Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Could I be allergic to the paste at work?

I have not had an allergy test for any of the things (except wheat) that I have often written about in this blog. I figure that if I am careful in my habits, diet and environment and something new is introduced and I get sick in some way, well hey! I am sensitive to it, or worse, allergic. Sounds right, right?
Well, I am sensitive to wheat, but the test said I was not. So do I even believe the test or my body and it's reactions? I believe the latter.
I mentioned this to a guest at work. She mentioned that she was a person that book bound. She is a bookbinder of custom works. In essence she works with glues. She said that I might be allergic to the cellulose glue that we use. On the box it says that it is non toxic. Non toxic to who? Well I wrote down that there are other glues available to use, just for the record. A rice based glue, and a PVA  (plastic) based glue. I really don't think that it is a problem, but this blog is a bucket for information, so let this info swim in the bucket!

Alkaline Smoothie from Dine Alkaline

On November 2, 2010 I had a live blood microscopy by Tereas Embry as noted in the blog entry http://mylifemyreflections.blogspot.com/search?q=Teresa+Embry Let me Let me tell you just what she did. She took a finger prick of blood and analysed it through her knowledge and computer. She has been schooled in this for many years. Of the blood that she took, one part is looked at while still wet and another part is allowed to dry on to a slide. She can see things like irregular cell sizes, parasites, mold, fungus, lactic and uric acids, hormonal problems, adrenal problems, toxic metal problems, too much protein, and some yeast and the small in testine was toxic. My chlorophyll was very low and I was acidic. She told me to start on a smoothie that would alkaline my body. And indeed it has alkalized my body. 
The smoothie recipe was very simple.
Avocado, spinach, and peeled and de-seeded cucumber where the main ingredients. For the liquid to combine it all, you would use almond milk. Some ice chips to chill it. Now I add some of the good fats for my brain health. Udo's, hemp oils are what I use mostly. I throw in some frozen strawberries and blueberries. I use a couple of scoops of the Vega whole food supplement powder, which gives me the protein that I need. I throw all this into a Magic Bullet mini blender and breakfast is prepared. Every once in awhile I have this smoothie in the afternoon or evening when 
I 've had to skip a meal during the day and want  just want a little something.
The effects have been amazing! Better brain function, less depression, in fact. I think that there are less wrinkles around my mouth and lower face and chin area. The skin is regaining collagen and youthfulness. I know that alkalizing the body has greatly added to the level of health that I am now experiencing

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fwd: I honk that this illness makes me process incoming information as overwhelming, as if I can't handle it all even though it is coming in at just slightly above normal. I at times feel weaker because of this, all most to a state of panic. I think that over the years I have have mistrained my brain to accept this state of affairs and give into it.

Begin forwarded message:

I think that this illness makes me process  incoming information as overwhelming, as if I can't handle it all even though it is coming in at just slightly above normal. I at times feel weaker because of this, all most to a state of panic. I think that over the years I have have mistrained my brain to accept this state of affairs and give into it.
I find that repeating life and love affirming statements is slowly,very slowly retraining my brain.
I have to have patience, just as I would with any handicapped person. 
I am shopping for cosmetics that are safe for me to use. I have detoxed to this point and don't want other stuff in me now,but I like the new thin me and want some more enhancement.
I met a woman at Wholefoods that gave me more information on natural cosmetics.
&to google "skindeep" for a data base for  possible toxic ingredients
Her name was Kate. Thanks Kate. It was meant to meet you there at the cosmetic counter.

Rifaximin non absorbed antibiotic

The following is a link to the website for the non absorbed Rifaximin antibiotic.


Research this before speaking to any doctor about prescribing it.

These are my other sites:

Monday, March 21, 2011

Vitamin Store on line

This seems to be a great discounted website to get good prices for the many supplements one needs to boost the health of the body. I am going to order Spray Awake. I can not have diet soda anymore. The acidity is bad for the body, the aspartame causes depression as well. But in the spring and at holiday times I work very late, so I have to have something to  help me drive home. This product has capsaicin in it and caffeine. I should not have caffeine either, but  I don't like driving off the road either.
Link for the Spray awake, which I did not order, but instead went with vitamin B-12.


The pollen is causing gum problems

In June of last year I had dental problems associated with high levels of toxicity in the body. Last year constipation. This year hugh amount of pollen in air. That is the only thing that could be causing the high toxicity at this time. I have been taking a high level of probiotics, between 6 and 8 capsules through out the day. It is the 15 billion level of the Sun Flora brand. The higher levels of the same brand do not seem to warrant me buying them. I can get them rather inexpensely at M&M Vitamins in Lake Mary. But I am going through about 30 caps in a 5 to 7 day period during this pollenated time period.  Spring, ah, spring.
I noticed all my symptoms were better after taking just the first dose, so I upped the dosage and, yes, indeed the stuff worked. I got a web address off of one of the boxes of Sun Flora: www.brendawatson.com  .
It seems to be a great site to start an investigation into digestion problems. I then was linked to http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2009/12/butyric-acid-ancient-controller-of.html
this page covers butyrate acid. Butyrate suppresses inflammation in the gut and other tissues.
Gut problems, yep, this is what Dr. Mark Hyman states in his lecture series and on his site, www. ultrawellness.com

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Impressions of new Chiro office of Dr Dan

Taken from email to fellow chiro patient, Mary:
Went to the new office of Dr. Dan (Y360) and I expect that at the time of renewal of the contract mom, if she stays up there in Lake Mary with Dr D, she will be paying more than I will be here in Baldwin park, for Dr D has to pay for it somehow. Nice digs, almost too ritzy for me. We will see. I know that Vitamin D stops depression and cancer, but I had to have a special formula that Dr F had, for stuff that was cheaper made my breast hurt. We are going to have another test done by Dr K, my internist for about twenty years. He knows what I have been doing and is impressed and has done tests for Dr. F under my employer insurnace. Same stuff he wanted to know about, so no biggy. He wants to refer to Dr. Isaac (Thrive Chiro) because of the results from Dr. D. Once Dr. Isaac gets his EMO's going I will let Dr K know to start referring. We will see.

Sleepless night. Period

As I write this, I have been in bed only two and a half hours and I am up again. I started to have this sleepless period just this past night. That is good that I got that sentence out. I think the VNS device in combination of strict diet, (which means no allergic reactions), and a powerful pro-biotic, which replenishes the flora in the stomach is keeping me up.
I just stopped the VNS device. It goes off at about 25 or 26 minutes after the odd hour. Every other hour. I stopped it at 5:26 this morning. I will have to see when the last time I tried that was. It will be, hopefully only for the one cycle. I say hopefully because the last time I tried it, I overdid it and did it for two or three cycles in a twenty-four hour period. This caused depression. It seems that the effect is cumulative. When cutting it off by the magnet for one cycle, I can dampen the effect and cause a slight relaxation in the brain. I think that me not needing it so much means the body is healing. I just take it as it comes. Not excited, not depressed (as in oh no! what is happening to me?) with the almost crazed mania that the energy gives me. Just this is another step in healing.
I have just looked back in the blog and could not find the last time I tried to turn the device off for several cycles. I think it was in late '09, or early '10. I did not write about it under "turning down the VNS device" so the search function did not work. But I did read all the posts for VNS device and had a good cry.
I had an extremely relaxing and strong chiropractic adjustment on the 14th, which was less that 24 hours ago. The doctor has been concentrating on the nerves that go through the spine that go into the  digestive area, left hip, and upper left cervical neck area and the occipital area. Sounds to general to affect me in this way. or maybe not may it, being different than Dr Dan's work has started a different area to start healing. Really powerful adjustment it was.
I am watching and praying that that is what this is all about.
When I am stressed at all now I start taking more pro-biotics and they work as if I am taking some sort of anti-depressant. Almost as if I were on speed. I have never taken that drug, but I had heard that one can stay up for days with much energy. I just want a normal good eight hour rest, wake up not groggy and finish with some energy after about 14 to 16 hours of wakefulness. No depression, anxiety, brain fog either. Just a sense of well-being. So I need a mental, physical, emotional and spiritual healing. I am working on all at the same time and I see progress in all. Sometimes, it is jerky and then it lunges forward, and then it creeps. Well, that is life.
My gums are swelling. I am not sure what that is, I will look back in the blog. I have just looked at the blog for the gum swelling. It seems that what the cause is is constipation. Not moving the toxins out fast enough. Well, if I have toxins in the body and a sleepless night, maybe the body is healing a little. I can tolerate a small amount of toxins and still be up and about?  We will watch.
I have had a bout with imbalance in the female hormone area. I came off of the F+ supplement for about 4 days, but had been skipping doses for about two weeks. Just that I thought I did not need them. I had a down turn about the 7th of March. Then I started on the supplement again, and doubled the amount that I had been taking. I have been doing this for a week. This might also factor into the up feeling. Having almost to much control over the level of the hormone. I mean not enough, or maybe just the right balance after so long of not the right balance. The other supplement to help the F+, the supplement Stablizer, I had gone off of as well. Now I will re-start on that today. I am still on the OmegAvail Synergy TG supplement as well. All were perscribed by nutritionist Dr Fernandez at Y360 chiropractic in Lake Mary.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Allergies:Possible cause to everything

In the quest to find relief from the everyday suffering, I use this blog as a bucket to through information into. The latest is this I received from a friend:http://www.kitchenstewardship.com/2011/03/01/now-available-the-everything-beans-book/
It seems to have a great deal of information. It links to many more sites that have more information.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Check this out! A type of energy treatment for allergies. I am currently checking this out. Will give review when I can.

These are my other sites:

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dr Hyman's blog says it all again

This blog is amazing. I want to look up That non absorbable antibiotic that kill bad gut flora. Xifaxan

5 Steps to Kill Hidden Bad Bugs in Your Gut that Make You Sick

DOCTORS ARE TRAINED TO IDENTIFY DISEASES by where they are located. If you have asthma, it’s considered a lung problem; if you have rheumatoid arthritis, it must be a joint problem; if you have acne, doctors see it as a skin problem; if you are overweight, you must have a metabolism problem; if you have allergies, immune imbalance is blamed. Doctors who understand health this way are both right and wrong. Sometimes the causes of your symptoms do have some relationship to their location, but that’s far from the whole story.
As we come to understand disease in the 21st century, our old ways of defining illness based on symptoms is not very useful. Instead by understanding the origins of disease and the way in which the body operates as one whole, integrated ecosystem we now know that symptoms appearing in one area of the body may be caused by imbalances in an entirely different system.
If your skin is bad or you have allergies, can’t seem to lose weight, suffer from anautoimmune disease or allergies, struggle with fibromyalgia, or have recurringheadaches, the real reason may be that your gut is unhealthy. This may be true even if you have NEVER had any digestive complaints.
There are many other possible imbalances in your body’s operating system that may drive illness as well. These include problems with hormonesimmune function,detoxificationenergy production, and more. But for now let’s take a deeper look at the gut and why it may be at the root of your chronic symptoms.
Symptoms Throughout the Body are Resolved by Treating the Gut
Many today do have digestive problems including reflux or heartburnirritable bowel, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and colitis. In fact, belly problems account for over 200 million doctor’s visits and billions in health care costs annually. But gut problems cause disease far beyond the gut.  In medical school I learned that patients with colitis could also have inflamed joints and eyes, and that patients with liver failure could be cured of delirium by taking antibiotics that killed the toxin-producing bacteria in their gut.  Could it be that when things are not quite right down below it affects the health of our entire body and many diseases we haven’t linked before to imbalances in the digestive system?
The answer is a resounding yes. Normalizing gut function is one of the most important things I do for patients, and it’s so simple. The “side effects” of treating the gut are quite extraordinary. My patients find relief from allergies, acne, arthritis, headaches, autoimmune disease, depression, attention deficit, and more—often after years or decades of suffering. Here are a few examples of the results I have achieved by addressing imbalances in the function and flora of the gut:
  • A 58-year-old woman with many years of worsening allergies, asthma, and sinusitis who was on frequent antibiotics and didn’t respond to any of the usual therapies was cured by eliminating a worm she harbored in her gut called Strongyloides.
  • A 52-year-old woman who suffered with daily headaches and frequent migraines for years, found relief by clearing out the overgrowth of bad bugs in her small intestine with a new non-absorbed antibiotic called Xifaxin.
  • A six-year-old-girl with severe behavioral problems including violence, disruptive behavior in school, and depression was treated for bacterial yeast overgrowth, and in less than 10 days her behavioral issues and depression were resolved.
  • A three-year-old boy with autism started talking after treating a parasite called Giardia in his gut.
These are not miracle cures, but common results that occur when you normalize gut function and flora through improved diet, increased fiber intake, daily probiotic supplementation, enzyme therapy, the use of nutrients that repair the gut lining, and the direct treatment of bad bugs in the gut with herbs or medication.
A number of recent studies have made all these seemingly strange reversals in symptoms understandable. Let’s review them.
Research Linking Gut Flora and Inflammation to Chronic Illness
Scientists compared gut flora or bacteria from children in Florence, Italy who ate a diet high in meat, fat, and sugar to children from a West African village in Burkina Faso who ate beans, whole grains, vegetables, and nuts.(i) The bugs in the guts of the African children were healthier, more diverse, better at regulating inflammation and infection, and better at extracting energy from fiber. The bugs in the guts of the Italian children produced by-products that create inflammation; promote allergy, asthma, and autoimmunity; and lead to obesity.
Why is this important?
In the West our increased use of vaccinations and antibiotics and enhancements in hygiene have lead to health improvements for many. Yet these same factors have dramatically changed the ecosystem of bugs in our gut, and this has a broad impact on health that is still largely unrecognized.
There are trillions of bacteria in your gut and they collectively contain at least 100 times as many genes as you do. The bacterial DNA in your gut outnumbers your own DNA by a very large margin. This bacterial DNA controls immune function, regulates digestion and intestinal function, protects against infections, and even produces vitamins and nutrients.
Can bacteria in the gut actually affect the brain? They can. Toxins, metabolic by-products, and inflammatory molecules produced by these unfriendly bacteria can all adversely impact the brain.
When the balance of bacteria in your gut is optimal this DNA works for you to great effect. For example, some good bacteria produce short chain fatty acids. These healthy fats reduce inflammation and modulate your immune system. Bad bugs, on the other hand, produce fats that promote allergy and asthma, eczema and inflammation throughout your body.(ii)
Another recent study found that the bacterial fingerprint of gut flora of autistic children differs dramatically from healthy children.(iii) Simply by looking at the byproducts of their intestinal bacteria (which are excreted in the urine—a test I do regularly in my practice called organic acids testing), researchers could distinguish between autistic and normal children.
Think about this: Problems with gut flora are linked to autism. Can bacteria in the gut actually affect the brain? They can. Toxins, metabolic by-products, and inflammatory molecules produced by these unfriendly bacteria can all adversely impact the brain. I explore the links between gut function and brain function in much greater detail in my book, The UltraMind Solution.
Autoimmune diseases are also linked to changes in gut flora. A recent study showed that children who use antibiotics for acne may alter normal flora, and this, in turn, can trigger changes that lead to autoimmune disease such as inflammatory bowel disease or colitis.(iv)
The connections between gut flora and system-wide health don’t stop there. A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that you could cure or prevent delirium and brain fog in patients with liver failure by giving them an antibiotic called Xifaxan to clear out bugs that produce toxins their poor livers couldn’t detoxify.(v) Toxins from bacteria were making them insane and foggy. Remove the bacteria that produce the toxins, and their symptoms clear up practically overnight.
Other similar studies have found that clearing out overgrowth of bad bugs with a non-absorbed antibiotic can be an effective treatment for restless leg syndrome(vi) and fibromyalgia.(vii)
Even obesity has been linked to changes in our gut ecosystem that are the result of a high-fat, processed, inflammatory diet. Bad bugs produce toxins called lipopolysaccardies (LPS) that trigger inflammation and insulin resistance or pre-diabetes and thus promote weight gain.(viii)
It seems remarkable, but the little critters living inside of you have been linked to everything from autism to obesity, from allergy to autoimmunity, from fibromyalgia to restless leg syndrome, from delirium to eczema to asthma. In fact the links between chronic illness and gut bacteria keep growing every day.
So what can you do to keep your gut flora balanced, your gut healthy, and thus overcome or avoid these health problems?
Five Steps to a Healthy Gut (and a Healthy Body!)
Follow these five simple steps to begin rebalancing your gut flora.
  1. Eat a fiber–rich, whole foods diet—it should be rich in beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables—all of which feed good bugs.
  2. Limit sugar, processed foods, animal fats, and animal protein—these provide food for unhealthy bugs.
  3. Avoid the use of antibiotics, acid blockers, and anti-inflammatories—they change gut flora for the worse.
  4. Take probiotics daily—these healthy, friendly flora can improve your digestive health and reduce inflammation and allergy.
  5. Consider specialized testing—such as organic acid testing, stool testing (new tests can look at the DNA of the bacteria in your gut), and others to help assess your gut function. You will likely have to work with a functional medicine practitionerto effective test and treat imbalances in your gut.
And if you have a chronic illness, even if you don’t have digestive symptoms, you might want to consider what is living inside your gut. Tending to the garden within can be the answer to many seemingly unrelated health problems.
To your good health,
Mark Hyman, MD
(i) De Filippo, C., Cavalieri, D., Di Paola, M., et al. 2010. Impact of diet in shaping gut microbiota revealed by a comparative study in children from Europe and rural Africa.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 107(33): 14691–6
(ii) Sandin, A., BrÃ¥bäck, L., Norin, E., and B. Björkstén. 2009. Faecal short chain fatty acid pattern and allergy in early childhood. Acta Paediatr. 98(5): 823–7.
(iii) Yap, I.K., Angley, M., Veselkov, K.A., et al. 2010. Urinary metabolic phenotyping differentiates children with autism from their unaffected siblings and age-matched controls. J Proteome Res. 9(6): 2996–3004.
(iv) Margolis, D.J., Fanelli, M., Hoffstad, O., and J.D. Lewis. 2010. Potential association between the oral tetracycline class of antimicrobials used to treat acne and inflammatory bowel disease. Am J Gastroenterol. Aug 10 epub in advance of publication.
(v) Bass, N.M., Mullen, K.D., Sanyal, A., et al. 2010. Rifaximin treatment in hepatic encephalopathy. N Engl J Med. 362(12): 1071–81.
(vi) Weinstock, L.B., Fern, S.E., and S.P. Duntley. 2008. Restless legs syndrome in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: response to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth therapy. Dig Dis Sci. 53(5): 1252–6.
(vii) Pimentel, M., Wallace, D., Hallegua, D., et al. 2004. A link between irritable bowel syndrome and fibromyalgia may be related to findings on lactulose breath testing. Ann Rheum Dis. 63(4): 450–2.
(viii) Cani, P.D., Amar, J., Iglesias, M.A., et al. 2007. Metabolic endotoxemia initiates obesity and insulin resistance. Diabetes. 56(7): 1761–72.

Modern Alternative Mama - Blog

I have just found this great blog out there.  http://www.modernalternativemama.com/blog/ . I have only read one post, about autism. But I have lead and a small amount of arsenic poisoning in my body I am interested in anything that will help dispel the depression. Heavy metals in the blood definitely do affect the depression and anxiety that I feel.
Also the information that any person(s) with a weaken immune system, weather baby, or adult will have any kind of problem like autism, or depression when assaulted with outside chemicals like vaccines, or cleaning chemicals. Even things put into foods to preserve, or color, or flavor them cause me to react with depression, runny nose, imbalance, itchy eyes, itchy skin, difficulty in solving simple math and intense emotional upset at the slightest problem.

These are my other sites:

Thursday, March 3, 2011

WTS Wilson Thyroid Syndrome

For people experiencing depression related to thyroid. Please check out , google Wilson Thyroid Syndrome. Could be a life saver. Much on low body temps, different supplements to take, even local doctors that will help admin the supplements. I ran across that about two years ago.-

Toxic World Blog. Another good source.

This was taken from another source, Toxic World blog- Detoxify and Heal Your Body.
Written by Mark Schauss
Yesterday, before I started juicing some veggies and fruits, I became a bit annoyed at those little stickers on the fruits. I noticed the numbers and wondered what they meant. Turns out there is a lot of information in those numbers. Here is a brief description of the numbers:
Conventionally grown fruits have four digits and do not start with a 9. Most start with a 4. These can and usually are grown using pesticides and non-organic fertilizers.
Organically grown have five digits and start with a 9.
Genetically modified fruits start with the number 8.
Next time you go to the supermarket, get out the magnifying glass and check out your fruits numbers and make the choices that you feel most comfortable with. I will be looking for the number 9 and staying far away from the ones starting with the number 8.

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