Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Back Up to Snuf

Last week I was constantly tired through my days off and only started feeling alive two days after I returned to work. But at least I can say that I regained my feelings of wellness and did not go into depression. I worked 46 hours and was very busy during that time. I did have a slight feeling of anxiety, but did not go into depression. I am three weeks into reduction of thoridiazine by half down to 25 ml a day and down on paxil by one quarter from 60 to 45 ml. I feel great. Migraines are less. I am using a massage pillow on my neck, but only since two days ago. So most of the time I have been depending on the implant to help and I believe it has. I am back up to 40+ hours at work.
I called the hospital to ask where the bill was, since it has been almost two months since the procedure. They said that they have resubmitted it to Aetna and that I should get it shortly, within the next two or three weeks.
Meanwhile I have told many people about it. It seems amazing and God sent. I actually feel good.
I am trying to lessen the amount of food I intake, and I think that is coming into focus as well. I gained at first, because everything tasted so much better. Carbs just don't mean that much to me any more. I thought I would never say that. Exercise is down a bit, mostly because of more time spent at work.

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