Monday, February 28, 2011

Chiropractor adjusts different area

Chiropractor Dr. Isaac adjusts different part of back . It is the part that is linked to the digestive area. Also he adjusts the occipital bone a different way. We will see how this affects me. He also told me to eat fermented food. I can't eat milk based food (yogurt) so I opted for saurkraut. We will continue to work on this. The week of  probiotics really did the trick. I was much better this week on Monday than last week. I am taking loads of probiotics. One to two 15 billion capsules every two hours. Now fermented foods are supposed to help my own body form the flora that my gut needs.

Dr Hyman's blog says it all

This is what happened to me. The following is taken from Dr. Mark Hyman's blog. But it could have been written about me. Because line for line it is what I went through. So I am not the only one.

By making different food and lifestyle choices, can you rid yourself of depression, boost your mood or even improve more serious conditions such as ADHD, autism and more?In my experience, the answer is YES and I’ll show you precisely how in just a second. But first, let me tell you about one of my patients, Sarah. She’s a very vibrant, smart young woman of 18 who had just finished high school with honors and was admitted to a top university. Even more exciting, her passion for theater and acting had recently landed her the lead role in a real movie. The future ahead of her was bright and full of possibilities.So why had Sarah’s distraught mother brought her to see me?Well, over the previous few weeks, she had sunk into a debilitating depression.It had gotten so bad that she wouldn’t go out, didn’t respond to friends’ calls, and couldn’t even get out of bed to watch television — which is pretty bad for a teenager! Sarah couldn’t concentrate or read. Worse, she couldn’t learn the lines for her movie, which was the opportunity of a lifetime, and was to be shot in just a few short weeks. There was every reason that Sarah should have been at the highest moment in her life.  Everything was going right. Everything — except that she found herself in a debilitating depression, unable to cope with life’s simplest tasks, like getting out of bed and getting dressed.
The psychiatrist focused on her mental state, but I know that the body is connected to the mind, just as the mind is connected to the body.
What was happening?
Her mother had already taken her to a child and adolescent behavioral psychiatrist, who confirmed the depression.
His solution?
To start getting out and walking for five minutes a day — and then return the following week to consider options such as antidepressant medication.But the movie was to be shot in two weeks and Sarah was about to leave for college in three weeks.
Desperate, her mother brought her to me.
I look at depression a little differently than other doctors.You see, in medicine we are trained to see certain problems as “psychosomatic” — that is, problems that are “all in your head.”
It means that your mind can affect your body. These problems include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), muscle aches and pains, headaches, and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).  They have no physical basis or proof that we can see on an x-ray or other screening test .Unfortunately, this is often because we don’t understand the more-subtle underlying imbalances that actually cause these problems.
However, I believe that there is an unexplored area of healing and medicine.
I call it “somato-psychic medicine.”  That is, that your body can affect your mind. And in Sarah’s case, this was the problem.The psychiatrist focused on her mental state, but I know that the body is connected to the mind, just as the mind is connected to the body.I asked myself if Sarah’s apathy, depression, and fatigue had something to do with what was happening in her body.
First, I looked for clues.
I am a medical detective, searching always for patterns and connections and links between symptoms and the answers hidden within the WHOLE story of a person’s life.
So I didn’t just ask Sarah about her mental symptoms — I wanted to know everything.
And I uncovered a lot. I learned that she had had low-grade allergies and sinus congestion for years. Over the last few years, she had worsening IBS with bloating and constipation, and her periods were terrible, preceded by very bad PMS with fluid retention, sugar cravings, salt cravings, headaches and irritability. She had developed severe muscle pains and aches, headaches, poor memory and concentration, and insomnia. She was cold all the time, felt short of breath, anxious, and just generally miserable.
A few months before, Sarah had tried to lose about 15 pounds she had gained by eating very well and exercising regularly.  But she was very discouraged because all her efforts led to no weight loss. Clearly, something was wrong. To confirm my thoughts, I ran some tests for nutritional deficiencies and imbalances in her digestive, immune, and hormonal systems.
That’s because I no longer treat “diseases” like IBS, PMS, depression, and headaches. Instead, I try to understand the underlying imbalances that lead to the symptoms, which are only clues to something deeper. So what did I find with Sarah? I found that she had a vitamin D deficiency, which can cause thyroid problems, depression, and muscle pains. And she had a magnesium deficiency, which can lead to muscle pain, headaches, constipation, fatigue, and insomnia.
She also had an omega-3 fat deficiency — something well known to be associated with depression.
Her thyroid wasn’t functioning properly, which is why she had so many symptoms like fatigue, depression, constipation, muscle pain, PMS, and problems losing weight. She also had food sensitivities to gluten and dairy.  These contributed to her IBS, allergies, and sinus congestion.
So did I give her an antidepressant?
No.  Remember, depression is not a Prozac deficiency.
But when the underlying imbalances in her immune, digestive, and hormonal systems were corrected and her nutritional status was built up, her body was able to recover.
What did I do? I had Sarah improve the quality of her diet and stop eating the foods she was sensitive to, like gluten, dairy, eggs, and yeast.
I got her eating real, whole foods, not junk, refined, and processed foods.
I told her to have three regular meals and at least one afternoon snack at about 3 or 4 pm.
I encouraged her to eat lots of veggies and protein, such as chicken, salmon, hummus, and nuts, with every meal. I asked her to snack on nuts.
Then I helped Sarah get her digestive tract back on track by giving her a special antibiotic to clear out the overgrowth of bacteria in her small intestine, which had caused the bloating. She followed that with an antifungal drug to treat the yeast in her system (she had a fungal scalp infection, too).
Next, I started her on Armour Thyroid medication to improve her thyroid.
And I gave Sarah some basic nutritional support — a multivitamin, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, fish oil, acidophilus for her digestive tract, and herbs to help her PMS.
I told her to start exercising slowly, to get into a regular rhythm of going to bed by 11 pm, and to get at least 8 hours of sleep.  To ease her insomnia, I had her take a relaxing Epsom salt bath with lavender before bed every night.
I also asked her to see a physical therapist and neuromuscular therapist to work on her neck and muscle pain.
There’s no doubt about it. Sarah was on the accelerated “get better right away” program!
So how did she do?
Well, in two weeks, she came back a different person!
She wasn’t taking antidepressants, yet she was happier and more alive than she had been in more than a year.
She lost 15 pounds in two weeks.
Her energy, concentration, and focus were fantastic.
Her digestive problems and muscle pain were gone.
And she was sleeping very well.
Renewed, Sarah learned all her lines, did her movie, and went off to college vibrant and alive — quite remarkable considering she was nearly in a catatonic depression only a few weeks before!
So what’s the secret to the astoundingly fast improvement?  Heck, even antidepressants take six weeks to start working.
It’s simple.
Just by getting rid of the things that cause imbalances in core systems (in this case, the immune, digestive, and hormonal system), and by giving the body things it needs to heal (like good food, vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fats, and hormones when necessary), the body will repair and heal very quickly.
This principle is simple and central to the medicine I practice, which is called systems medicine or functional medicine.
Are you depressed or have other mental health issues and looking to get better?
Here are a few things to think about and explore.
You still may need therapy or medication, but don’t assume these will cure the problem if you have any of these underlying issues:
1. Do you have low thyroid function?
Ask your doctor to check for the following blood tests: TSH, free T3, free T4, and thyroid antibodies.
  • 2. Do you have a vitamin D deficiency?This is especially likely if you’re depressed during winter. So have your doctor check for 25 OH vitamin D. Your level should be over 50.  If it isn’t, take 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 a day.
  • 3. Do you have a folic acid or B12 deficiency?Ask your doctor to test your homocysteine and methylmalonic acid levels to check for those deficiencies.  And take an extra 800 mcg of folic acid and 1,000 mcg of B12.
  • 4. Do you have a deficiency of omega-3 fats?It’s likely — 99 percent of Americans do. Eat more wild salmon and sardines and take 1 to 2 grams of fish oil a day.
  • 5. Do you have gluten allergies? Consider testing for gluten antibodies.
  •  Are bugs in your gut affecting your brain or immune system?
  • If you have irritable bowel syndrome, supplement with probiotics.
  • Try taking these steps and see if your health improves as Sarah’s did and you may find that your “mental illness” wasn’t so mental at all and was really caused by nutritional issues.
And remember, you can both change your mind to change your body, but you can also change your body to change your mind!
For more information on how the body and mind are connected and for a complete system that will help you heal your brain by healing your body first, see my book The UltraMind Solution.
Now I’d like to hear from you:
Have you had any experiences of correcting a physical problem and noticing that your mental health changed as a side effect?
Have you noticed that a change in the foods you eat or the supplements you take changing your attitude or mood?
If you’ve gone to your doctor or psychiatrist for any mental health problems, what was your experience?  Did they look into nutritional issues at all or simply recommend you take drugs?
Have you noticed that different foods affect your mood, and if so, how?
Please let me know your thoughts by adding a comment below.
To your good health,

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Changing Chiropractors

I am changing to a new chiropractor, Dr. Isaac Hernandez, who is setting up office in Baldwin Park. This is about 2 miles from my home. He was helpful in pulling me off the antidepressants. Dr. Dan Yachter was his mentor and the businesses are linked somehow. not a branch, but in association with each other. He in one of the lowest times of the withdrawal sat with me and pointed out something that I will never forget.
It went something like this.
There are valleys and mountains and they are on a graph. Right now you are in a valley, but look down at where you have come from and you can, as you have over come those valleys bellow you, overcome this valley and go on to ascend the mountain above you.
This small thing, which took only a moment of his time as he was in training while in Doctor Dan's office, just stuck to me like glue. I thanked him for it some weeks later. But I will never forget it.
Mom still will still have her contract there in Dr. Dan's and I will still have my foot in that office. I don't want to leave totally. It is just very stressful to do all the driving from Disney to Lake Mary on the days that I work. And when I am sick, which hopefully won't be much, I need more treatments. And I have to go more than once a week when I am sick. So driving long distances when not feeling well stresses me greatly when I am already sick.
So regretfully, or with new hope, I step out to start a new path on the healing trail. I am not leaving Dr. Dan's influence, just bringing it where it less stressful.
I am now riding my bike five times a week and would like to be involved in a possible bike club, possibly in association with Dr. Isaac's office.
There is a biking trail, Cady Way that runs behind his office in Baldwin. Also I think that eventually David, my wonderful husband might get into this lifestyle if the office is so close. Those are the reasons that I chosen to to this step. The staff at Dr. Dan's office are so supportive and brought this struggling soul to a new level of health, and I am forever thankful.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Intense Allergic Reactions

Last monday when I got up I could not stand very well, my balance being affected by the allergies. My brain was crashing into depression. I prayed for inspiration. Take more probiotics, and pump them into the system. Break open the capsule and put into the water that I am drinking throughout the day. I started to feel better.
As I was doing taxes I noted that I had been sick in the spring in 09, 10, and ended up in the hospital both times. Different problems both times. Both times very weak. Could allergies have something to do with this? I believe so.
Also I know the allergies cause the depression. With out a doubt, when I take the probiotic the allergies go away and the depression disappears.
I am taking Sun Flora @ 200 Billion in the morning before breakfast and 15  Billion caps through out the day.
Also homeopathic sulfur 30C. Do not know if the sulfur is working.

(The probiotics boost immunity of the entire system , Where as sulfur helps make glutathione, which builds immunity-editor)

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Having a down time, posted at work

I think that this illness makes me process incoming information (stress) as overwhelming, as if I can't handle it all even though it is coming in at just slightly above normal. I at times feel weaker because of this, all most to a state of panic. I think that over the years I have have mistrained my brain to accept this state of affairs and give into it.

(This type of thought process is known as Automatic Negative Thoughts, or ANT, and there are ways to combat that. Sally-Anne McCormack author of Stomp out the Ants.)

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ABC Homeopathy

From a email from Mary, my friend.  read the 1st paragraph. the 2nd is where you put a symptom in and it will ask you ?'s from there, do the best you can and you will get better results. READ what it says which includes you may only have a couple of the symptoms when you read the outcome remedies to take. The 1st is usually the right one but like I said if it is not meant to help you it will not harm you!

Remedies last awhile-don't let expiration dates fool you---I get expired ones for next to nothing price, they do not expire.don't put them in hot or cold temps but then again Dr Murphy in AZ had his in his car they said where it is over 100 degrees, well known Dr.He gave a patient en route to the hospital with appendicitis I am pretty sure Arsenicum, and by the time they got there NOTHING-no symptoms. The dosage does not matter if you take 1 or the whole bottle.Once one little bead or pellet touches your lip or under tongue or tongue membrane-it works.I learned even putting the bottle to your nose works. You have to really study the history of homeopathy. Have a clean mouth-do not eat 1/2 hr before or after. Do not touch them and put them back in the bottle or the whole bottle is ruined-useless! They don't tell you any of this-you have to get a book or read it online and learn.
Remember NO COFFEE, chocolate!then again there are 30c,30x,6c,6x,100,200 potencys and I do not know much about any of it and want to learn!I will see if they still have study groups. I have a old newsletter and will check it out and let you know. Whatever you have to deal with be it 6 or a 30 or 100 Dr Shippen said to use it in a pinch. The vitamin shoppe might have nux m-call them and see, think I saw it there-there a few locations. has MANY companies and prices are good!

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Thought Bubbles: This New Life

This booklet, published by Daugherty Ministries out of Tulsa, Oklahoma is amazing. It gives me strength in ways that I never knew before. It makes plain how Jesus is proved to be God. It states how much He loves us. Really. Then the Bible. Each time I read it something new comes to me. I have had it read to me, I have read it many times, but each time now that I read it something new comes from it. It says that the Holy Spirit is working on me as this happens.
Let me tell you that I had run, legs pumping as hard as they could to escape  the tyranny of God, the Holy Spirit. And yet He worked on me for years to pull me back.
As I would lie in bed, tears in my eyes from the unknown source of the depression, He was there giving me the will to survive. To find happiness. As I walked the service areas of work,  art projects and my husband's face pulled me through. Suicide was ever present,  ever behind the art projects and faces of my family. God gave me the art projects, the family to hold on to. If not, I would not be here today to share  this with anyone who reads this blog.
Now when I feel I need the strength to go on, well, He is there in Person. Inside me, as I have now asked Him to be. It has, and continues to be an up hill battle to maintain what I call sanity.
This health problem, sanity from depression, has run in my family for possibly about 100 years. I don't know the length, but my relative in some ancient photos (1880's) is know to have been in and out of mental hospitals. She may have been the same person that wanted to die after a horse kicked her in the chest, stomach area. I have another aunt (M) that suffers from the disease, and she is in her mid eighties. My niece that died in Oct 2010 at thirty had at one time been on medications for it. Most of her family suffers from allergies, or has had cancer.
But the fight goes on, and we will survive to tell others, to love them in the best way we can.

Ultimate Flora the probiotic Level 15 Billion continues to do wonders

The kind help at M&M Vitamins in Lk Mary said to take the probiotic twice a day for the first two days, then only once each day afterwards. It has been only since this past Monday, only six days and I am on three a day. One before each meal. Probiotics kill yeast, and the body pushes it out every way it can.

My eyes burn, private parts as well. Ears are draining with it, nose is runny with it. But mentally I am so much better.

This is only the first Level of the Product. Two other levels go higher still in the amount of the actual probiotics in the product. Up to 50 billion in each capsule.

My other product, PANA C-315 has only 7 Billion. The help at M&M pointed out that a product with probiotics in it should be on ice, cold, to keep the live organisms in a suspended state. Not on the shelf as is the PANA C 315. This made sense for the research that I had done in the past.  Ultimate Flora is kept in the refrigerator , on ice, cold.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ultimate Flora the probiotic

I have been looking into doing blood testing to determine what foods I am allergic to. Costly. I am now trying a new probotic (Ultimate Flora Adult formaula) to kill the yeast in my system. I have fungus on my skin, so I have it in my body as well. Yeast is a fungus, right? Well just after two days I feel better. So we will see. I have a nutritionist, but he did not even ask to see any skin problems I might have, or to catergorize the symptoms that I told him about that I had researched. Finally after a live blood microscopy that said I had it, he relented and put me on some stuff that I had tried before some months ago. That stuff did a little for me at that time, but not what this probiotic has done in about two days. And I have months to go. I think I will wait on the blood test for allergic food reactions and see what repairing my gut does.

Another source for live blood microscopy is

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Investigating Testing for Sensitivities

I looked up Cell Science Systems, Ltd. corp. I was impressed with the types of tests that were available, through your doctors. But the costs were staggering. Then I ran into an outfit that is out of Britain and Europe. It was for hair testing. Much cheaper, and promised more. . Of course, I do not know anything  about hair testing, and why this place offers it so cheaply. About 100.00. They use a European lab and they test for 600 different things that could affect a person. The other, the ALCAT, from Cell Science Systems, Ltd. Corp ran from 99.00 for 20 items tested to 595.00 for 500. Also the one in Britain will give nutritional counseling. The ALCAT  will recommend a 4 Day Rotational Diet. So do I try hair or blood analysis?

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Alkaline Water in the Fight

In an effort to alkaline my body, I have been drinking chlorophyll laced water for months now since Nov. second 2010. It has helped immensely. I have more energy, much less depression, can handle stress better.
I am currently looking for a local water supplier that will sell the alkaline water to me by the bottle. Aaron has found one in WinterHaven, a town about 40 miles from here. I am looking for one in Orlando.
I have found out information on the machines that will alkaline the water for you by running electricity through it. Suppliers in Japan being the cheapest. However shipping from there just might bring up the price to where they maybe prohibitive to purchase.
Some things that the research is bringing up is:
What does the electrolysis of the water do to it. I know that it breaks down the molecules and in that way makes it more bio-available.
But I read that you need oxygen in the water as well.
This process of alkalizing the water can be done chemically. But with my sensitivities can I be sure that I am not causing more problems by adding chemicals to the water?