Thursday, August 26, 2010

I wrote Dr. Ahmed Sadek today

Dr. Ahmed Sadek

I received a VNS implant in March 2008 for depression. I had been on medications for sixteen years and found no relief. In the past two years I have come a long way. I have been able through diet and exercise to gain back some use of my brain, rescuing it from the severe depression that I was in. I am now off of all medications, but need to have my VNS device monitored. Dr. Rivera, the psychiatrist that I was seeing, was Orange  City, Florida, 35 miles to the northeast of Orlando, Florida. As I came up out of the depression I have noticed just how inconvenient that trip was and, just how badly he treated his waiting patients. Up to two hour waits. This was on a constant basis. As my life opened up, I have begun to notice this type of thing and with my new non-depressed brain, I have begun to ask and expect a different patient to doctor relationship.
I was told by Cyberonics, who made the implant, that the other nearest psychiatrists are in Tampa and Coral Springs. Even further than Orange City.( But I did not ask about epileptic doctors who deal with this device as well, and one was just two miles from me-editor)
The last time I had the implant adjusted was in November of 2009. Now I need to locate a doctor who will help me monitor it and adjust it if necessary.
If you can’t could help me, could you refer me to one?

Janet Matthews

August 26, 2010

Just to keep track of how I am managing my health care.
Also now I have varicose veins in the left leg. Could chiropractic help this? It helped depression.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Undo amount of stress

My mom is having her pacemaker battery replaced. Into the hospital I go with her. Up at 3:30 and down to the Rapid in Out unit @ Florida South. Flashing lights:they are testing the fire alarms, but this causes my migraines to flare up. I plead to the hostess (?) to have it shut off, she ignores me. Life. But. I have an IPad so I fire off a complaint to the management.(LATER THAT SAME DAY I GET A CALL FROM BRIDGET ZAMORA AT THE HOSPITAL, TO SAY SHE IS FOLLOWING UP ON THE COMPLAINT AND WILL FORWARD IT ON. THAT'S SERVICE!)
This is causing severe stress, and brings on, well, the "symptoms". Not the depression, as of yet, but burning in the privates, as I call it.
Doc Dan published the last post here in his newsletter. I hope more people get to read about the inane, rudeness of Doc Rivera. When one deals with depression, the weakness of the brain broadcasts itself through the personality of the person in such traits as timidness, sheep like dependence on the one who administers the drug. I think that doctors manipulate these poor souls by the very drugs they administer. People crave to be in control of their minds, to have the ability to make confident decisions, even about small things.
DEPRESSION SAPS THE MIND OF CONFIDENCE! To play with that trait in anyone should be a crime, a crime against mental health.
DEPRESSION CAUSES CONSTANT NEGATIVITY IN ALL SITUATIONS. To play with this by giving medications and not trying to cure the problem permanently, well, it is causing tremendous societal pain. Look at the killings at Columbine and other things that have occurred. These people are in true pain, and the doctors are not trying to heal, but to mask the problem. All in the name of making more and more money.
DEPRESSION SAPS PHYSICAL STRENGTH. What things we all could do for ourselves and others if we could have the strength.
When doctors give the antidepressants they think that they are providing the confidence, positivity and strength that a depressive needs. The medications never completely fill the bill. They are a stop gap to prevent suicide, perhaps, but to live on them forever? And to never suggest that any number of things could be wrong with the body? To say that there could be so many things wrong that it is easier to take a drug than to try to heal you, well that is criminal. Drugs don't heal, they mask.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Suttle psychological stuff

When I eat sugar in any form my personality changes. I go from extrovert to introvert.From I can handle this situation to this is bad and I want to retreat into a cave somewhere. This also happens when any stress happens. Be it physical, emotional or mental. It is the yeast inside me. When I am not under stress I can tell a doctor off, get into it with a cop, tell my boss off, etc. It comes down to how much stress I put on my body in terms of what I eat, the environment that I am in, the amount of noise that I have around me, what I smell, the amount of rain and wetness, or heat. All of that stuff effects me in tiny ways and changes my choice of responses. But when I eat sugar it cripples me. I am a different person totally. Even thought patterns are different.
When I took moves to leave the doctor the other day I felt empowered and I had been controlling the sugar intake well for weeks. I had a Paleo bar that evening. It had 9 grams of a sugar in it. I have been on an emotional roller coaster this last week. Projects have slowed down, thinking slowed, confusion setting in. This is 5 days later and I am exhausted. No depression though. But I consider this as depression, a lighter version than in the past though.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dr. Rivera and a Two Hour wait!

Went to Orange City yesterday . It is about 35 miles to Dr Rivera's place and he never runs his appointments on schedule. never! I pushed myself to be early so that I could be on time, but did he have any consideration for me? NOOOOOOOO!
I had to pay in cash which meant that I had to go to the bank, a special trip, no less, for the cash. So I was prepared for his special conditions that he set for me, so why could he not honor me and my time? Of all my doctors and all my business experiences, I have never run into a business or familial situation that was such a constant drag. Every time I saw him I had to wait, but this time it was extensive and I had an appointment two hours later at a distant location. Surely scheduling a one hour wait for a 15 minute appointment was enough.
So after sitting in his office for two hours I got up and demanded my cashcopayment back left. When asked to reschedule my appointment, I told her I would call her if I needed to. THE EMPOWERMENT OF THAT MOMENT STILL THROBS IN MY BRAIN!!
I have been kneeling to the dictates of psychiatrists for almost twenty years, and he has been ,on this waiting aspect,the rudest inconsiderate unprofessional doctor that I have ever dealt with. I am considering billing him for my time of just sitting there waiting on him!
If he does not want to run a more professional office, then get out of the business!
Now on to another subject: Doc Dan's EMO. An extremely powerful presentation last night. Dr. Fernandez spoke on nutrition. Sixty percent of Americans are overweight. The food industries are in cahoots with the drug companies to make us fat and sick and take our money at the same time. First they feed us substandard crap that is full of empty calories . When we can not get what we need to run our bodies off of from this crappy food and become sick, the drug industry steps in and hooks us for life on a list of drugs. So it was with me and the antidepressants that I was on for seventeen years. They gave me no knowledge to help me get through the health crisis that I was having in1993. Just an antidepressant and the advice that maybe some exercise would help. I was so bad off that I could get no benefit from that exercise even when I could find motivation to do it. For I was poisoning myself with foods that I was allergic to, and never knew it. What sets up an allergic reaction?
Well from what I have been recently studying, part of it is toxic things that have entered the body and the body can not get rid of them. In my case it is lead. This leads to other sensitivities that cascade on down the line into several illnesses. The body does not know how to rid itself of heavy metals, pesticides and other chemicals. For me, it led to depression, a dreaded mental illness. Well, nothing can be done when one has a mental illness, right? Wrong! There are tests, to determine just what is poisoning your body, and chelating supplements to pull out the toxins!
I believe that a majority of the mental problems that we have, if not all of them are triggered by these toxins. But the reason we are kept in the dark is that big Pharma (drug companies) and the food industry and the government through the FDA, want to keep us that way.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Just what is a HSO

Mycobacterium vaccae is the name of one of the Organisms and go here

Starting a list of Doctors that deal with yeast

I have not investigated any of these doctors. When I find a doctor they will go here. Anyone using this list will have to investigate them and give feed back.
birmingham alabama--C. Orion Truss.
205 326-0642. he is an expert on this subject--yeastie beasties.

A list of herbals

Here is a list of herbals for yeast infections
Oregano -- Oil of oregano has many antibacterial and antifungal properties.
• Garlic -- Fresh, crushed garlic is a potent antimicrobial and immune booster.
• Citrus seed extract -- The phytochemicals in citrus seeds have been found to have potent antimicrobial properties.
• Berberine -- This potent yellow plant extract comes from goldenseal and barberry
• Tannins -- These are the astringent compounds found in tea and the bark of trees.
• Undecylenate -- This chemical compound is a potent antifungal.
• Isatis tinctoria -- This Chinese herb can be a useful adjunct to treating intestinal imbalances.
• Caprylic acid -- This is another useful compound for treating yeast. ah hah---now here this.

Giving up lemon and limeade

On August 5th in the evening I gave up drinking what I considered the last flavored drink that I could have. Lemon or Lime with stevia. In Linda Allen's ebook on Candida Yeast she states to leave the citrus Lemon and lime alone. She said that in the body these fruits cause the lower gut to become more alkaline and promote more yeast growth. This causes among other things constipation. On the sixth I went a little bit, on the seventh more, on the eight more yet. I am on Psyllium husks and have been for about one month at this time and still I could not go regularly.This is a must if one is to detox and rid oneself of depression and other ailments.
I finally got into reading the back part of the Ann Louise Gittleman booklet Beyond Probiotics and it says to go here But I still could not find the booklet.

Friday, August 6, 2010