Saturday, July 31, 2010

Kathy loses water

My friend at work, Kathy is affected by the same yeast problem. Her latest problem is that she was losing so much water through her skin that she thought she was going to die. She was just dripping all the time. gushing actually. So she did a cleaning out of her system. She eats nothing, fasting with water all day and takes two 4 oz (8oz total) liquid magnesium citrate doses (bought from Walgreens). This cleans the colon for her and her symptoms stopped. She got rid of the yeast build up in the cleaning of the colon. But gushing water?
She suffers anxiety to a great degree. And the popping in the ears. Same sort of stuff as me. She suffers as I do. Something in knowing gives me strength. We share info and go to the next day.
I am re reading the Beyond Probiotic booklet mentioned before. I am still finding out more stuff as one does when one studies a piece.
I am suffering from the heat and other stresses right now. Heat, emotions, working stresses all bring on the symptoms. But I will continue to work on this. Building my own strength healthwise and psychologically.

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