Saturday, July 11, 2009

Six days in to the plan

I started eliminating bread on the fourth of July. I noticed something almost right away and stronger in the next four days. Then on Thursday I had a sugar feast. M&Ms and some other chocolates at night. The next day I was deeply depressed. It started about 12 hours after injestion and continued for about five hours, lessening as time went on. This morning I am better, but my dreams where anxious last night, and I slept restlessly.
I need my sleep to function well. So when I eat crap, I will feel like crap. My skin still itches, which is one thing the plan said would happen. It is mostly my torso and upper thighs front and back. My right ear seems to be flowing with clear liquid as I sleep on it. This clear liquid is not copious but is there every night and dries to the ear. I clean my ears every morning, an OCD thing, so i would notice more stuff than regular.

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