Every step of the way I have been asking God to help me. I was really bummed that the hospital was giving me a hard time when I asked about the cost of the procedure, and had decided to wait until after Christmas to contact the hospital again. But Cheryl called me. She was trying to get the message to another Janet for she is working with two of us with that name. When I told her of the run around she got in touch with Ann the regional access rep and Ann got in touch with Clora James, the billing supervisor in charge of the billing for the branch hospital that I will be using. That was the message on my voice mail this past Friday. Clora is suppose to call me. It is the holidays, so there may be some lag time.
But what that call did for me was to assure me that somehow, maybe Someone was watching my frustration and stepped in. Don't know, but willing to bet on it.
Maybe some light in the dark.
My family had decided that I must fund this alone. No help from them. But I should not be bitter. I have asked for money before, and like the boy that cried wolf once too often the request goes unanswered. The requests before were for starting businesses, but I did not get any money anyways. Let me also say that the requests were given in a jesting way, not really seriously, and once every couple or three years. Still I will trust in God to work it out. He has done so for everything else in the situation that is this depression.
(God did work it out. The insurance ended in paying for all but 2500 dollars, and then the insurance stopped paying for the procedure because the government stopped paying for the procedure through medicare. I don't know what the insurance status would be now, almost 4 years down the road-editor)
But what that call did for me was to assure me that somehow, maybe Someone was watching my frustration and stepped in. Don't know, but willing to bet on it.
Maybe some light in the dark.
My family had decided that I must fund this alone. No help from them. But I should not be bitter. I have asked for money before, and like the boy that cried wolf once too often the request goes unanswered. The requests before were for starting businesses, but I did not get any money anyways. Let me also say that the requests were given in a jesting way, not really seriously, and once every couple or three years. Still I will trust in God to work it out. He has done so for everything else in the situation that is this depression.
(God did work it out. The insurance ended in paying for all but 2500 dollars, and then the insurance stopped paying for the procedure because the government stopped paying for the procedure through medicare. I don't know what the insurance status would be now, almost 4 years down the road-editor)