No doctor in the history of all of this would tell me that it may be allergens. All this pain and doubt of my own sanity because doctors wanted me to just take the pills and keep coming back to get more pills. If I could sue I would. I just want to make some sense of this and start to get better.
mold problems,
sugar alchol sweetners
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Back on paxil
Well, as the header states I am back on Paxil. Intense anxiety and an increase in sluggishness in only four days. So I am forced back to the drug level that I was at. I have in the past tried to go off paxil as well as the other drugs and have ended up in the hospital. Right now I as so drowsy that I can hardly type this message. But I will continue to push through until I get back to where I was before I started to reduce the Paxil.
Since this has happened before, where I try to go off the drugs and fail, I have to develop a kind of patience. I start with frustration. Then anger, and in the past hopelessness engulfs me. Then the drugs bring me back and I try to remain level emotionally. I know this UltraMind program is a key because I do feel better now after seven weeks than I did before. But I can't go off the drugs. Not yet anyways.
Since this has happened before, where I try to go off the drugs and fail, I have to develop a kind of patience. I start with frustration. Then anger, and in the past hopelessness engulfs me. Then the drugs bring me back and I try to remain level emotionally. I know this UltraMind program is a key because I do feel better now after seven weeks than I did before. But I can't go off the drugs. Not yet anyways.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Dr. Mark Hyman is the Man!
I started the UltraMind solution on July the 4th, 2009. The first thing I did was eliminate the gluten out of my diet. Energy started to surge into my everyday activities. I made some mistakes, most out of ignorance of just what foods had gluten in them. Then one by one I found that I had allergies to milk, eggs, soy. The energy and focus got greater. At the same time I concentrated on getting my digestive track realigned and success was at hand. I took probiotics to help clear up digestion. Liver support to detox the body. I am today starting to go off of my paxil. We will see. The VNS implant is starting to hurt even in sleep.
digestive track,
Liver support,
Saturday, July 25, 2009
The Diet for the Ultra Mind is working!
I have been following the Ultra Mind eating plan designed be Mark Hyman MD. He is on facebook, and youtube. Here is a copy of his newsletter.
The Key to Your Lifelong
Health and Vitality
The 7 Keys to UltraWellness: Discover Why You are Sick and How You Can Heal
"I didn't know how bad I was feeling until I started feeling better."
That is what my patients tell me every day. They go from being ill or just okay to experiencing UltraWellness.
Most people don't know how poorly they feel until they feel better. In fact, most of us don't recognize that fatigue, digestive problems, aches and pains, allergies, headaches, and more aren't just annoying symptoms. They are early clues to impending diseases that can disable and kill us.
Most heart disease starts in the womb. You can detect brain changes in teenagers that can predict the development of Alzheimer's disease. Blood tests in children can predict who will develop diabetes later in life. Most cancers take more than 30 years to grow to the size where they can be detected.
How can we address problems that we don't even know we have?
There is an answer. It lies in the revolution that is happening in medicine today. That revolution is called ... read more
Kick-start Your Metabolism by Eliminating Harmful Toxins
Discover how to safely lose up to 10 pounds in 7 days with The UltraSimple Diet. Receive step-by-step instructions, specific recipes, and checklists. Buy online and get instant access to Dr. Hyman's support videos and online guide. Only $7.99.
Additional Articles for Your Health...
Is This Fungus Hidden Inside You Making You Ill
Could hidden fungus be making you ill? Let me tell you about a patient who came to my office recently. She was just 35 but suffered from a laundry list of health problems. Were her problems related? You bet! You see, they're all related to an overgrowth of yeast. This patient had such a fungus problem that she was practically a walking mushroom!
Why Supplements are a Waste of Money ...
"Vitamins are a complete waste of money." That's a common refrain among some conventional doctors. Is it true? Well, yes! BUT... There's more to this story. More than 92 percent of Americans are deficient in at least one vitamin or mineral -- and that's in the minimum amounts needed to prevent disease caused by deficiencies!
How Soy Can Kill You AND Save Your Life
I have reviewed reams of research and many claims for and against soy foods. What have I discovered? Well, there's some good news and some bad news. From the studies available, I can tell you that soy is neither as good as the proponents say, nor as evil as the critics claim. The key is to take all the available evidence together and see what shakes out. I have done that for you.
5 Simple Steps to Cure IBS Without Drugs
Imagine having a condition with symptoms so severe that you can't leave the house. Yet your doctor calls it a functional, or psychosomatic, disease -- meaning that it's all in your head. Frustrating? You bet! But it's a very real problem for the 60 million people -- that's 20 percent of Americans -- who have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Tools for Transforming Your Health
Is Your Thyroid Broken?
Pinpoint the hidden causes, activate your body's natural healing system and reverse hypothyroidism for good. Download Dr Hyman's 7-step approach to healing your thyroid.
7 Enemies that Clog Your Body's Detoxification System
Many in the medical community think of toxins as something invented by new age or fringe healthcare practitioners. Despite opinions, there are medical, environmental, and scientific reasons to consider a detoxification program. Learn how to restore your system in just 7 days.
Acheive a Sharp, Focused and Happy Brain
By fixing your body FIRST, you will awaken your body's natural intelligence allowing it to automatically heal your brain... all by fixing the 7 core systems at the root of all health and disease. Discover foods, supplements, and relaxation techniques that will help you transform your brain
See the Whole List
Click above to watch the video
version of today's featured blog
Connect with Dr. Hyman
Twitter – Get quick daily health tips to keep your engine running.
LinkedIn – Become part of Dr. Hyman's professional network.
Blog –Stay updated on Dr. Hyman's quest to change medicine.
Youtube – See Dr. Hyman's latest videos on how to reclaim yourhealth.
Facebook – Become a friend of Dr. Hyman's and connect with others.
Featured Success Story
"I have been up and down in my weight for years, but the more pressing issue for me was my chronic vertigo. Today, I've lost 12 pounds, my vertigo is 98% gone, and all my other symptoms have disappeared ... in only 7 weeks my life completely changed ..."
Before my vertigo started 5 years ago, I was an active young woman--an adventure traveler and hard-working advertising executive who had fun with life. Vertigo turned me into someone who barely made it through the day and longed for weekend ... my body rocked all day long I felt like was on a raft at sea every day, and the hardest part was that I couldn't sleep because as soon as I laid down I would rock awake.
I had MRI's, vestibular therapy, and acupuncture 4 times a week for years ... but still no relief.
I was literally on my knees and knew I was going to have to figure this out myself. That's when I heard a presentation by Dr. Hyman, and something clicked in me. I thought, "If inflammation could cause so many health problems, then why couldn't it cause the fluid in my ears to swell? Maybe that's what's causing my vertigo." I had obvious signs of inflammation in my hands. I got so excited to try something new, something I had never heard of before ...
In only 7 weeks my life completely changed ...
The vertigo is 98% gone, I have lost 12 pounds, and I can now do light exercise, something I haven't been able to do for years. I have energy now and am usually awake before the alarm goes off in the morning. My sugar cravings and cravings for high carb and high fat foods have decreased. And I feel better than I have a long time.
The UltraSimple Diet is easy-breezy. What have you got to lose? You can have your whole life back in 2 weeks. Small risk. BIG Reward!
See more success stories... Jill Griffin,
New York, New York
Have a Success Story
You Want to Share?
See more about
The UltraSimple Diet...
This is the experience of this particular user of the program, although not all results were this striking. All before and after medical conditions are self-reported, and have not been verified.
Highlights from the UltraWellness Community...
Featured Forum Posts...
Mercury testing -- by sweetlemon
How can I find a lab that will test me for mercury poisoning?
Olive oil allergy? -- mightyminimo
Can someone tell me whether there is such a thing and if so, what alternatives there are for salad dressings?
Blood tests -- miriamjames
Where can I find a comprehensive list of all the bloodwork tests I need to have done?
See more forum posts...
Featured Recipe...
Chicken and White Bean Stew
Related Program/Phase: UltraMetabolism Phase II: Rebalance
Cuisine: Italian
Main Ingredient: Chicken
Meal / Course: Main Course
Special Considerations: One Dish Meal
Food Allergies: Dairy-free, Soy-free, Corn-free, Egg-free, Peanut-free, Tree Nut-free, Shellfish-free
Instructions: In large skillet or saucepan, saute the minced garlic in olive oil over medium heat. Add the chicken and brown. Add the diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, beans, artichokes, basil, salt and pepper. Read more...
See more recipes...
Click here for the blog
The Key to Your Lifelong
Health and Vitality
The 7 Keys to UltraWellness: Discover Why You are Sick and How You Can Heal
"I didn't know how bad I was feeling until I started feeling better."
That is what my patients tell me every day. They go from being ill or just okay to experiencing UltraWellness.
Most people don't know how poorly they feel until they feel better. In fact, most of us don't recognize that fatigue, digestive problems, aches and pains, allergies, headaches, and more aren't just annoying symptoms. They are early clues to impending diseases that can disable and kill us.
Most heart disease starts in the womb. You can detect brain changes in teenagers that can predict the development of Alzheimer's disease. Blood tests in children can predict who will develop diabetes later in life. Most cancers take more than 30 years to grow to the size where they can be detected.
How can we address problems that we don't even know we have?
There is an answer. It lies in the revolution that is happening in medicine today. That revolution is called ... read more
Kick-start Your Metabolism by Eliminating Harmful Toxins
Discover how to safely lose up to 10 pounds in 7 days with The UltraSimple Diet. Receive step-by-step instructions, specific recipes, and checklists. Buy online and get instant access to Dr. Hyman's support videos and online guide. Only $7.99.
Additional Articles for Your Health...
Is This Fungus Hidden Inside You Making You Ill
Could hidden fungus be making you ill? Let me tell you about a patient who came to my office recently. She was just 35 but suffered from a laundry list of health problems. Were her problems related? You bet! You see, they're all related to an overgrowth of yeast. This patient had such a fungus problem that she was practically a walking mushroom!
Why Supplements are a Waste of Money ...
"Vitamins are a complete waste of money." That's a common refrain among some conventional doctors. Is it true? Well, yes! BUT... There's more to this story. More than 92 percent of Americans are deficient in at least one vitamin or mineral -- and that's in the minimum amounts needed to prevent disease caused by deficiencies!
How Soy Can Kill You AND Save Your Life
I have reviewed reams of research and many claims for and against soy foods. What have I discovered? Well, there's some good news and some bad news. From the studies available, I can tell you that soy is neither as good as the proponents say, nor as evil as the critics claim. The key is to take all the available evidence together and see what shakes out. I have done that for you.
5 Simple Steps to Cure IBS Without Drugs
Imagine having a condition with symptoms so severe that you can't leave the house. Yet your doctor calls it a functional, or psychosomatic, disease -- meaning that it's all in your head. Frustrating? You bet! But it's a very real problem for the 60 million people -- that's 20 percent of Americans -- who have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Tools for Transforming Your Health
Is Your Thyroid Broken?
Pinpoint the hidden causes, activate your body's natural healing system and reverse hypothyroidism for good. Download Dr Hyman's 7-step approach to healing your thyroid.
7 Enemies that Clog Your Body's Detoxification System
Many in the medical community think of toxins as something invented by new age or fringe healthcare practitioners. Despite opinions, there are medical, environmental, and scientific reasons to consider a detoxification program. Learn how to restore your system in just 7 days.
Acheive a Sharp, Focused and Happy Brain
By fixing your body FIRST, you will awaken your body's natural intelligence allowing it to automatically heal your brain... all by fixing the 7 core systems at the root of all health and disease. Discover foods, supplements, and relaxation techniques that will help you transform your brain
See the Whole List
Click above to watch the video
version of today's featured blog
Connect with Dr. Hyman
Twitter – Get quick daily health tips to keep your engine running.
LinkedIn – Become part of Dr. Hyman's professional network.
Blog –Stay updated on Dr. Hyman's quest to change medicine.
Youtube – See Dr. Hyman's latest videos on how to reclaim yourhealth.
Facebook – Become a friend of Dr. Hyman's and connect with others.
Featured Success Story
"I have been up and down in my weight for years, but the more pressing issue for me was my chronic vertigo. Today, I've lost 12 pounds, my vertigo is 98% gone, and all my other symptoms have disappeared ... in only 7 weeks my life completely changed ..."
Before my vertigo started 5 years ago, I was an active young woman--an adventure traveler and hard-working advertising executive who had fun with life. Vertigo turned me into someone who barely made it through the day and longed for weekend ... my body rocked all day long I felt like was on a raft at sea every day, and the hardest part was that I couldn't sleep because as soon as I laid down I would rock awake.
I had MRI's, vestibular therapy, and acupuncture 4 times a week for years ... but still no relief.
I was literally on my knees and knew I was going to have to figure this out myself. That's when I heard a presentation by Dr. Hyman, and something clicked in me. I thought, "If inflammation could cause so many health problems, then why couldn't it cause the fluid in my ears to swell? Maybe that's what's causing my vertigo." I had obvious signs of inflammation in my hands. I got so excited to try something new, something I had never heard of before ...
In only 7 weeks my life completely changed ...
The vertigo is 98% gone, I have lost 12 pounds, and I can now do light exercise, something I haven't been able to do for years. I have energy now and am usually awake before the alarm goes off in the morning. My sugar cravings and cravings for high carb and high fat foods have decreased. And I feel better than I have a long time.
The UltraSimple Diet is easy-breezy. What have you got to lose? You can have your whole life back in 2 weeks. Small risk. BIG Reward!
See more success stories... Jill Griffin,
New York, New York
Have a Success Story
You Want to Share?
See more about
The UltraSimple Diet...
This is the experience of this particular user of the program, although not all results were this striking. All before and after medical conditions are self-reported, and have not been verified.
Highlights from the UltraWellness Community...
Featured Forum Posts...
Mercury testing -- by sweetlemon
How can I find a lab that will test me for mercury poisoning?
Olive oil allergy? -- mightyminimo
Can someone tell me whether there is such a thing and if so, what alternatives there are for salad dressings?
Blood tests -- miriamjames
Where can I find a comprehensive list of all the bloodwork tests I need to have done?
See more forum posts...
Featured Recipe...
Chicken and White Bean Stew
Related Program/Phase: UltraMetabolism Phase II: Rebalance
Cuisine: Italian
Main Ingredient: Chicken
Meal / Course: Main Course
Special Considerations: One Dish Meal
Food Allergies: Dairy-free, Soy-free, Corn-free, Egg-free, Peanut-free, Tree Nut-free, Shellfish-free
Instructions: In large skillet or saucepan, saute the minced garlic in olive oil over medium heat. Add the chicken and brown. Add the diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, beans, artichokes, basil, salt and pepper. Read more...
See more recipes...
Click here for the blog
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Six days in to the plan
I started eliminating bread on the fourth of July. I noticed something almost right away and stronger in the next four days. Then on Thursday I had a sugar feast. M&Ms and some other chocolates at night. The next day I was deeply depressed. It started about 12 hours after injestion and continued for about five hours, lessening as time went on. This morning I am better, but my dreams where anxious last night, and I slept restlessly.
I need my sleep to function well. So when I eat crap, I will feel like crap. My skin still itches, which is one thing the plan said would happen. It is mostly my torso and upper thighs front and back. My right ear seems to be flowing with clear liquid as I sleep on it. This clear liquid is not copious but is there every night and dries to the ear. I clean my ears every morning, an OCD thing, so i would notice more stuff than regular.
I need my sleep to function well. So when I eat crap, I will feel like crap. My skin still itches, which is one thing the plan said would happen. It is mostly my torso and upper thighs front and back. My right ear seems to be flowing with clear liquid as I sleep on it. This clear liquid is not copious but is there every night and dries to the ear. I clean my ears every morning, an OCD thing, so i would notice more stuff than regular.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The Ultra Mind is working
I deleted gluten on Independence day the fourth. Now into the fifth day I can tell my memory is returning.I woke up this morning remembering many details of my dreams of last night, and stuff that happened yesterday,last night before dinner and as I was with mom after dinner. I was amazed, and am amazed at the effects of just stopping the gluten.
for years I did not know what gluten was, how it could be poisoning me. My god! It is amazing!
Vitamins and supplements started in the afternoon yesterday. I have often taken these things, as anyone has, but I have done it this time with some new stipulations. It must be either liquid, or powder and the most bio available form. That is one thing one must learn. A lot of this stuff is not absorbable and full of fillers that are in themselves poison to your body.
List of supplements now
Peter Gillham's Natural Calm Magnesium a powder
Sundown's Mercury Free fish oil
Pure Essence Labs Life Essence a multivitamin powder
Calrson Vitamin D3 2000 IU soft gels
Nature's Way Turmeric-pill
Jarrow Methyl B-12-pill
Evening Primrose oil
I am still taking prescription meds
Cymbalta, Provigil,Paroxitine, Simastatin,Levothyroxine
The VNS implant is at 2 mhz every two hours.
I am also changing diet to whole foods and more organic. Changing sweetners to stevia, or stevia based products.
for years I did not know what gluten was, how it could be poisoning me. My god! It is amazing!
Vitamins and supplements started in the afternoon yesterday. I have often taken these things, as anyone has, but I have done it this time with some new stipulations. It must be either liquid, or powder and the most bio available form. That is one thing one must learn. A lot of this stuff is not absorbable and full of fillers that are in themselves poison to your body.
List of supplements now
Peter Gillham's Natural Calm Magnesium a powder
Sundown's Mercury Free fish oil
Pure Essence Labs Life Essence a multivitamin powder
Calrson Vitamin D3 2000 IU soft gels
Nature's Way Turmeric-pill
Jarrow Methyl B-12-pill
Evening Primrose oil
I am still taking prescription meds
Cymbalta, Provigil,Paroxitine, Simastatin,Levothyroxine
The VNS implant is at 2 mhz every two hours.
I am also changing diet to whole foods and more organic. Changing sweetners to stevia, or stevia based products.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Try Six Weeks to an Ultra Mind be Mark Hyman, MD.
I received an email about two weeks ago from Bill Harris of CenterPointe. He has a newsletter that reviews subjects that are life changing in terms of mind body and health issues. His system is Holosync, but that is for another post. The newsletter was about Mark Hyman's Six Weeks to an Ultramind.
Just WOW! He had put together something truly amazing. The concept is that the whole body is interconnected.Now of course every one with a little brains knows this, but not the everyday common doctor (psychiatrist,internist etc). So what bothers the body also bothers the brain. Health your body, and your brain will follow.
I started last month with supplementing with a great magnesium. That is working.So when I received the Ultramind information, well, I was at a point that I knew that my problems were in my body.
I have for years researched supplements,vitamins and any other treatments that would give me relief from this depression. Well, this is another step. And everything he says makes so much sense. But he knows why to supplement with what and how much to supplement at what time of day and what to expect. He does not have a line of supplements to sell,just good common sense in a formalized format. A guide. So I have started by dropping gluten. This is my third day off of anything made with flour of any kind. All ready I am showing signs of my mind clearing. Now on to ordering mega bioavailable vitamins. It will be great. Anything to fight this thing.
Just WOW! He had put together something truly amazing. The concept is that the whole body is interconnected.Now of course every one with a little brains knows this, but not the everyday common doctor (psychiatrist,internist etc). So what bothers the body also bothers the brain. Health your body, and your brain will follow.
I started last month with supplementing with a great magnesium. That is working.So when I received the Ultramind information, well, I was at a point that I knew that my problems were in my body.
I have for years researched supplements,vitamins and any other treatments that would give me relief from this depression. Well, this is another step. And everything he says makes so much sense. But he knows why to supplement with what and how much to supplement at what time of day and what to expect. He does not have a line of supplements to sell,just good common sense in a formalized format. A guide. So I have started by dropping gluten. This is my third day off of anything made with flour of any kind. All ready I am showing signs of my mind clearing. Now on to ordering mega bioavailable vitamins. It will be great. Anything to fight this thing.
Monday, May 25, 2009
magnesium and vitamin B deficiencies
Deficiencies in magnesium and Vitamin B deficiencies cause a reduction in dopamine. Lack of dopamine causes restless leg syndrome, moaning and talking in your sleep is also caused by the same deficiencies.
Lack of dopamine causes Parkinsons. Maybe that is why Aunt Henry had Parkinsons and mom is getting it. Good reading on Amino Acids and Mental Health issues is the following link
Lack of dopamine causes Parkinsons. Maybe that is why Aunt Henry had Parkinsons and mom is getting it. Good reading on Amino Acids and Mental Health issues is the following link
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Can I contact someone to test for correct ratios?
There should be a ratio of Calcium, Magnesium, sodium, potassium that is correct. This much magnesium makes me feel great mentally. However the effects of the teeth and pain make me crave comfort food. Carbohydrates. Peanut butter. (I have found out since this post that peanuts cause an allergic reaction-editor)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
More on Magnesium
I was reading more on depression and magnesium and I ended up here: http://www.jigsawhealth.com/articles/depression-dietary.html
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Letter to Edna
Hello from Orlando.
Mom (89 years old) had a problem with one of her heart medications because it caused severe hives. We are working with her doctor to rid her of this problem and still cover her heart problems. She is getting depressed that she is stuck out at John's and we are working with that. She will be brought into the city at least once a week to connect with the friends and church buddies she has. Right now I am leary of giving her money, certainly no credit card. She forgets everything so easily now and then gets up set with herself. Her memory is going. at least short term memory. One day at a time.
Booger, our feline companion, is slowly losing the battle with cancer. But we will be with him until he is in too much pain to bare. Then we will end it. He has been a wonderful little person to be around.
Dave is still plugging on, he is wonderful in his support for Booger and for me and mom.
I ended up in the hospital overnight as I had an adverse reaction to the prep meds that I was taking for my colonoscopy. Good news, they did the colonoscopy in the hospital and I do not have colon cancer! Just a routine check up.
I have had a blood test that indicated increased levels of alkaline phosphatase . I was taking cinnamon as I was fighting a high sugar level. Cinnamon can do this response increase the levels of alkaline phospatase . Only thing is it is an indication for cancer, breast or colon. I go for a mammogram,, on June first.
One day at a time.
I have gone back up on antidepressants to help fight the stress.
Mom (89 years old) had a problem with one of her heart medications because it caused severe hives. We are working with her doctor to rid her of this problem and still cover her heart problems. She is getting depressed that she is stuck out at John's and we are working with that. She will be brought into the city at least once a week to connect with the friends and church buddies she has. Right now I am leary of giving her money, certainly no credit card. She forgets everything so easily now and then gets up set with herself. Her memory is going. at least short term memory. One day at a time.
Booger, our feline companion, is slowly losing the battle with cancer. But we will be with him until he is in too much pain to bare. Then we will end it. He has been a wonderful little person to be around.
Dave is still plugging on, he is wonderful in his support for Booger and for me and mom.
I ended up in the hospital overnight as I had an adverse reaction to the prep meds that I was taking for my colonoscopy. Good news, they did the colonoscopy in the hospital and I do not have colon cancer! Just a routine check up.
I have had a blood test that indicated increased levels of alkaline phosphatase . I was taking cinnamon as I was fighting a high sugar level. Cinnamon can do this response increase the levels of alkaline phospatase . Only thing is it is an indication for cancer, breast or colon. I go for a mammogram,, on June first.
One day at a time.
I have gone back up on antidepressants to help fight the stress.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
inhibitor of serotonin production
serotoP-chlorophenylalanine is an inhibitor of serotonin. Phenylalanine is in every soda, energy drink, power aid. I have been drinking those things all my life.
Interesting reading on caffeine:
Another finding on caffeine thanks to the site www.caffeineweb.com
Caffeine also exacerbates the symptoms of patients suffering from organic non-caffeine-induced mental illness.
A light has been turned on in the dark path out of depression.
Interesting reading on caffeine:
Another finding on caffeine thanks to the site www.caffeineweb.com
Caffeine also exacerbates the symptoms of patients suffering from organic non-caffeine-induced mental illness.
A light has been turned on in the dark path out of depression.
serotonin and magnesium THE connection!
I think I have found a major link to my depression: I know that I am magnesium deficient.
My mom was struggling with cramps in her hands. has done so for many years. I know that I and my brother suffer from migraines. I have restless leg syndrome and muscle twitches.
All of these are symptoms of magnesium deficiency. This AM I find THIS! http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=4&url=http%3A%2F%2Fborntoexplore.org%2Fneurochem.htm&ei=_7wGSuaQMs-Etwes54GIBw&rct=j&q=serotonin+++magnesium%2C&usg=AFQjCNHzBLHeauwaPvtaOSuUCbatiNpF7A
Now I am finally one more step towards chemical balance. Also any type of stress, physical, emotional decreases the serotonin.
Magnesium also is a blood thinner.So are the Omega 3 essential fatty acids. In order to prepare for my colonoscopy I have had to stop all blood thinners. Knowing that my serotonin levels would drop I have upped my antidepressants. As of right now mentally I am doing better. But the aches in the muscles are present. Serotonin is also in the muscles as well.
The next question: is there another chemical action that stops the absorption of magnesium?
My mom was struggling with cramps in her hands. has done so for many years. I know that I and my brother suffer from migraines. I have restless leg syndrome and muscle twitches.
All of these are symptoms of magnesium deficiency. This AM I find THIS! http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=4&url=http%3A%2F%2Fborntoexplore.org%2Fneurochem.htm&ei=_7wGSuaQMs-Etwes54GIBw&rct=j&q=serotonin+++magnesium%2C&usg=AFQjCNHzBLHeauwaPvtaOSuUCbatiNpF7A
Now I am finally one more step towards chemical balance. Also any type of stress, physical, emotional decreases the serotonin.
Magnesium also is a blood thinner.So are the Omega 3 essential fatty acids. In order to prepare for my colonoscopy I have had to stop all blood thinners. Knowing that my serotonin levels would drop I have upped my antidepressants. As of right now mentally I am doing better. But the aches in the muscles are present. Serotonin is also in the muscles as well.
The next question: is there another chemical action that stops the absorption of magnesium?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Getting ready for a colonoscopy
On 4/22 Rivera gave me a script to start on Ambien. I started about the next day. On the 24th anxiety started up again each day after that the anxiety increased until I stopped it on 29th and then I went back to Rivera on 30th. He changed me to include seroquel, stopping the ambien. This drug was taken at night to help me sleep. First night was Monday the 4th, due to the inability of pharmacy to fill script. They stated the script was on wrong form. Anyways. So the Monday dose was 100 mg. So on Tuesday all day I could barely keep awake. I went to 50mg on Tuesday night still terrible sleepiness all day on Wednesday during the day. Took nothing on Wednesday night. I went back to Ambien on Thursday night anxiety flooded me on Friday. Did not take anything on Friday evening. Saturday morning feeling pretty good. Some anxiety.
Now at the same time the prep for the colonoscopy started on Thursday. Friday Rivera up me to level 2 on the VNS implant. Still at 30 seconds every two hours. No fish oils,Vitamin C or Primrose in AM. Still on Magnesium during day. Stopped magnesium on Thursday night. Started Thoridiazine 50mg on Thursday and on Friday and on Sat. No mag on Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Mag is blood thinner, as is fish oil, vit C and primrose. Friday night I had restless sleep. Saturday In the morning I increased dosage of Paxil to about 20mg. Going off natural stuff to thicken up blood, increasing drugs to stabilize.
I am trying a magnesium product that is powdered and is a magnesium citrate. It absorbs much better than any I have tried before. I read this article
It seems right up my alley. Even to the loud noises. The ear bones can't dampen the noise when lacking the necessary magnesium so that causes stress to the overall body.
Now at the same time the prep for the colonoscopy started on Thursday. Friday Rivera up me to level 2 on the VNS implant. Still at 30 seconds every two hours. No fish oils,Vitamin C or Primrose in AM. Still on Magnesium during day. Stopped magnesium on Thursday night. Started Thoridiazine 50mg on Thursday and on Friday and on Sat. No mag on Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Mag is blood thinner, as is fish oil, vit C and primrose. Friday night I had restless sleep. Saturday In the morning I increased dosage of Paxil to about 20mg. Going off natural stuff to thicken up blood, increasing drugs to stabilize.
I am trying a magnesium product that is powdered and is a magnesium citrate. It absorbs much better than any I have tried before. I read this article
It seems right up my alley. Even to the loud noises. The ear bones can't dampen the noise when lacking the necessary magnesium so that causes stress to the overall body.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Ambien and Anxiety
I visited Rivera again on April 23. He said to keep the settings and medications as they were. I beleive that was at Provigil 200
Cymbalta 120
Paroxatine 15
Ambien for sleep
The onset of anxiety was immediate and it ended up that I went off of Ambien and went up on the VNS implant. I beleive the setting is at 2 and I took up thoridiazine ( 0n my own) again. I went back to Rivera and got off of throidizone and onto Serzone. Started Serzone last night, very groggy this morning.
Have an infection in a tooth . The tooth was worked on on April 22 and still has not healed. I am to go to him this morning.
Cymbalta 120
Paroxatine 15
Ambien for sleep
The onset of anxiety was immediate and it ended up that I went off of Ambien and went up on the VNS implant. I beleive the setting is at 2 and I took up thoridiazine ( 0n my own) again. I went back to Rivera and got off of throidizone and onto Serzone. Started Serzone last night, very groggy this morning.
Have an infection in a tooth . The tooth was worked on on April 22 and still has not healed. I am to go to him this morning.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The VNS Implant Smiles
I have been on the VNS implant for just over one year. I have had a very stressful first four months of 2009. Mom had a stroke on March 11, stayed in the hospital for a week. then in the nursing home for another three. Then to John's now since April 5th. Loleen, Leslie and Booger all with cancer. Ed had a stroke. Edna's eyes are really bothering her. I have a couple lumps in the right breast and the blood test came back with a positive for cancer, breast or colon. I will be in the doctor's for retesting. I have been taking in large amounts of cinnamon each day. This does put out the same markers in blood tests as does cancer. We will see. I was doing this to lower sugar levels. I've lost 22 pounds, but the sugar levels stayed at 111. I have stopped the cinnamon and will request another set of tests.
Today I experienced anxiety big time, yesterday and the day before incredible fatigue. But steadily I am feeling better. I am using the word HU to chant and it is amazing. It helps. It somehow floods the brain with serotonin. I found out about it on Coast to Coast Radio and I looked it up. It was around in Egypt in ancient times. But I am getting better a little at a time.
Today I experienced anxiety big time, yesterday and the day before incredible fatigue. But steadily I am feeling better. I am using the word HU to chant and it is amazing. It helps. It somehow floods the brain with serotonin. I found out about it on Coast to Coast Radio and I looked it up. It was around in Egypt in ancient times. But I am getting better a little at a time.
coast to Coast Radio,
sugar levels,
Thursday, February 26, 2009
The new setting for the VNS implant
On February tenth I had the implant turn up to 1.75 every two hours. the next day I had a dental appointment. The Dentist stayed in my mouth for one hour and ten minutes. I ended up crying and being sick for a day and a half. The next week, on the 18th he did only about 15 min of work and I skipped going on the 25th. It has been this stress that has kept me from going down further and faster from the drugs. Now the level is 60 cymbalta, 200 Provigil, 15 Paxil. When I am resting, or have relatively little stress my brain tingles. It is that feeling that I get when it know that I my brain is in a healthly zone. I can handle things better.
The teeth problems will continue for a while, so I will do the teeth appointments every other week.
(All this teeth work needed antibiotics, which caused more problems with depression because they further messed up my digestion by killing the flora in my intestines that provide for the digestion and immunity functions of the body-editor)
The teeth problems will continue for a while, so I will do the teeth appointments every other week.
(All this teeth work needed antibiotics, which caused more problems with depression because they further messed up my digestion by killing the flora in my intestines that provide for the digestion and immunity functions of the body-editor)
teeth problems,
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Back on paxil at 30mg
I am on 60 cymbalta and 200 provigil and now after this morning, thirty paxil. I have been noticing the symptoms of the disease returning. I am groggy throughout the day, I crave carbohydrates more and caffeine . I can't have the caffeine because of the fibrous nodes in my breasts. Somehow the more caffeine I have the more soreness in the breasts.
When the device is working the best I can eat very little, am more active, leave thoughts that disturb me, feel that I can get through anything. I just have a better quality of life all around.
The 1.50 at 2.5 hours worked for about 4 days as I went down on paxil. I was just taking the cymbalta and provigil. By the tenth day I was going into depression again. So I went back on 15 paxil and at times took 45mg a day this I did for about four days. Then for about a week I was fine just taking 15mg, then the down turn again getting more tired, more craving carbohydrates and so today I went back to 30mg.
When the device is working the best I can eat very little, am more active, leave thoughts that disturb me, feel that I can get through anything. I just have a better quality of life all around.
The 1.50 at 2.5 hours worked for about 4 days as I went down on paxil. I was just taking the cymbalta and provigil. By the tenth day I was going into depression again. So I went back on 15 paxil and at times took 45mg a day this I did for about four days. Then for about a week I was fine just taking 15mg, then the down turn again getting more tired, more craving carbohydrates and so today I went back to 30mg.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Back on Paxil
I restarted the paxil on the 24th, just two days after the last post. I tried to mega dose it, going up to 45mg, 15mg in morning, 15 afternoon, and 15 mg in evening. I did this for three days and on the 28th I remained at 15 mg continuing each day. I seems that the mega dosing doesn't really help. I went off for the 9 days and it took 9 days to come back up. It has always been that way.
I went back on the simvastatin after one week off of it. I am getting the body soreness back, but not so bad.
I went back on the simvastatin after one week off of it. I am getting the body soreness back, but not so bad.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Body Aches and Pains
The aches and pains got to me finally and I looked up the simvastatin and found out that the cholesterol drug can cause some of the problem. I went off the drug on the 19th. The next day I felt 85% better and it continues to get better. However all the aches and pains have not gone away. I still have upper back tension and migraines. Lot of tension in the jaw area.
My teeth problems continue. They are slowly and surely getting better. Dr Ong works on me weekly now. But there are other teeth not in the work area that are hurting as well. One day at a time.
The VNS implant is helping the weight come off. I seem to run around here as if I have a firecracker up my butt. And there is very little appetite. Food is not necessary to enjoy life anymore. At least when the implant is turned up to where it should be.
In the last 24 hours I have been more short tempered. So it is one week since I quit the paxil.
My teeth problems continue. They are slowly and surely getting better. Dr Ong works on me weekly now. But there are other teeth not in the work area that are hurting as well. One day at a time.
The VNS implant is helping the weight come off. I seem to run around here as if I have a firecracker up my butt. And there is very little appetite. Food is not necessary to enjoy life anymore. At least when the implant is turned up to where it should be.
In the last 24 hours I have been more short tempered. So it is one week since I quit the paxil.
cholesterol drug,
Friday, January 16, 2009
Saw Rivera Again
My new setting is 1.50 every 2.5 hours. I have much more enery and have dropped the paxil all together. We will see what happens. I still have body aches and pains. Some migraines. I started my diet on the first of Jan. The VNS implant helps the cravings to the point that I can go with out food almost all day. I am on slimfast (milk based, which I am allergic to and did not know at the time- editor) and salads at this point. Still do not exercise that much. But if I did maybe the body aches would go away.
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