Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Heavy Metals and Allergies

When I was tested for heavy metals, I was toxic in lead, mercury, antimony, arsenic, cesium,  nickel, rubidium, thallium, tungsten. So I was also interested in why I have hormonal and immunity problems. In a blog post that I posted just the other day, I found that heavy metals effect hormones and immunity issues. Tonight I find confirmation that heavy metals will also be one cause for allergies, of any kind.

It appears that heavy metals cause confusion in the body's immune system, and predispose the body to developing allergies. It has been my observation that those people who test positive for heavy metal toxicities also tend to have reactions to many more allergens than people who do not have heavy metal toxicities. By far the most common heavy metals that are problematic are mercury and lead, but cadmium, thallium, and a host of other metals can show up as well.

Mercury toxicity appears to most commonly be related to amalgam dental fillings, exposure to thimersol (a preserving agent used in vaccines and various liquid solutions used in medicine), and industrial mercury exposure. Although there has been much concern in recent years regarding mercury contamination of seafood, I have not found seafood consumption to be related to mercury toxicity in my patients. Most people probably do not consume enough mercury contaminated seafood for it to create toxicity issues. Click here for Source of this information.

These are Janet’s other sites:


  1. Mercury disposal sole health concern with fluorescent lights
    Wayne Kondro
    + Author Affiliations

    The mythology is certainly pervasive: fluorescent lighting variously causes carcinomas, breast cancer, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases, headaches, eye strain, fatigue, depression and even sexual dysfunction. Break a compact fluorescent light bulb and you might as well be mainlining mercury or, at a minimum, should be calling in experts in white suits and helmets to clean up the toxic waste zone that once was your bedroom.

    Yet, health and lighting experts say that there's no valid scientific evidence to support any of the above propositions and that there are few, if any, health consequences that will result from government moves to outlaw incandescent light bulbs. In the interest of energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the province of Ontario has announced it will ban bulbs by 2012, following the lead of Australia and Nunavut.

    “As far as health goes, outside of the remote possibility of some sub-populations that we haven't identified, I'd say there aren't any consequences,” says Dr. Jennifer Veitch, senior research officer in the Indoor Environment Research Program at the National Research Council Institute for Research in Construction.

    Even clean-up and disposal of broken fluorescent bulbs shouldn't pose an immediate health risk, provided that recommended clean-up procedures (see Box 1) are followed, says Rennsselaer Polytechnic Institute Lighting Research Centre Senior Research Scientist Dr. John Bullough. “You don't want to run over and sniff it up.”

  2. ‪Health Effects Compact Fluorescent Bulbs
    Many people have reported sensitivity to Fluorescent Bulbs, and now with the compact version (CFL) set to take over in 2011 - was it really well ...
    ‪DANGER! The (Compact Fluorescent Bulb) and (mercury) at home
    For information on the company bringing you a solution contact me directly. See site below... (Fluorescent light bulbs) contain (mercury). The ...
    by jeffseely1 | 3 years ago | 56,804 views


    ‪Dangerous, CFLs, compact fluorescent light bulbs burning, catching fire.
    The second compact fluorescent light bulb to catch fire in my home. These bulbs are hazardous!
    by mrsdontuwantoknow | 11 months ago | 4,258 views


    ‪DANGER: Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs
    Too good to be true, these poisonous and delicate bulbs are in many homes, and Edison's competing bulb will be ILLEGAL within 10 years. Edison's ...
    by MrCropper | 2 years ago | 9,552 views
