Saturday, November 26, 2011

MRI Is Being Discussed

After all these years, Therapist Sheldon is suggesting an MRI. Since the VNS is super sensitive to the magnetic fields that this test would put out, I called Cyberonics who makes the device and discussed, in limited terms what, and how that could be done.  They stated that they needed to talk directly to the MRI tech so that the machine set correctly and the shielding could be done correctly. If it is not, it could ruin the device and hurt me. But I have faith that they have done these types of things before with other implanted electrical devices.

I also asked about the increased metabolism that has almost plagued me since implantation. Early on, it was great, for I had so much of the wrong foods in my system that the device would just stimulate and I would not feel it so much, but as I cleaned the body out, it became more painful, and worked on the metabolism so much the more. It keeps me up at night and keeps me eating constantly. I want to turn the device down, but fear to do so for the depression, which is only reduced, not banished, may return full force.

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