Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Steriods: The answer for now?

Dear Edna,
They gave me a shot of a steroid and I began to feel better. I dreamed last night, for the first time in many weeks. This only occurs when the allergies are at bay. This means that I slept deeply despite the VNS implant. I am going to make it I feel. I don't really want more medications, but I need sleep and  symptom removal so the anxiety and depression, itchiness, imbalance go away. I am still on the path to find a better way than drugs to solve the problems. Will always be.
Then to the blog:
I started doing enemas with coffee about Oct 7. It stimulates the bile production in the liver and the detox of the liver and the bodily systems. Organic coffee and distilled water. Could no longer afford the seventy dollar supplement to support glutathione production that the enemas produce. I am reading "The Gerson Therapy". Big read, I do it while I do the enema (lol) for 12 minutes.

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