Sunday, October 24, 2010

Elaine's Passing

October 10/13/2010
Elaine England, my niece, passed away yesterday morning while sleeping. She was in her late twenties. Some health issues were involved,but overall she seemed healthy. This blow to the family, I think, is in someways worse than if my mother,almost ninety, passed. Her father is a pastor, and all family members are strong in the church. One of her issues was depression. She fought with it most of her short life. Now at least she is at peace. At this time, so shortly after the event, we don't know just what happened. An autopsy is warranted.
I think, at this short time, that the depression was just another symptom of an overall health issue. Why, in this day and age, won't we as society wake up to what our bodies are telling us?
I read a lot of Sherlock Holmes novels and I am amazed at the minute details that this fictional detective perceives as he studies his problems, his subjects.  He looks at all of the smallest things and how they inter-relate to each other. Why aren't  his techniques employed today? Why, what with the new technologies and information that is available on the Internet, we can't fight the health fight with more success? Nothing is intragrated, or inter woven into a whole. In chiropractic, everything is inter woven, and the source of all illness is addressed, inflammation.
All illness is traced back to this inflammation through different signs that are evident. Problems with the digestion, skin, popping in the ears, aches in the joints,all point to hidden problems. Even how we process our thoughts. Sometimes the sequence of the thoughts and what triggers  them is amazing. I think the brain works in patterns, and once trained into the negative, it is hard to "repattern" it.
But not impossible. My depression is caused by stress. Fed by stress. Right now, every emotion is intense. It maybe the detox from the drugs I have been on all these years.
We are on our way to Ohio
We are going through the Shenndoah Valley. First mountains we have been in in thirty years. Garmin signal is coming and going. Depression has lifted for some days at this point. It is possible that new things for my brain to grasp is circus navigating the depressive thoughts. Will think of that fact to supply more new things into the mix of life.
Elaine died so young. I want to do more things before I die. The chief one is to be happy most of the day on a day to day basis. This is more to me than making money. To find my inner happy spot before I go.

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