Sunday, May 8, 2011

Closing in on God

I think that to be successful in fighting depression I must have a connection with God. Not just a mouthing of it, but a true heartfelt trust that I am truly loved by Him. Forgiven, cared for, strengthened by Him. That I am more than the problems that I face. 

Stress can be fought by keeping in mind that God will perfect anything, anything that concerns me. This does not mean that He will make it always to my liking. No, but that how ever it turns out it will be God's will. And I know that He loves me and will care for me always. This reduces stress greatly. To feel love instead of stress brings peace to me. 

The Lord will perfect that which concerns me. Psalm 138: 8

Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. Hebrews 13:5

There is the truth that whatever you think of most becomes your reality. So if I dwell on negativity then I feel weak, depressed, sluggish and sick. However if I feel my mind with the above and things like it, well the stress and depression lifts.

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