Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Omega 3 Testing

Dr. Hyman's blog has this test that will let you know if your ratio of Omega 6, 9, and 3's are in order. They have to be in a certain ratio to work right. Here is the address:

Art: To Relieve Depression

I work as an artist at a local theme park, and have been asked not to mention the actual park. It is here, in Orlando, is the world's largest of its kind. You get the picture. I am an silhouette artist, but I sculpt and do other things as well. I will say that the art helps in the worst moments. Here above is a sample of fabric design that I have been working on of late. The work is extremely relaxing and done to relieve boredom. But it draws guests to the area and I talk to them about the art we do in the area for the guests.

App for Allergies and Cures

I am looking into this app, which can be previewed at
It is, as the title of this post says, about allergies and cures.

Cinnamon and mold allergies?

I  have been in the kitchen and into baking with cinnamon. Into it heavily. Now the past few days it has also been raining. So which one has been triggering my most recent attack. I will say that the rainy day depression is definitely different than the cinnamon anxiety and depression that I feel. I know that for people not experiencing either depression or anxiety saying one kind of depression is different than the feeling of another kind of anxiety or depression would not make any sense. But I have noticed this before.

A certain food will produce a different kind of brain reaction than that of another when speaking of an allergic reaction. So it is with environmental allergic responses as well. So far I have tracked that most rainy spells of three days or more cause a type of mold response that only increases as the days of rain continue.  The feeling in the brain is depression, but a different kind of depression then that of say in this case, cinnamon produces. The rain produces a duller anxiety, the cinnamon a more insane type.

Whereas rainy days increase mold allergic reaction over days, food responses come within hours. If I continue to eat the food, unknowingly for several days, the effect intensifies. So even though the type of depression feels different, one more dull, the other more insane, they intensify over several days.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Deep Depression

I have been slipping into allergic reactions all this past week. As I would get off the bus at work my skin itches, on work location I track itching across my shoulder blades. As the rainy weather from the hurricane increased so did my symptoms. Remember I am outside my entire work shift, except on break and lunch,
On the 16th I ate at Golden Corral. The reactions started after eating the canned kidney beans and olives. Then I ate the chicken and sweet pork. Included in the meal was steamed broccoli. The chicken was the first in a long time. I have suspected chicken before.
The results are as follows upon finishing the meal
7:30 gas, itchy eyes, 
8:00-8:15 sleepiness
10:00 to bed early
2:00 to 4:00 joint pain in fingers while up to the bathroom
6:00 popping ears
6:30 depression starts
8:30 blurry vision, depression intensifies
in work location
9:00 nose running
10:05 indigestion and itchy hands.
Throughout day the symptoms got less and less, but if rain came in, and unfortunately I did not make notes on late day weather, The symptoms would have gotten worse.
On the 24th I was outside in the rain, as always. On that day the anxiety increased throughout the afternoon and so did knuckle joint pain. I went on break into the interior break area. The cafeteria, a considerably drier place. The symptoms cleared in about one half hour. But when I went back to the work area the depression gradually returned as did the joint pain.
The next day, I am outside the entire time in rainy conditions.
3:40: the moment I came off the shuttle bus my skin itched on my left forearm, then in the tunnel on route to  location my armpit lymph glands start to hurt. But at that time I am in a happy mental state.
4:00 at the itching. Groin lymph glands started to ache. Headache starts. Runny nose is starting.
4:20 joint pain, feet itchy, knuckles are starting to pain me.
4:25 anxiety starts, indigestion-bubbly sounds starts as well.
Weather starts to dry up.
7:20 continuing gas, but no itching while off sage in a drier place.
As weather got direr the symptoms got better.

I am to be scratch tested today for food allergies, and supplements for mold problems will be discussed when I go to pick up the supplements for the low immunity:
GSH glutathion
Vitamin emulsi-D-3
L-MTHF (activated B-5)
Digest All

Friday, August 26, 2011

More foods causing Problems

I am still using the chelator DMSA. I have the research that tells me that it is probable that my allergy problems and heavy metal problems could indeed be related. Once the levels of heavy metals go down then the body has a chance to start healing itself of the allergies that are stymieing it. At least get them to the point that they bother me less. I have hopes for this as noted in previous entries.
What I have been noticing since I have been reading Brain Allergies: Is this your Child? by Doris Rapp, is that yes indeed, most symptoms listed in the book are occurring to me and are attached to food, or environmental factors. I noticed some things that initially frightened me. More foods seemed to be causing the symptoms than I had noted before. But when I contemplated this, it only made more sense. I found that rice and chicken could be added to the "allergic to" list. But this only made sense since every time I ate these foods in the past I did indeed have problems. But rice? and chicken? But I tested it and yes indeed the depression and other symptoms did reoccur when the foods were eaten several different times.

Forever Green, Marine Phytoplanktons

I work at a local world class theme park and met this guest there. I think that the products which she distributes could be extremely interesting and a possible alternative to vaccines for the children and protein for adults among other products. Here is her email as she wrote me this week.

Hi there!  This is Cindy.  Met and spoke w/ you while we had a pastel done inbetween rainstorms :)

I just wanted to share with you about ForeverGreen, Marine Phytoplanktons, and the products we offer.  I totally respect that you are doing the green drinks.  I am so thrilled that you are able to get the toxins out of your system!!  Your blog is awesome!  I enjoyed checking it out.  I am going to keep up with you and follow your progress!


The company I distribute for is called ForeverGreen, International.   It's philosophy is Health, Kindness, and Opportunity.   Love, Love, Love this company and so far everyone I have ineracted with. 

If you knew me, you would know that the old me would never have even spoken to you about the products....  BUT, I totally believe in them.

Please checkout my site: 
The products are amazing.  We have just launched a new one with hemp and marine phytoplanktons that is amazing for pain.  The testimonies are pouring in!

No, the preices you see are not what you would pay.  I can sign you up as either a distributor or preferred customer and you can order as you wish online and ship directly to you.  To see those prices, you need to first sign up (it's on the upper right side of the the home page) then you can "shop".  No commitment until you actually enter your payment info.... so no risk... no pressure!

Take your time...  check out the different products online.  I personally love the Hemphoria - all 3 of us love it.  You should see Malia trying to reach the bottle on the counter so she can have it in her water!!  TOOO cute!   Footie pajamas and curly hair standing on tip toes and stretching for it!

My husband, Buddy, could not wait for the Inspirin to arrive yesterday.  He has chronic pain from a bad car accident.  He swears his headache disappeared.  I'm going to start using it so that I can do preventative measures! 

The Pulse with hemp is great for mixing w/ yogurt and sliced fruit... or in a tossed salad ... or straight out of the bag to snack on.  

I personally us the FIXX shake  (in the O3 section) for 1 meal a day, but they also have a mix called Thunder (in the Versativa section) (however, they are out of stock right now so it does not show up on the site)

If you have any questions, please let me know.  If I don't know the answer... I will find out!!

Take care, my new friend!



Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Allergic Reactions are Decreasing

With the introduction of DMSA to draw out the heavy metals from my system and my gaining the knowledge that of the foods and chemicals that are affecting me, I am feeling less and less depression.
On the days that I have my chiropractic adjustments I need less sleep. I believe this is because more healing is being done just after the adjustment throughout the day, and I need less sleep for the body to recover for the next day. The VNS device is doing its job as well. Until I need less and less sleep each night, which I believe will happen as the body heals from the allergies,  I will keep it as it is. When I feel that I can safely turn it down I will. I do want to eventually turn it down for it hurts greatly as it goes off every two hours.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Heart to Heart with Holley: Whispers

Holley says it all when one feels down or in anyway weak. So listen up people

Just a whisper for you as you start the week..

I'm thinking of you, wherever you are, starting the week and wondering what it will hold.
And I just want to whisper that you're loved by the One who will hold you no matter what comes.
Yes, He sees you, knows you, understands every detail.
He delights in who you are, in what you do--even the things you think no one notices.
Your life has a purpose.
You matter so much.
You are on your way to good things ahead.
And today is the next step. 
So take a deep breath and move ahead, my friend.
I'm so grateful to walk with you too.

Would you like to leave a comment or Subscribe by Email {free}? To Holley's Bolg?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Heavy Metals and Allergies

When I was tested for heavy metals, I was toxic in lead, mercury, antimony, arsenic, cesium,  nickel, rubidium, thallium, tungsten. So I was also interested in why I have hormonal and immunity problems. In a blog post that I posted just the other day, I found that heavy metals effect hormones and immunity issues. Tonight I find confirmation that heavy metals will also be one cause for allergies, of any kind.

It appears that heavy metals cause confusion in the body's immune system, and predispose the body to developing allergies. It has been my observation that those people who test positive for heavy metal toxicities also tend to have reactions to many more allergens than people who do not have heavy metal toxicities. By far the most common heavy metals that are problematic are mercury and lead, but cadmium, thallium, and a host of other metals can show up as well.

Mercury toxicity appears to most commonly be related to amalgam dental fillings, exposure to thimersol (a preserving agent used in vaccines and various liquid solutions used in medicine), and industrial mercury exposure. Although there has been much concern in recent years regarding mercury contamination of seafood, I have not found seafood consumption to be related to mercury toxicity in my patients. Most people probably do not consume enough mercury contaminated seafood for it to create toxicity issues. Click here for Source of this information.

These are Janet’s other sites:

Family Night

Support in my efforts to battle this problem is the main thing that I need. I get it  from all who I encounter, except one major person. This is an email from my sister and my reply:

On Aug 15, 2011, at 4:48 PM, Edna  wrote:

Dear Janet,
I did try to get to your blog but I could not get in to read any thing. I am sorry.  I did try to surf and do some research.
When I was on line trying to do some research this afternoon, Jennifer called. (Her daughter who suffers from allergies) We actually had some decent conversation for about an hour.  I do not know how much communication got through but at least it is a start for us.  That was good.
Continue to keep your food journal.  Keep the amounts of food and the times that you eat also.  I know that this sounds picky but you are looking for repeated patterns and foods that are bothering you and giving you bad reactions.  Look for daily, weekly, and monthly patterns.  Also, record your sleep patterns.  Note your moods and feelings.  Don’t obsess about all this.  If you miss something or time, get back on track the next time cycle.  Again, don’t get down on your self for looking for the why.  Perhaps, you will be able to talk to the doctor more intelligently.  Be sure to include a joke on yourself and then laugh at yourself and press on with life.  We are praying for you.
thanks, I need support. I get it from everyone except John. He seems to think it is all in my head. I have to think about what the bible said: and I don't know just what verse, but we get our esteem from the Lord, not others, even our brother. It is hard on Wednesdays. The day after Family Night. I am poisoned by the food and the doubts (caused by his unfaltering statements of this doesn't bother me, so it can't be bothering you) he causes. I am sorry, but swollen joints, lost balance, blisters in the mouth, break outs of herpes around the mouth, swollen gums, gas, bloating, itchy skin, constipation, depression, anxiety, popping in the ears, fatigue does bother me and I need support from someone I have adored all of my life. I am glad that I got that out of my system. And God be praised for your support.Glad you got to talk to Jennifer. Did you find out just what she suffers with? Both mentally, and physically?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Heavy metals cause Estrogen Problems and Immune Problems

From the website


Frequently depression is related to adrenal or sex hormone imbalances. Lower than normal levels of DHEA, cortisol, testosterone, estrogen or progesterone will trigger a biochemically-induced depression. Hormonal imbalances cause immune suppression, which opens the door to chronic infections. In the digestive system, one of the well-established side effects of food intolerances and food allergies is depression. Inefficient protein digestion deprives the body of amino acids needed to manufacture key neurotransmitters. In the detoxification system, the inability to eliminate harmful chemicals or heavy metals from body tissues allows these toxins to build up to harmful levels. Many of these substances, such as mercury, have an affinity to and easily penetrate brain tissue. Build-up of heavy metals damages brain cells and can cause depression.Link

Oxford Journals
The next information is concerned with the reason of miscarriages: High heavy metals causes low immunity and low progesterone.(low hormones are one probable cause of miscarriage) Now I have low immunity, and low progesterone levels. My doctor has told me that my level of metals are about average for the patients that he sees even though they are elevated. But he sees people that are already sick. Also he does admit that some people are more sensitive to the metals than are others. Here is the link ., What I took the information from is this 
In the first full paragraph:  "The heavy metal-induced 

immunological changes may interfere with the

physiological adaptation of the immune system to the

state of pregnancy with the result of a miscarriage."

Allergies:One of the Answers?

Being sick with depression is a multi-sided problem. But I believe that my research has added up to the conclusion that I am suffering from many severe allergic reactions. And in response to these attacks my body reacts with depression and the other problems noted elsewhere in this blog.
Another system failure last night. I am allergic to brown rice flour . I am trying to find another thing to make crackers out of since Dr. Mueller told me to watch my arginine intake. Flax seed and sunflower seeds which make up this cracker which it homemade have a lot of arginine in them. So I am trying to find another thing to use. Garbanzo bean flour seems to work.
Arrowhead Mills organic brown rice is allergic causing. Swelling of upper gums, swelling of joints in hands, brown spit that was thick-gums must have reacted in some way. Slight depression, but not terrible this am, I ate the homemade cracker last night before bed. Later, the next day I ate rice cakes. A lot of depression happened. In reading the book Brain Allergies: Is this your Child? by Doris Rapp. I have gathered much information about how brain allergies can cause just the symptoms that have been plaguing me for all my life. Well, as long as I remember. Even down to the strange thought patterns of bloody knives, which I never wrote about, because it was to scary. But the thought was coming at the worst of the depression attacks. It was not to kill someone, but just scary bloody knives in the kitchen-and this could have been caused by the allergies that I have been suffering. Rapp discusses testing that involved drawings by kids. When under the effect of the allergies the kids would draw knives, tomb stones and other depression based horror subjects. Then when given an extract the images would disappear almost by magic. I have heard that these extracts are not known to work well at all times and are expensive. More to investigate. However my chiropractor says to eliminate the heavy metals and then see how the hormone and immunity pan out. I say I am going to do this and I have started to detox with DMSA just yesterday. May take months. I have had two urine tests for heavy metals one in November 2009 and one in July 2011 and the lead and all the other metals did not budge much, some have increased. But of course it might be a little off because the margin of error. But the metals are still there. I tried to detox with OSR(now off the market per the FDA) and a detox supplement created by Designs for Health which can be found on their website. Months involved and no urine test was retried in 2010. Even when I had paid for the second one and asked for it to be redone in 2010. If the doctor had just followed through and re-tested we could have pulled more of the metals out through something else. (Maybe DMSA),

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thought Bubbles

As God throws colors to the earth,
Flowers spring from nothingness.

He casts the white splashes to the ground,
The highlights become alive,
Rippling across the waves and leaves in the Wind.

I hear His laughter in His own delight.
He thrills my soul. The Wind caresses my skin as
His Hand brushes my face.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Same ol' Sypmtoms

Day before yesterday I ate three pieces of two different types of fruits, the next day blurry eyes, ear popping. Yesterday I ate non organic chicken, rice milk with carageenan, more that usual rice products-cakes, crackers, This AM anxiety. It is harder to type this morning, uncoordinated. This coordination problem occurs at times as well. It is usually found in the balance as I walk, for I stumble and I can drop things. but  in the mental coordination as well. It  can be in typing and to a small bit in the artwork that I do. All is well compensated for be going more deliberate as I walk, as I do the artwork, type. It was very frustrating when I first started to notice it.
That is the physical side of the lack of coordination but the mental side is at times the more frustrating. I thought I was getting more an more stupid because the lack of the ability to add numbers and to do simple mental tasks occurs as well.
This, to me means a brain allergy as well. There is a book called Brain Allergies Is this Your Child?by Doris Rapp, which I have just downloaded to my IPad Kindle.
Environmental factors: weather is raining.

Tracking the improvement of the immune system with the new supplements, and am finding that the  anxiety and possibly the depression and are still coming back.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Self NutritionData Website

Look at this!

VNS device and homeopathic

The implant is electrical, runs on batteries. Homeopathic does still work on me. I have been told that homeopathic would not. That information, so far as I can tell is incorrect.

Monday, August 8, 2011

New Crackers being developed

I am going to try a new way to make crackers. The flax seed based crackers are causing herpes out breaks. I am going to try garbanzo bean flour and xanthan gum for the base.  The liquid will be the liquidifed vegetables that has been the mainstay in the other crackers.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Thought Bubbles

Thank You God for the beauty of this day. Planted much     like me, in a roadside flower bed among weeds.
     Growing up, up past my surroundings, triumphant in Your grace!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

CFL Light Bulbs

Mercury Based CFL Light Bulbs

Thought Bubbles

Detox and Spiritual Detox

As I go through a physical detox, it has occurred to me that I am going through a spiritual detox as well.  Aaron,  my Christian mentor at work, has suggested to me that I get "Clean" with God. List my sins,  pull the vail from my spiritual face as I turn to embrace God. I agreed. Aaron supplied me a bible study that he was going through. I two weeks later am still listing my sins. When one does this, one starts out thinking one is blameless. Then the Spirit moves and you are convicted in numerous ways. 

Dr. Mueller's Office Vist

                The inset is the wellness report from Dr. Mueller.
Lifestyle Recommendations are at I am to buy the RAVE diet book. We will see if Amazon has a Kindle copy.
We discussed IV chelation. Price is about 125.00 for each session for 15 to 30 sessions. This is too pricey for now. But an oral chelator such as DMSA was discussed and suggested it could be started in about two weeks time-about August 15. This two week period will let me see how this other work on the immunity will take shape.
He said that my female hormones were totally out of whack. This is after about eight months on F+, and Stabilizer made by Bio Formulas. So not all herbals work for all people. I must sign a form to take the new supplements for hormones from Dr. Mueller. It must be pretty powerful stuff. I do have heavy metal problems. In lead, mercury ,arsenic ,cesium , nickel, thallium. I asked if some people could be more sensitive to the effects of metals than others at the same levels. He said yes.
Food allergies were discussed and testing for them should be done in the future.
Digestive enzymes prescribed. Buffered C. Lysine. All for immunity.
I have a herpes outbreak around my lips. Low immunity causes this. Foods high in arginine, such as flax and sunflower seeds cause this. Right now this tells me to stop eating the flax seed and sunflower seed crackers that I have been eating like crazy. I have been suspecting low immunity for months. Trying to combat it with probiotics for the gut immunity systems. There were two tests done previously for immunity and it was found to be low at those times but nothing done to me, prescribed for me, to help to build up the system.
My inflammation levels were low. When I asked him about inflammation causing depression, he said that that depression could come with low inflammation as well. 

Thought Bubbles: Poem "You Make"

Brown circles of wonder
Above Rosy pink cheeks
Tuffed up hair
These are the things You Make.

Rivulets of water dripping
Down from eves splashing
Sun lit wet ceramic tiles
White in highlights
These are the things You Make

Sprinkles of sweat on
Sun baked shoulders
Wet dripping hair in ringlets
These are the things You Make

Little girls umbrellas twirl
With flip flops flapping
Little boys on daddy's back riding
High above the crowd
These are the things You Make

Heads draped for a foreign God
With sunglasses gleaming
Sidewalks are steaming
After summer rains
This are the things You Made

You, O God,of mighty Strength
Maker of All things
Are the subject of the
Praises we make!

My joy after a rain shower as I worked in Liberty Square, praising God. You can see the depression has lifted here.

Thought Bubbles

I see Gods hands in the clouds as they form.
And the wind as it moves the branches of the trees.
As the wind caresses my skin. 

As the light sparkles in the leaves.
Sometimes the clouds form His hands

As He reaches down to caress my face.
He is everywhere. And as big as He is

He loves me. me little me..
Ain't that neat?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Carageenan: MSG

Note to Mary:
That video of the guy talking about the carageenan was amazing! I did not know that it is another form of MSG. I have been drinking the almond milk with that in it for a while. Then I stopped that and took a break from it and started it again, not knowing what carageenan was. Did I have a bad day! Chronic fatigue! Could not do anything, and was without any energy!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sage And Carrageenan: Substances for the Bad Food List?

I have been drinking a herbal tea that was suggested by the Summer team from their book that I purchased about two months ago.
  • 1/4 tbsp. goldenseal root 
  • 2 tbsp. sage
  • 2 tbsp. mullein 
  • 2 tbsp. raspberry leaf 
At first I felt really good, so I went with it. Been doing it for three days now, and now I feel, like, well, not that well. Now, in '98 and 99 I was burning a lot of sage in incense and remember a negative  reaction then. But I will have to retry it again in the future. Just to retest it with nothing else interfering. I maybe having interference from another product that has carrageenan in it. I will stop both of the products:  the tea and the rice milk with carrageenan that I started this morning.

Excitotoxins : Dr. Russell Blaylock

Watch this! I have a problem with MSG. This video is telling the story about what the food industry is putting into foods that could hurt us.